Lin Feng stood in mid-air, holding a long knife of burning fire...

After thinking in the air for a long time

, he suddenly slashed downwards...

A roaring flame immediately ignited below,

and the flames quickly spread around...

A cloud of flames stained the bones.

This mountain range of corpses suddenly became volcanoes...

The miasma of corpses spread everywhere....

Fortunately, Lin Feng's anti-poison attribute is quite strong, otherwise he would have poisoned himself this time.

"Host, you are quite direct

..." "I just want to see, burn this place to ruins, the guy hiding inside can't get out..." The

flames are under the control of Lin Feng, burning mountains and mountains, boiling water when encountering water....

After a long time

, Lin Feng finally heard a monstrous roar...

A giant four-legged beast emerged from the ground....

It has a huge dark green horn on its head and three vertical eyes.

He had two fangs in his mouth and was covered with black steel spines.

On his back, there stood a somewhat thin old man.

His face is as dry as a wood bone, and his eyes are deep...

Holding a dark green magic staff in his hand, wearing a white bone crown on his head,

he was staring at Lin Feng viciously......

... "It's just that you take away my anger, and now you have to burn the corpse!"

That's too much!

"The old man is full of anger, if he is not sure to kill Lin Feng,

he will not talk so much...

Lin Feng looked at this strange old man, and he was also speculating about his strength in his heart...

This guy is by no means constructed to be a man on this planet....

The magic staff in his hand seems to contain special power...

Especially the giant beast under his feet, there should be something extraordinary...

But he came this time to find a way to get angry, not to kill

"I thought it was ownerless and wanted to burn it clean.

Replant the flowers and plants, beautify the environment, and get an environmental protection development in the future.."

Lin Feng opened his mouth and said blindly, but the long knife in his hand was not half


This old man is a little eccentric, not quite like a person from this world...

The old man stared at Lin Feng's green eyes, and his heart was also a little longing.

It's so green!

When I look at it directly, I feel a little panicked!

The shock is powerful!

"Hehe, you said that, it sounds a little reasonable...

It's like a promising young man..." The

old man also borrowed the slope to get off the donkey, and his own anger had been sucked up by this person.

Hard spelling is not an option....


After a friendly and tentative contact between the two sides

, the guards in their hearts relaxed a little...

"Old man Su Chunqiu, don't know the name of Xiaoyou?"

"Under Gu Feng," Lin Feng said casually.

He knew some strange spells, and he could do a lot of things just by knowing people's names


"Gu Feng Xiaoyou, Naruto doesn't say secret words, I'm afraid you have other things to do this time,"

Su Chunqiu touched his jaw and said.

Although there is no beard, it does not affect...

"I want to get more anger, I wonder if Elder Su has any way?"

Lin Feng is also unambiguous.

That's his purpose, too lazy to hit any official language.

What's more, this old man who came out of this corpse mountain range is definitely not a serious person...

"Solution?" Su Chunqiu's old face wrinkled, and the anger he had worked hard to collect

had been absorbed by this kid in front of him!

"But this son is extraordinary, if he can use it, it is also a tool,"

he thought.

He collected the anger, isn't it to improve his strength,

this young man in front of him can attack and defend...

"If you are willing to help me, I will keep you with a huge amount of qi that can be absorbed!"

"You can consider it, but you have to tell the details of your bottom line"

To make a deal must be something for both parties, this Lin Feng is very clear.

"Ding, start a journey to another world, reward the mysterious lottery twice"

The long-lost system prompt sounded...


I saw Su Chunqiu's finger on the center of his eyebrows, and a ball of inky light was led out.

"This is part of the old man's memory, you can tell it at a glance

" "So crisp? But it's good," Lin Feng's fingers touched the ball of light

, and he immediately felt a huge memory information...

This Su Chunqiu, born in a famous royal beast family, was born with the purest bloodline.

He is gifted and intelligent, and at the age of 7, he can summon the beast Tiger Queen.

At the age of 12, he mastered the difficult skill of the imperial beast...

If nothing else, he will definitely become a great summoner in the future...

Unfortunately, at the age of 15, his parents died tragically while participating in the Great Patriotic War ....

The adopted sister Su Xiaoxiao at home also mysteriously disappeared...

Immediately after....

The blood veins are pumped....

This plot is very similar to being dug into the Supreme Bone....

This Su Chunqiufu had a great life, did not die, turned to the darkness, became a dark summoner

and began a journey of revenge....

The content of this transaction is also very simple, help him solve a dead opponent


"After reading my memory, how do you think about it?"

"As long as you give enough anger, I can help you" Lin Feng said,

"Okay, I'll see you here in three days, I think you should still have some things to arrange"


The conversation between the two was crisp and the details were quickly hammered out.

However, when he was about to leave, Lin Feng suddenly asked.

"Old Su, you always remember your adopted sister Su Xiaoxiao, shouldn't there be some special plot?

Could it be the two of you.... Hey?

"My adoptive sister and I are little. A clean relationship will not allow you to be tarnished.

Boy, if you say such things again, this deal, don't do it!

When Su Chunqiu spoke, he was still a little annoyed.

This part of the memory forgot to delete....


Lin Feng went home first

, since he decided to leave in three days, there was no information and no Internet in the other world, he

had to prepare the manuscript in advance

, and three days was enough for him to write a hundred thousand words...

Then I have to talk to Hatsune and Asa about this...

Thinking of this,

he called Hatsune....

"Lin Feng? Missed me? "

At this time, Hatsune was wearing a mask, and today she was reprimanded by Zhao Meiyu,

which made her a little unhappy....

She is also helpless, that kind of thing is not decided by her alone,

plus she is not in a hurry to have children, she is always urging her

brother to be so old, isn't she not married yet...

"Didn't think about it

" "Hehe, you must have missed me, what's the matter?"

"I'm going to a secret realm, I may have to stay for some days, I can't get through the phone during this time

, don't worry too much about it then," Lin Feng said,

he still has a stand-in doll, nothing can happen...

"Uncharted? Is it dangerous? How about I go with you?"

"No, you can just help me take care of the shallows, this time the days may be a little long

, although I enlightened her last time, but I am still a little uneasy."

If we both leave, if something happens to her and she

can't find anyone to help, it's quite troublesome," Lin Feng said.

"Okay, then you be careful... Stay safe! "

Hatsune didn't say much, Lin Feng's strength is

much stronger than her now...


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