"Is water so good?" Lin Feng saw that the shallow dive was half an hour....

In the cold pool, small bubbles surfaced from time to time...

Lin Feng's left hand condensed into a palm, and then leaned into the pool...

The cold chill actually penetrated directly...

The soul couldn't help but tremble...

"This blue water cold pool is indeed not simple! Lin Feng said secretly in his heart.

His strength is not weak, and he can't even do the tentative touch...

But shallow can go deeper at will, what will happen to this mutated physique in the future?


After a while, Lin Feng saw that many blue scale fish, hairy crabs, and tiger skin shrimp were lifted up.

Then it was thrown to the shore, and then some cyan spirit fruits surfaced in piles...

Finally, Asa finally came out of the pool....

A good clear water out of the hibiscus, natural to carve...

After she came up, her aura moved slightly, evaporating the water vapor on her body.

I put on the same clothes as before.

After skillfully tying his hair, he said

, "Let me tell you, these things are delicious

, not only do they taste good, but they can also replenish the body... He said with a shallow smile.

"So what's going on with these ropes?"

Lin Feng pointed to the green rope on those shrimp and crabs and asked puzzled.

These ropes are very strong, and there are deep strangulation marks, and it doesn't look like they were just tied.

"You said, don't I practice in this cold pool every day, and when I'm idle, I'll go inside to get more things."

But the fish and shrimp here are too smart, and if they catch too much, they won't go to us...

So I went underwater and went somewhere else... Then tie them all up with these aquatic plants....

So that no matter when you wake up, you will have something fresh to eat..." The shallow eyes shone with a crystal light.

It seems to be waiting for Lin Feng's praise.

Indeed, these 40 years have not been so good....

Although the youth has not changed, the appearance is still the same, but for 40 years, it can only be in a small space here.

There was no one who spoke, as if they were locked up....

When you are really lonely, you can only catch some fish and shrimp, or dig out some bird's nest to have some fun.

The book that Lin Feng put on the shelf was read by her many times.

Can be recited backwards............

"Well, is there still one down there?

"Well, there are still hundreds of pounds..... I specially made a big cage to hide underneath..." said Asa nonchalantly.

These are good things, you can't buy them outside....

If you leave here in the future, you will definitely have to pack and take it away...

"You girl, you are really a talent," Lin Feng shook his head and smiled....

At the same time, I also felt a little sorry for this girl, and I thought that after bringing it to the Upper Realm, everyone would be able to live a happy and worry-free life.

Unexpectedly, now it has to be temporarily hidden, this small area, no one who speaks, what does it mean to be in the cage?

He hadn't seen the heavenly ghosts hurt people, but there were quite a few people in this immortal world who attacked them...

In his eyes, maybe some people in the immortal world are not as good as the heavenly ghosts?


The tables and chairs were set up on the spot, and these things tasted best when eaten....

The unique cold pool food, ordinary people are not qualified to enjoy it...

Even those Immortal Palace Holy Places, with special magic weapons, can only be tried to salvage in a shallow place...

Do not dare to dive.

Only a character like Xiao Hei, who is both bold and curious, can do something to dive underwater...

Lin Feng took a bite of the cyan spirit fruit...

There is only one feeling, cold!

Frozen to the heart...

Just this mouthful, he used mana to digest for a long time before refining it...

However, the spiritual power it contains is really amazing, and it can be called the ultimate spirit fruit of the ice attribute!

If you use it to refine elixirs, or other things...

He looked at the shallow eating of this cyan spirit fruit, as if it was like a jelly bean, one after another...

There is no such feeling at all....

"What exactly has this become? "


"How many days are you going to stay this time?"

"I'll go out tomorrow, I've just hit a lot of things, I need to find a place to sell it, exchange some fairy stones,"

Lin Feng said as he stopped the chopsticks in his hand.

He didn't have much time to delay, and the Blood Moon Calamity was said to be a hundred years.

But there is also the risk of early arrival....

This matter is about the safety of shallow and black...

At the moment, the strength of this Da Luo is still nothing....

He still needs to continue to improve!

"Oh...," Shallow replied with some loss.

If Lin Feng wanted to go out now, there was no way for her to follow....

But she also understood Lin Feng's difficulties, everything was because of the Blood Moon Calamity...

The mark on her forehead is now more and more crimson...

Especially at night, the breath emitted by the body is getting heavier and heavier...

People with a little cultivation can sense that something is wrong with her...

Now, she can only stay near this blue water cold pool...

It's easy to dare not go out....


The next day

, warm sunlight poured into the shallow room through the small bamboo window...

Asa woke up from his sleep....

Look for Lin Feng again, there is no trace of Lin Feng.

Already understood in his heart, he was gone again.


At this time

, Lin Feng was still speeding through the air with his sword, and there was no azimuth coordinate here.

Even if it is not easy to move...

"Host, are you still thinking about that?"


When Lin Feng flipped through the refining book last night, he unexpectedly found that the page of the instrument spirit chapter had been torn up!

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