
: "Little girl, your means of fooling people are not bad," said the jade of the four souls,

and the black girl was stunned.

What a simple girl it was...

It's all fooled into this....

"Why, Brother Stone, do you still have an opinion?" The dark, shallow and evil smile said

, in a special fusion state, she dominated

: "No opinion, I'm just an ordinary wishing bead."

Ignoring what's going on outside the window"


Jiang Nan

"This thing is for you"

Lin Feng took out a small box from his arms and put it in front of Hatsune.

Hatsune's eyes were a little surprised, and when I opened it, I saw

a pair of delicate stud earrings....

"I see that your defense against illusion is a little poor, and this stud earring can strengthen mental power,

which should help you somewhat," Lin Feng explained with a smile.

This is something he specially prepared for Hatsune, and the star and moon nails that the mall spent 50,000 to buy.

Special Effects: Illusion Breaking!


The two simply got tired of it for a while

Hatsune just left for the airport....

At this time, she had already put on the stud earrings that Lin Feng gave her

, and she was indeed a little weak in resisting this aspect of illusion, unlike Lin Feng, who had those green eyes that could be broken.


Hatsune returned home, Ye Zhengchun and the others were already waiting in the living room,

during this time, they were also worried about

Hatsune, originally Ye Zhengchun said to come directly to Jiangnan to find her

, but Hatsune refused

, the world of the two, plus someone else, how troublesome....

"Dad, this is a good thing for you"

Hatsune took out the big peach....


"Eat, there will be a surprise when you eat," Hatsune said mysteriously.

"What surprise? Come, taste it all"

Ye Zhengchun beckoned Zhao Meiyu to take a knife and cut the fruit....

"No, we are not interested in fruits, so we don't want them," Ye Chufan said.

This peach is like a birthday peach, and most of it has other meanings.

It's not that a few of them haven't eaten fruit, so naturally they don't have the idea of dividing peaches....

"Yes, this peach looks like a birthday peach. If you eat it, you may be able to live a long life," Zhao Meiyu also said with a smile.

Shou peach, eat it whole...

Zhao Meiyu helped him wash the birthday peach and brought it to him.

Ye Zhengchun didn't pay much attention to it, picked it up and took a bite.

The flesh is fatty and the taste is indeed good....

It's just a little cold....

After eating, my spirit seemed to be much better

, "Hehe, if I let everyone know that I will have an extra 5 years of life in the future, I don't know how happy I should be,"

Hatsune thought to himself....

Now tell them that eating a peach can increase their life expectancy by 5 years, they find it hard to believe...

She felt that she should say it again on the day that the Heavenly Master prophesied...

Prove everything with facts .....

Now Ye Zhengchun and Zhao Meiyu are becoming more and more affectionate....

It all depends on Ye Zhengchun's few lifespans....

A lot of things, just want to argue....

Also because I thought that his life would soon be over, I endured it....

"Hatsune, why didn't you bring Lin Feng back when you came back this time?"

"He still has some things, he won't be able to leave for a while"

Everyone chatted very cleverly, no one said

to the black flash that some things were understood in their hearts

, in the past two days, Chen Ping also called him

to help communicate and coordinate, after all, Nan Mo and the black flash did have some contradictions before

, in the meantime to see if you can adjust it in the center

, he has always been the master and

so some things, It was more convenient for him to speak.

"By the way, accompany your mother to a place tomorrow

" After the small talk, Ye Zhengchun suddenly said,

"What place?" Father? "Hatsune has a little problem

" tomorrow you will know when you go

, "There is still his son, some things are not convenient for him to say

, compared to Hatsune and Lin Feng together, there are still some days

, this stomach does not grow?"

Although Lin Feng has a good medical skill

, but the doctor cannot heal himself, Ye Zhengchun still understands...

"Oh, good," Hatsune quickly answered.

Now she's a free man, and it's no problem to go anywhere....

After the last incident, although the National Security Department secretly restored her backstage permissions

, no one dared to send her any work arrangements

, after all, where can a person linger and leave?

The next day

, Ye Zhengchun personally drove and took Zhao Meiyu and Hatsune to a house that was a little old

: "Meiyu, I won't go in, what to listen to the doctor

" "Hmm"

Zhao Meiyu replied.

Hatsune in a state of confusion, followed Zhao Meiyu into the courtyard

, the decoration is very simple, there is a strong medicinal fragrance in the house, and a lot of medicinal herbs are sunburned in the center

of the yard, there is a plaque at the entrance of the courtyard, the plaque

"Ancient Medical Family"

is quite old, four strong and powerful large characters

are enough to show the strength of the owner of this house.

"Mrs. Ye is good,"

a young woman saw Zhao Meiyu and Ye Chuyin, and quickly came over, and then

someone had called and contacted her before.

I heard that he was a friend of the official of the imperial capital, and he couldn't afford to snub.

"It's quite beautiful, when the time comes, I will also build one for Lin Feng"


looked at her wooden house while looking at it, it was also first-class....

After walking through the courtyard, the terrace, and

a few more circles

, I finally arrived at a small house...

A white-haired old woman who was nearly 60 years old lay on the rocking chair

and glanced sideways at the two.

"It's Director Chen's friend, please sit,"

Zhao Meiyu pulled Ye Chuyin to find a stool at random.

"Is there some hidden disease?" The old woman asked again

, and Zhao Meiyu got up and leaned into the old woman's ear to explain a few words.

"In this case, then let me diagnose and treat first

" "Little girl, you come here." Put your hands on this,"

the old woman said to Hatsune

, feeling a little mysterious, but did not say anything

, after all, this is her parents' arrangement....

Anyway, she is not sick, it must be faster to find Lin Feng if she is sick...

The old woman's hand was on Hatsune's pulse,

and suddenly her face was a little strange

, and her brows furrowed...

It shouldn't be...

She glanced at Hatsune a few more times....

This girl is indeed very handsome...

It's a big beauty....

But this pulse is not right....

Looking at Zhao Meiyu's expectant gaze, the old woman thought for a long time...

"Madam, did you come here specifically to joke?

They are still a big girl, you let me check why she is not pregnant??"


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