"What deal?"

"Help me take this little cat woman over, how about I make a deal with you with this thing?"

Saying that, Su Chunqiu took out a black jade box....

Gently open a slit....

Immediately, a holy light appeared....

Su Chunqiu belongs to the Evil Summoner, and Lin Feng is not afraid of this power of light,

so he directly took the box

and opened it to admire it....

It was a white piece of mutton fat jade pendant, and the jade pendant was carved with a naked eight-winged angel

"beautiful" Lin Feng couldn't help but praise...

"This is something I got by killing a female sacrifice before, and it's not easy to shoot....

You are not from this world, it should be better to take it to you to sell the stolen goods,"

Su Chunqiu said without hiding.

This thing is a thief, but it should contain special strength,

otherwise the degree of protection would not be so strict at that time, and it took a lot of effort and

lost two eighth-order monsters, so it was snatched down....

It's a pity that this jade is too holy for him to absorb...


"Okay, deal" Lin Feng put the jade pei down,

according to the system's prompts, this task is also to be done.

However, this old Su is willing to give sincerity, and he naturally will not refuse...

He squeezed the jade pei in his palm

and couldn't stop playing with it.

The feel is very good, and the details are well carved....

"Old Su, that is, you, I generally don't like to do this kind of robbery

" "Oh, how many times have you touched those two o'clock, and pretend to be pure" "It's

better to act at night, I have to make some arrangements to pick up..."

"Whatever you want, you set the time of action"

Lin Feng didn't matter...


"No. 69, 7 million gold coins sold!"

With a hammer falling

, the ownership of this cat-eared lady is decided!

But who the flowers landed, Lin Feng didn't care...

Except for those Ninth Order (SSS), the others are not much threat to him...

The purpose of this time, he is mainly to unlock the power of Hongyu...

Prepare for future maps....

Things in this world are just for the sake of doing tasks....


"The bugs you raised, can you silently approach the people in Room 69,

I need to have markers..." Lin Feng said bluntly.


I saw Su Chunqiu take out an earthy yellow jar from his bag to

open the cap, and saw a flea-sized bug crawling out of it slowly....

"This thing looks like an ordinary bug.

There is no mental ability fluctuation, nor does it have any aggressiveness...,"

Su Chunqiu explained....

Lin Feng didn't say anything, and directly pointed at the back of this bug...

"I'm already okay here, it's up to you.

It's best to climb directly onto the catwoman's body.....\


Su Chunqiu chanted the words, and after a long list of alien words

, the little bug flew towards Room 69 slowly....

It was too quiet to attract anyone's attention....

Under Lin Feng's gaze

, the bug slowly sneaked in from the side crack of the window sill...


Room 69

is a man dressed in blue clothes and wearing a gray hat.

Looking at the mutant catwoman who had just been sent to the private room....

A hideous look appeared on his face....

"What a stunner,"

he licked his tongue unconsciously, this kind of superb beast slave is indeed rare outside.

He also heard the wind in advance and specially prepared money to come here....

"Gongzi, this mutant attribute is of great benefit to your cultivation,

but I think it's better to let Tie Lan temper her and taste it in the evening," the

old man said....

This mutant catwoman had iron chains tied to her limbs and her eyes widened angrily....

Looking at them angrily...

However, there was no iron ring around her neck, because she was afraid that she would deliberately seek death...

Everything is done carefully....

"Tie Lan, then this matter will be left to you

" "Tonight, be sure to satisfy me!"

The man in blue said to the woman holding the whip on the side.

"Yes, Gongzi,"

she bowed slightly to show respect...

With the golden long whip in his hand, he snapped it directly

on Catwoman...

A roar of pain....

Ringing in the room....

Under this whip, Catwoman really quieted down a lot...

This whip carries hidden attributes that are eroded by pain....

If you get it, it will hurt for a long time....

"Come, bring it back,"

Tie Lan ordered to the people outside the house...

Then four strong men came in and carried the catwoman down with the cage....

Lin Feng sensed the movement of the mark and knew that the matter had been done!


Haitian Tower

, the most exclusive restaurant in Dark City....

Compared to Lin Feng, the environment is much better....

The iron cage where Catwoman was being held was now in Room V9,

and Tie Lan was holding a long whip, looking at Catwoman lying on the ground with a fierce face....

The first step of tuning

is to subdue first....

The whip strips into the bone....

The little catwoman couldn't even make a scream...

"Now, are you convinced?"

Tie Lan took a bottle of white recovery potion

and poured it into Kittenwoman's mouth...

This is to prevent her from dying of excessive pain....

All the details and proportions, she has taken into account....

This year, she didn't know how many orcs she had tamed for the man in Qingyi!


Solstice Lin Feng set off according to the time agreed with Su Chunqiu....

In fact, it is also a whoosh....

Then he appeared in front of this cat-eared lady...

At this time, she had been replaced by iron blue into a delicate black and white long dress....

The scars on the body have also been removed by special repair potions....

There is anger in the eyes, more fear....

"Okay, let's get out. Serve Gongzi well," Tie Lan said with a sneer,

serving Gongzi was simply a great honor for this beast slave.

At this moment, she saw a figure suddenly appear next to Catwoman...

"Who are you?"

The moment Tie Lan saw Lin Feng appear,

the long whip in his hand was thrown down...


Lin Feng held the iron whip, this low-level attack

had no effect on him...

"Who's inside!"

Hearing an abnormal noise,

the man in blue directly pushed the door open....

He was also a 7th-order swordsman

, looking at a man with a beast horn mask, he was restrained by the iron

blue, and with a wave of his right hand, a blue long knife appeared...

Jumped towards Lin Feng, ready to kill this person with one blow!


A black ball condensed on Lin Feng's beast horn

, and the man who jumped in mid-air directly resisted and rushed

outward at a rapid speed...


with an earth-shattering bang....

This man, who has no name so far, was blown apart...

The explosion was like a signal, and in an instant, several eighth-order demonic beasts began to attack the subordinate territory of the City Lord's Mansion....

This is Su Chunqiu's agreement....

He wants to take the opportunity to make a wave of things!

(Thank you for your gift support, these are mainly to overdo the plot, and then solve Nan Mo's affairs...) )

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