"How could anyone else be there?"

After hearing the ethereal sound, Asa suddenly tensed, and then jumped up from an elegant backflip in the water.

Slender legs, leaving an arc in the air....

Water splashes all over and spills around....

She is strong and flexible, and she directly wears her clothes properly in the air.

Before landing, I dried my hair by hand.

However, because of her rapid movement, a big wave splashed on the water!

When she stood on the shore, she was still a little nervous.

You know, she has been in this cold pool for many years, and she has never encountered such a situation!

Something that can live freely underwater, she has only seen the special food and aquatic products in the cold pool.

I have never seen anyone else go down, and ordinary people will be eroded by the cold as soon as they touch the surface of the water.

Even the Immortal Emperor did not dare to stay in that pool of water for a long time.

But the voice just now was clearly coming from underwater.

If it is anyone, then the strength is too terrifying!

She looked seriously at the pool, this time she did not dare to dive again.

If there is any bad intentions, it will be a big trouble.

The daily anime that Xiao Hei often watches, often has the intrusive picture of multi-horned C-hands.

She's afraid of some kind of monster like an octopus, which is bad!

But after Fangcai's splash, silence began to return to here.

It was as if nothing had happened.

The red moon still hangs in the sky, only the sound of fallen leaves from ancient trees when the breeze blows.

Occasionally one or two animal cries can be heard.

Other than that, there is nothing else.

"What the hell is it??" Shallow frowned, thinking about what the voice said.

Between words, there seems to be no malice.

But after waiting for a long time, there was still no response....

She frowned and thought, her pupils spinning uncontrollably.

An idea came to mind in the blink of an eye.

She pulled out a storage ring full of special snacks and threw it forcefully directly into the water.

"No matter who you are, just let me ask you, you're welcome,"

said with a shallow smile, and his tone was also very soft.

The storage ring is on the surface of the water, just a small splash is lightly splashed, and then it is frozen by the cold.

Directly sank.

Apart from featured creatures and shallows, nothing else can float on it.

After throwing the ring down, Asa still stood on the shore, wanting to see if there would be any other reaction.

However, the results disappointed her and she did not react at all.

"Could it be that I really hallucinated?" Shallow said to himself.

However, she quickly dismissed the idea, there must be someone right.

"Forget it, go back and boil some porridge to eat, and you won't go into the water in the future" Shallow is also very thoughtful.

Without knowing the identity of the underwater person, if you continue to practice in the cold pool, if something goes wrong, it will be troublesome.

Just as she turned around.

A water dragon suddenly appeared in the pool, and it rolled directly towards her...

She heard the sound of water behind her and looked back sharply

, "What a big water dragon!"

The dragon condensed from the pool of water and began to dissipate when the dragon head was about to approach her.

Hundreds of shallow and never-before-seen cold pools, the deepest part of the fish and shrimp fell from the air.

Smashed into the courtyard all over the place....

Her body was also directly poured with this sudden flow of water...

"This is for me? Shallow looked at it and suddenly felt a joy in his heart.

Since the things in it responded to her, the harm decreased a little.

After all, there is a formation arranged by Lin Feng, the enchantment, and Hatsune is also practicing here.

If you move, there are really many inconveniences....

Also, if you move, where can you move?


Shallow looked at the fish and shrimp in the courtyard and put it away directly.

That's a lot more than what she's catching on the periphery.

One has at least 100 catties! Enough for her to eat!

Recently, because of excessive sadness, her appetite has increased, and she always feels that she has not eaten enough.

"Can you come out and talk? Asa continued to shout into the water.

She really wanted to meet who was down there...

If this person has been under the cold pool all year round, then he must know that she has a special Heavenly Ghost Mark on her body.

The people of the Immortal Domain can be said to kill the heavenly ghosts when they see them.

But this person doesn't seem to have this idea about her...

Who is it?


But this time, no matter how she shouted, there was no response below...

Everything was silent as usual....

After shouting for a long time, she felt a little hungry...

How to suck the fairy dew has already done something, just put the fish that Fang Cai sent.

Directly picked a 300-pound one out....

Take out a sharp knife and open the chest

... Over the years, her cooking skills have become more and more refined, and she likes to study her craft when her cultivation is fine.

Even Lin Feng's stomach was firmly grasped by her.

A cauldron was put into the yard and she seemed to want to make something different....

An hour later, a fish stew is ready....

The fragrance is fragrant, and it has the special color of the Nether...

There are also many products that Lin Feng bought from the mall that do not belong to this world....

These things go down, just stew, and they taste better than those chefs on the street.

When everything was done, Asa wrapped half of the fish in tin foil.

Wrapped tightly, then put it in a storage ring, and threw it down....

"I don't have many storage rings, you can return the ring to me after eating," shallow added.

For that strange strong man, there are still some thoughts in the shallow heart...

If you can get a good relationship, maybe you can get a helper when disaster strikes in the future?

After throwing the ring, Shallow ate it himself...

The taste is really good, and it is accompanied by plump Shichicho rice...

It's delicious!

"This deep fish tastes good," shallow nodded.

This fish is unknown, but its body is soft and tender flesh

, without thorns, boneless, and melts in the mouth.

It's really a meal.

A shallow steamed drawer of rice was quickly wiped out....

"But I'm still so hungry... "

Just after eating the fish, the hunger came again....

It's like eating nothing, this is the first time

She took out the food from the storage ring and ate it directly...

I ate all night, but I still felt hungry...

I always feel that my stomach is empty, as if I am not full...


Eat" "Eat"

anyway, there are many reserves at home, and she is not afraid.

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