Lin Feng said that thing, from the upper realm, the system was paying attention to it.

His law cultivation progress was a little slow, and almost all of the three major laws had only reached the entry standard.

If it is divided according to the standard of the system, there are four stages of law entry, mastery, completion, and perfection.

Although I also bought many law cultivation books to check, I still felt that it was still a lot worse.

Regarding the cultivation area, he also encountered some bottlenecks.

He mainly relied on ghost hunting upgrades in the Nether, and relied on pure perception here to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

It was relatively slow, but in front of ordinary immortals of the same rank, it was also a top-notch existence.


After another half a year

, the three of them still lived a relatively quiet and peaceful daily life.

However, Lin Feng obviously felt that there were special eyes watching their house recently.

But using his divine mind to perceive and not finding anything made him feel a little strange.

Mobei City

, "Ye Shao, I have already investigated, there is no person Lin Feng in the family surnamed Lin, and I have not found any information about this person in other places..." A black-clothed subordinate knelt in front of Ye Chengfeng and said.

"There is no information, is it available on the usher?" Ye Chengfeng asked cautiously.

If the Nether Immortal ascends, he will normally leave a name on the receiving platform.

"No, there is no recorded information

" "The people we have checked are all about this person who suddenly arrived here with his wife and sister three years ago.

The previous information was not clear, and there were no names of these three people on the Immortal Domain teleportation list

" "How is it possible, could it be that they appeared out of thin air?" Or is it a descendant who escaped from that sin

domain" "You say the sin domain? Over the years, they've really been a little bit ready to move. But how could they be so bold in sending these three here?

"I'm just skeptical, but I can't confirm it yet." You go to the Tianji Pavilion and let them deduce his origins.

Let's see if I can find out something

" "Yes, Ye Shao"


"Brother, there is even a sin domain," said shallow looking at the ancient book.

Today, shallow and idle and bored, I took out all the ancient books that Wangu gave to Lin Feng and read them again.

After all, every day is sweet and greasy, and occasionally I want to change my brain.

"Sin Domain? Lin Feng was a little surprised, and there were a lot of ancient books that Wan Gu sent him.

It can be as big as half a room, and he just picked the key points and flipped through it.

The thin booklet in Shallow hands didn't care much.

Lin Feng took it, and there was even an explanation of the annotation written by the Wangu Emperor on it.

I think that the avatar was idle and bored, and also wrote something out.

Lin Feng looked at it seriously.

There were originally fifty immortal domains in the Immortal Realm, of which the Desolate Immortal Domain was the strongest, and the number of Dao Ancestors accounted for almost one-third of the other Immortal Domains.

But somehow, millions of years ago, other Immortal Domain Dao Ancestors jointly attacked.

It is said that the people of the Desolate Immortal Domain collude with the alien race outside the sky in an attempt to subvert the Immortal Realm...

This war lasted for more than 50,000 years, and in the end, nearly half of the Dao Ancestor of the Immortal Realm died...

The Desolate Immortal Domain was almost in ruins....

But just when the Dao Ancestor decided to give complete destruction, a light mass appeared in the Desolate Immortal Domain.

Then, this immortal domain disappeared....

In the end, the Dao Ancestor announced to the world that the Desolate Immortal Domain had committed the crime of colluding with the alien race outside the sky, and was led away by the alien race outside the sky.

Henceforth, it is called the domain of sin, and no one may be absurd again.

This thing, Lin Feng didn't understand it, and what Wan Gu wrote was also very general.

However, even after this battle, no Immortal Emperor could become an ancestor through normal channels.

Except for the Floating Emperor, there is nothing special.

In addition to the Dao Ancestor, it has always remained at the original number...


"System, do you know why? Lin Feng asked.

"Well, I know. But there's a lot involved.

Let's wait until you're stronger...

Some things, know too much, not necessarily a good thing for

you, if you have any cause and effect related to the way of heaven, I am afraid that it will not be so good to cut off" "related to the way of heaven

?" "

Well, almost, the thing you asked for is almost here." It is estimated that it will be only these two days

" "Well, that would be great!"


The starry night came again

, and Lin Feng stood in the courtyard looking at the full moon in the sky, and the uneasiness in his heart always existed...

"The Law of Time!" He silently used the power of the law

to see if something was going to happen.

After running for a long time, he saw several blurry figures, constantly approaching his home.

Immediately no longer hesitated, he was a simple person.

Straight to the shallow room.

I saw that both shallow and black slept very sweetly.

This little black occasionally feels lonely and bored, so he will come to sleep here.

Occasionally, I frolic and play.

Lin Feng also felt very good, after being in the Upper Realm for so long, they didn't have any friends outside.

Only these family members who trust the most.

He also really treats Xiao Hei as a stupid little sister.

When she is disobedient, she will also be taught a small lesson.

But it's all until the point.

After all, the

reason why there is such laughter at home.

It's all because of this little black.

Interesting doppelgänger too.


"Shallow, Xiao Hei, get dressed and go somewhere with me"

Lin Feng finished speaking, and returned to the room to wake up Hatsune as well.

The law of cause and effect operated, covering his breath first

and then summoning the doppelganger, and then took Hatsune and shallow and black to a place prepared in advance.

The law of cause and effect has the function of shielding and isolating external connections.

"Brother, what's going on?" Shallow asked.

The first time she saw Lin Feng's expression so solemn, she thought that she had encountered something.

"Cough" Lin Feng suddenly coughed up a trace of golden blood.

"Brother, Lin Feng, what's wrong with you?" The three asked with concern.

"It's okay, the power of the Fang Cai Operation Law is a little excessive, just recover it," Lin Feng said slowly.

Using the law of time, he saw what was about to happen, and directly chose another path.

Naturally, it will be subject to some physical reaction.

After all, this is also an indirect change in some variables....

Fortunately, there is a law of cause and effect, and the backlash is not too deep...

"We should have been targeted," Lin Feng said after thinking for a long time.


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