Didu University

"Shallow, how about the anime seeds I sent you, they are all very classic"

Luo Yiyi said with a smile.

"I..... I didn't watch it after watching it a little, the performance was too exaggerated," said with a shallow blush.

"Really? Haven't you finished watching one?

"Really, why did I lie to you," said shallow justice.

How could such a thing be admitted...

For the first time, she knew that in addition to the double head, there was also electric....

It was simply terrifying,

impacting her simple ideological concepts,

and she felt that the biological knowledge she had learned before had been learned in vain...

"That's all classic female anime, I found it with great difficulty, I didn't expect you to like it," Loi sighed.

Good things to share with good friends, but I didn't expect that Shallow didn't like it.

"You're not supposed to be gay, are you?" Shallow suddenly covered his chest.

In the bedroom, I wore a simple corset, which was somewhat revealing.

There is meat and hook, very sexy.

"What are you talking about, sister, I am a normal biological orientation, gender female love male

" "Then why are you looking for so many female anime?" Shallow is a little puzzled.

"Because the male comic is so disgusting, you don't know how exaggerated..." said Luo Yi faintly.

"How exaggerated?"

"More than ten times more exaggerated than the woman's.... I can't stand it," Loey spoke very straight.

Her personality is just a bit of a big grin.

"You are not a lesbian, then I will be relieved" Asa put his hand down.

"Just your little meat, my sister still can't see it," Loy joked.

By the way, he stood up again, a pair of full headlights.

Quite a big D.

The dormitory was just the two of them, and they spoke a little unscrupulously.

Occasionally, the two would tease each other, and life in the bedroom was like this.


After a while

"shallow, play the game?" I find pesticides so fun

" "Pesticides, I won't..." said Shallow.

She had watched Lin Feng play a few times, and she was not interested.

"You don't understand this, don't you want to promote feelings with your brother? You have to start with the game

" "You think about it, doesn't it feel good to fly with him," Luo Yi said as he lay on the bed with his jade legs up.

She was wearing something simpler today, wearing only a pair of shorts, and her upper body was simply naked.

They are all girls, and she is not afraid to walk away.

"Hmm..... What you said makes sense: "Shallow, I want to talk to Lin Feng more every day."

But just a few words every day, can't you say that you miss him every day?

Sooner or later, the clues will be discovered.

Shallow is a doer, and immediately looked up learning materials on the Internet.

Open the chakra eye to learn and imitate from the movements and moves.

2 hours later

"Hmm.... Sure enough, it's not difficult, as long as the hand speed keeps up"

All kinds of move details are in place, this game is just a hand.


The next day

, it was still slightly bright, the time was still a little early

, but shallow was already ready to get up

, this is her personal habit, to go to the back of the school to run a lap, do daily physical exercise.

Every day in the dormitory is going to be moldy, and this college life is a little simpler than expected.

She is inherently smart and has the ability to copy and paste.

It's really easy to learn this kind of theoretical thing.

In the first month's quiz, she finished third in her class.

The first and second are both at the level of learning gods, and these two she really can't compare...

Today she is wearing a simple tracksuit with blue ultra-shorts.

Wear a white cap, hold your hair down.

Otherwise, when running, the silver thread dances wildly, which is a little troublesome.

Finally, I put on a pair of white sneakers and went out the door.


The environment here in the back mountain

is good, but it has not been developed much.

It's all primitive green

and the morning wind is a little cool, but shallow is not too much of a feeling.

This temperature blows on the body just right.

She jogged in small steps, wore headphones, and enjoyed this comfortable life.


When she ran to the back mountainside, she saw some shaking of the grass in the distance.

Take off the headphones and hear a slight moaning sound

, this place is relatively remote, and few people come here on weekdays.

She saw a roller coaster parked next to the grass, and

the woman's curiosity told her that there should be a story in it.

She walked straight over.

Pulling the grass apart

was a woman with short hair, covered in blood...

It is particularly noticeable on the neck with two tooth marks.

There were also some torn clothes next to them.

There are still a lot of claw marks on the body, which are not like ordinary people doing it.

Asa first covered her body with clothes on the ground, and then used her mobile phone to call the campus emergency number.

She didn't know the situation of the woman in front of her, and she was afraid that she had suffered some dark injuries, and it was difficult to help her down the mountain directly.

After asking about the preliminary situation on the phone, the schoolgirl doctor only asked her to take care of it first,

and they could arrive within 10 minutes.



, the campus emergency team, which received a shallow call, rushed in an off-road vehicle.

When this happens to the school, it's a little bad.

A slightly older middle-aged woman stepped forward to conduct a simple physical examination of the woman.

The two tooth marks and blood holes on the neck are the key injury points.

After a simple bandage, she placed it on the car on a stretcher.

After inquiring about the shallow situation, he hurriedly drove down the mountain.

The brave shallow was not frightened by this.

It's just that there are still some doubts about who would dare to do such a thing on campus?

Is it a monster? Or is it a beast-line power?

She scanned the surroundings with her chakra eyes,

only seeing some claw marks and marks.

Disappear into the depths of the woods....

"Well, I'd better go back, there are other teachers in

the school" Asa stopped moving forward, she wanted to keep a low profile in the school.

The bead told her that the world was still dangerous, and her pupil power was too special.

Being targeted by someone with a heart can be a bit troublesome...

Deep in the woods

, a figure hung upside down on the tree, opened

his blood-colored eyes, and saw shallow steps and stops.

A fierce light was revealed....

There were blood beads dripping from its body, and it was also injured a lot.

"Those eyes, it seems that they have seen the same type somewhere..." It

turned its mind and seemed to have seen a similar existence.

However, it didn't think much of it.

There are many students in the Department of Abnormal Energy at Didu University.

It is also normal to encounter awakening special pupil power....

It's just that this silver-haired girl feels a little special to it, and it seems to be worth tasting.


Shallow silently returned to the dormitory, while Luoyi was still sleeping with his head covered.

She was dark last night, and she happened to have a good night's sleep on the weekend.

What happened this morning made her feel a little uncomfortable.

To such a heavy hand on an ordinary person.

And this is still near the park, it's really a little daring

: "What the hell is it doing?" Could it be true that the bead said that the big change is about to begin?

Thinking of this, she opened the box at the end of the bed again.

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