Chen Ping handed a yellow file bag to Hatsune.

Let Hatsune open it first and take a look before speaking.

Hatsune slowly extracted the file.

She swiped the documents page by page.

The face was full of shock and incredulity.

That usually well-behaved and cute shallow, actually killed so many people

, a lot of things happened during her trip...

But this is not the point, the point is that when she saw

the photo of the red colossus after the shallow transformation, her heart was extremely shocked....

"It's connected to everything in the dream..." "

The red giant who snatched his relatives, and that sister..." No

wonder it was so familiar, it was this girl.

"How could it be her?" she muttered.

How could this happen to her?

"Hatsune, I know you may not be able to accept it for a while, but this is indeed the case"

Chen Ping secretly said that fortunately he did not tell Hatsune about this in advance.

Looking at her gaffe reaction, if she really said it in advance, it was likely to ruin this action plan.

"However, I negotiated conditions with them, as long as you can assist in subduing the Nine Tails.

So he left the girl with his life.

When the time comes, it will be sent abroad.

Chen Ping said slowly.

After all, if you kill Jia Xu, you always have to give an explanation.

If she stayed in Nan Mo, those cultivators would not be able to let her go.

Because after this capture, the first thing to do will destroy this girl's power!

They have already found the purification potion that Jia Xu hidden, and it will not be too troublesome to destroy the power.

It's just that he didn't expect Ye Chuyin's state to be so unstable...

It seems that the sadness is a little too much....

The past echoed in front of Hatsune, meeting Asa for the first time

and traveling with

her, in the process, her attitude towards Lin Feng was indeed a little too intimate...

Since Cheng Lin Feng went to the imperial capital, the relationship between Shallow and her took a sharp turn.

But she never thought much about it....

If it was really a dream foreseeing...

Yes, it all makes sense....

But can she get her hands on the shallow?

"Hatsune, the Nine Tails must be removed.

Leaving her alive is already the greatest forgiveness....

If you do something wrong, you will always be punished..."

Chen Ping slowed down his tone...


The white bus finally reached its destination

after several hours of bumps

... It's a desolate place, full of withered weeds....

The rocks are rugged, occasionally the wind and sand blow through, and the hot air

makes the skin feel burned.

In the car, the counselor told the purpose of the activity.

In the wilderness expedition, in the area demarcated by the group, find special types

of stones and finally rate who finds the highest value of the thing.

Shallow listened to it for a while, speechless, without a hundred years of cerebral thrombosis, absolutely could not think of this activity.

Running so far to find strange stones?

"We do group expeditions, in groups of two," the counselor said after getting out of the car

, this time it was a team assignment, shallow to a male student wearing a cap.

This person she knew, was the study committee member in the class, and Deng Yang

usually had good grades.

But it's just that the utilitarian heart is a little strong....

Deng Yang took the map and quickly walked towards the shallows.

"Gu Qianshian, the activity adventure site we allocated is here,

you see, when do we leave?"

"Whatever," Asa took out a green visor hat and put it on

, this was the last time she went shopping, and Hatsune gave her

that it was the best green thing.

The two walked along the direction of the marked point, holding the pointer all the way...

Asa occasionally looked up at the road ahead, and then looked down to play with his phone.

This kind of boring activity is a waste of time....


"The goal is moving forward in its established position.."

Not far from the Firmament Mountain, there is a newly built war room.

Several screens in the war room showed all-round images of the Firmament Mountain.

After a long march, all the students dispersed.

"Notify the other students, all evacuate!" A man wearing sunglasses constantly gives orders according to the situation


Soon, everyone except the shallow received a short notice.

The weather forecast has a thunderstorm and requires all students to return to the bus!

"Wouldn't you?" After receiving the news, Loi

specifically checked it on the weather map.

It really shows that a rainstorm is coming....

Thinking that it was going to rain heavily, everyone naturally panicked....

This is a barren mountain, there is not even a place to hide from the rain....

"What a trouble,"

she said secretly, quickly running towards the bus.

"What the hell is the school doing, going out without looking at the weather forecast

for a few hours is really a waste of trouble?"

"Girl, I think something is wrong..."

the Nine-Tails who was hiding in his backpack began,


Hearing it shallowly, he immediately put away his lazy expression.

"I feel a strong runic aura underground..."

"Also, the rest of your classmates are running back

" "Huh?"

Shallow red eyes.

Glancing in all directions.

No formation enchantment?

She glanced again at the man leading the way in front of her...

"I don't see any difference"

But the Nine Tails can't feel wrong...

Its path is much higher and deeper than its own, so it is better to be cautious...

"Classmate Gu, why don't you leave?"

The light red eyes turned, and the young man walked over...

"Why are you leading the way?"

She directly applied the illusion to hear the truth.

"The teacher arranged to lead the way...," Deng Yang said word by word.

He really doesn't know what's going on....

The State Security Department didn't want to brainwash him or anything,

just didn't want Gu to see anything abnormal...

"Hmm.... I want to go to the toilet, I'll come to you later"

Kurosha thought about safety first, and ran back to see first.

"Oh, good," Deng Yang replied, and then walked forward....


"Huh? She seems to have found out! The spectacled man in the war room shouted

, "The target is running back!"

"What! Discovered the clue so quickly!

"Quick, open the enchantment!"


, "Swoosh",

one after another enchantments suddenly rose out of thin air....

"Sure enough, there is something weird!"

"It seems that all identities have been discovered, and they actually lured me out of the school

because they were afraid that I would cause sabotage in the city?" Shallow and cold, said coldly

, but the reaction was not slow,

and in an instant, it was a giant armor!

Armed with the red giant sword, he slashed directly towards those enchantments!

Although the bell

is shallow


powerful, this is a special moon enchantment specially prepared to deal with her after all, with the ability to defend against SSS attacks!

She punched out the

enchantment pattern with another punch, not moving....

Four figures descended from the sky

and appeared in front of her...

These four are the general Yellow Crane, Green Snake, Black Bull, and Purple Tiger!

And Ye Chuyin was still on his way here at this time....

Chen Ping was still doing Hatsune's ideological work.

"Cooperate with the country and leave her sister-in-law alive!" \"

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