There are three floors above and below the Tianxiang Building

, decorated with magnificence, and when you enter the door, there is a picture of a nine-dragon play and phoenix hanging high in the center of the hall....

Around the inner wall, there are carved beauty bathing paintings, and in the middle of the fireplace, there are also precious aromas to smell.

A woman wearing various jade fairy robes was holding an immortal musical instrument in her hand and was playing the piano...

After seeing Lin Feng and Xiao Hei come in, a long-haired woman wearing a lilac fairy robe got up and greeted her.

"Your distinguished guests are coming, it's the first time for the two of you to come," the woman smiled, and looked at Lin Feng with tender eyes.

She has received countless guests, but there are not many people as handsome as Lin Feng.

This kind of thing temperament, innate, can not be covered up even if you change your appearance.

Moreover, this boy brother is dressed gorgeously, and he looks like a rich man....

"We are from the outer regions, and when we heard about some characteristics here, we came to take a look..." said Lin Feng with a smile.

Extraterritorial identity is now a good cover-up, and no one will delve into which extraterritorial it is.

"Hehe, we have a lot of features here, please come with me" The woman owed, and then compared the gesture of invitation.

The movements are very standard, worthy of professional training.

Xiao Hei widened his eyes and watched Lin Feng's expression change, wondering if he liked this tone.

For her, imitation couldn't be simpler.

Under the guidance of the woman, the two went directly to the second floor...

The set on the second floor is more elaborate and gorgeous, with playful sounds coming from the next room...

"We have special cuisine, as well as characteristic relaxation services, and more in-depth performances and..." The woman whispered in Lin Feng's ear.

Because of some services, if the woman is there, it is not convenient to explain clearly, she is not very sure of the relationship between the two.

After all, it is an outsider, and if it is a couple, it may not be suitable for some services.

"This is my sister, it's okay, except for that service, give us a copy," Lin Feng replied.

"Understand, Gongzi wait"

The woman led the two to the one-day room, and then slowly walked out.

She has seen many Taoist couples come in to experience their own experiences, and it is the first time she has seen bringing her sister to such a place.

This room is quite large, with beautiful fairies hanging on the walls, and the costumes are slightly revealing...

Countless night god stones of different sizes are hung in the house, emitting glow that dots the entire room...

On a round table with a large square were plates of precious fairy fruits...

Xiao Hei took it and tasted it.

"What's so special here..."

the woman said to Lin Feng before, but she didn't hear it too clearly.

"Nothing, just write good food plus relaxation.."

After a while....

Then several women dressed in light and slightly transparent clothes walked in with large and small plates.

are all special fairy delicacies, what six-tailed suckling pig, dragon spirit fish...

Most of them are things that Lin Feng has never seen...

A purple-clothed woman walked slowly, her figure was graceful and her curves were vigorous.

Among the immortals, such a cow posture, Lin Feng has never seen it.

Hatsune can only be said to be a little big, but it is not to this extent....

The ravines are quite deep, and there are many red marks on them. I think I have many years of experience....

Tianxiang Lou has many features.

"Two, these are our special products, please taste them slowly..."

She said and clapped her hands gently.

The women who served the dishes walked out, and then three more women with musical instruments walked in with frivolous steps.

There was music in the private room, which was indeed very distinctive, and Lin Feng nodded secretly.

Under the exquisite fairy song, the purple-clothed woman danced gracefully....

The arms dance lightly, and from time to time there are some difficult movements.

Xiao Hei couldn't stop clapping, this kind of scene is really rare....


One dance, another song, the song combined, it is indeed quite intoxicating...

Xiao Hei held a six-tailed suckling pig's head and nibbled it fiercely....

The taste here is really great, so be sure to show off with Hatsune and Asa next time.


Tianzi No. 1 Fang

Ye Chengfeng was surrounded by a group of fairies, drinking fairy brew.

However, his expression was very displeased, and the person he ordered had waited for so long before he arrived.

"Why can't Ziyi come yet," he said angrily.

"Ye Gongzi, the purple-clothed girl is dancing next door, it won't be long," a woman in pink makeup next to her said softly.

"It's been half an hour, do you look down on me Ye someone, or do you mean that I don't give enough money?" Ye Chengfeng said stunnedly.

Asking Ziyi to dance intimate dance is a must-order show every time he comes.

For so many years, in order to find the whereabouts of Lin Feng and others, he has been living in Mobei City.

Come here every three to five to relax.

It's just that the pair of brothers and sisters seem to have evaporated, and for so many years, there is no whereabouts at all.

"No, of course not, we also have rules in Tianxiang Lou, customers have demand to perform, and we can't rush it." Please also ask Gongzi to understand..."

"What is that person's honorable status?" "

I heard that it is a guest from outside the domain, but we don't know if it has any special status," the woman explained softly.

She is also afraid of provoking Ye Chengfeng, this is a big patron, in the past ten years, the cost of Tianxiang Building here is quite a lot.

"Liu Quan, you go and invite Ziyi over," Ye Chengfeng said to his servants.

He couldn't wait for a long time.

"Yes, Young Lord"


"Next time, maybe you can bring Hatsune to see, it's all serious things," Lin Feng thought in his heart.

The dancing is indeed beautiful, and the instrument is also very good.

The enchanting dance has a sense of fairy descending.

Suddenly the door was pushed open and a man in a brown robe walked in.

"Miss Ziyi, Ye Shao has been waiting for you for a long time," the man spoke.

Lin Feng and the two who were still enjoying the beautiful scenery without the slightest scruples.

"Huh? What for? Let's order first," Xiao Hei wiped his mouth and said very displeased.

She watched the purple-clothed girl dancing very well, and she was learning...

"Let's change the two girls, this purple-clothed lady, but the person Ye Shao fancy..." Liu Quanfang had already checked.

A heavenly immortal and a mortal immortal are not powerful masters.

Look at this dress, that is, the common thing of thousands of fairy stones, how can it be compared with Ye Shao.

Through this judgment, he was sure that these two were just ordinary families!

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