This group also walked for more than two days before arriving at the gate of the Bronze Immortal Mansion.

It's just that when they arrived, they found a person lying on the ground.

It was Fang Chuqi, a cultivator of the Transformation God Stage who was exploring with Lin Feng.

"What's going on? How can anyone else be here?" Everyone was very puzzled.

Not long after Lin Feng and them entered, the bronze gate was closed.

The special key embedded in the door has disappeared.

Only this Fang Chuqi's body died because of exploring the way, and Yuhualong had planned to bring it with them when they had planned to return.

He was first helped to lie by the wall, who would have thought that other people would be able to enter through other spatial passages.

Hua Yourong glanced at Fang Chuqi, and her heart was also full of doubts.

The passage of the upper realm can only be opened once in 100,000 years, and there are immortal soldiers guarding the passage.

This person is just a cultivator of the Regionalization God Stage, how can he get here?

"Could it be that some spatial crack fell in?"

Although there are doubts, it is not the time to think too much.

Her main purpose this time was to enter the main hall of this Immortal Mansion and bring out the Heavenly Burning Furnace.

Back then, the Immortal Emperor once said, burning the heavenly furnace, those who have a fortune will get it.

Hua Yourong took out the nine keys and inserted them into the door according to the corresponding shape.

Just like Lin Feng before, a light curtain soon appeared.

"Senior Sister, why didn't Jade Jianli say anything about this," one of the young disciples said.

"The palace master's arrangement, do you still need to give each of you an explanation?

Enter one by one in order, otherwise don't blame the ethereal sword in my hand for being ruthless,"

Hua Yourong said sharply.

The things of the Bronze Immortal Mansion were naturally partially concealed.

If you let them know in advance, this entry will definitely kill someone, I am afraid that few people who have the courage will dare to break in.

The rest of the people glanced at it and did not dare to say more.

Although they are all among the dragons and phoenixes of their generation.

But Hua Yourong's status was too high, and even the elders needed to be polite when they saw her.

If he dares to make any changes, I am afraid that he will die directly outside this immortal mansion.

Death is not terrible, if it is a major event in the Ethereal Palace, I am afraid that it will not even be able to die.

It is also possible to draw souls and sacrifice refinements.

Under Hua Yourong's gaze, one disciple after another walked in with trepidation.

Watching a series of seven people walk in safe and sound.

Hua Yourong's heart couldn't help but tighten a little...

If the eighth person also succeeded, then she would have to go in.

Even if you consume a precious substitute death magic weapon, you will not hesitate.

If they escape, others will not be able to move on to the next step.

That Ten Thousand Ancient Emperors, designed everything very well....

Fortunately, as soon as the eighth person entered, he lay down straight.

This made her breathe a sigh of relief....

The death of these disciples is not a pity at all.

As long as the heaven-burning furnace arrived, the position of her palace master's heir would be much more stable.

This is a great achievement, and her mother has prepared it for her!

With a calm and unhurried step, she stepped into the gate of this immortal mansion!



Lin Feng in the Immortal Mansion

stood by the furnace and looked into the furnace, wanting to see where this special opportunity was.

But he turned around several times, and still did not trigger any special passivity.

I can't help but have some doubts in my heart.

After going around in other places, I returned to this stove.

Tell him directly that this stove is a big chance! .

He touched the wall of the furnace with the sorrow of the ice sword frost.

That sword actually melted directly....

"Is this thing so strong? Lin Feng was also frightened.

If it weren't for the quick retraction of the hand, I am afraid that it would spread directly.

You know, now he only has one arm left!


"Young man, how is the research?

Do you need an old man to explain it to you? A

voice of vicissitudes sounded in his ears.

Lin Feng looked back and saw a gray-haired old man standing behind him.

Wearing a white robe, sword eyebrows, and long hair and shawl, compared to him.

It seems to have a little more calm taste.

"Senior, are you?"

"It's quite interesting to dare to come to the Immortal Mansion without even knowing the name of the old man,"

the old man said, stroking his long beard.

Looking at Lin Feng, he was still a little puzzled...

"The old man is the Evergreen Immortal Emperor!"

"I've seen the Qingdi senior," Lin Feng said very respectfully.

In the face of the strong, this is a must of respect....

Unexpectedly, the corner of the old man's mouth twitched.

"You can call me Wangu, the title of Green Emperor after my wife's death, no one dares to call me that"

As soon as Lin Feng heard this, he knew that there were stories again, generally mysterious big people.

Families will have a bit of turmoil and stories.

"I've seen the Ten Thousand Immortal Emperor," Lin Feng shouted respectfully.

"Very good, you can teach..."

"Before I tell you about this thing, you have to answer me a few questions"

As soon as the words fell, a sharp breath rushed towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt at this time that he was like a lonely boat in the waves.

It is worthy of being an immortal emperor, terrifying!

Even he faintly felt that if he wanted to kill himself, maybe it was useless to have a stand-in doll?

"Senior, please speak" "

Are you a person from the immortal world?" Wangu still has doubts.

Just in Fangcai, the gate of the Immortal Mansion opened again.

He felt the familiar immortal aura again....

The key to the immortal world, he only issued it once in 100,000 years, after each opening.

will be recycled by him.

How could there be another set of keys this time?

The new person who came in was still that Ethereal Immortal Palace disciple...

Hearing that the immortal world is still immortal, where did the key of this person in front of him come from?

"Back to the senior, he is not a person from the immortal world" Lin Feng did not hide it, and said directly.

He didn't even know what the Upper Realm was like, and if this old man asked him any question,

he would be confused.

Instead of hiding it, it is better to admit it directly.

"Where did you get this key to open the door?"

"The key is produced by our world, and we do not know the specific origin

" "Your world? It's kind of interesting.....," the old man said to himself.

When Lin Feng spoke, there was not much soul fluctuation.

At this level, it was naturally easy to see that Lin Feng was not lying...

If these two sets of keys are mixed together, he can't tell the real from the fake.

If someone cheats, it means that this level has exceeded him several times.

And through other channels, this group of people can be sent in.

This kind of strength is even more difficult to guess!

"Well, neither of these issues matter, I'm more concerned.

How did you master those two supreme laws! Wangu said in a deep voice.

When fighting against the immortal corpse, he saw Lin Feng use the power of the law.

Perhaps there are elite geniuses in the upper realm who can comprehend it....

But he had never heard of anyone who could comprehend two laws at the same time!


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