"The weather is not bad today,"

shallow muttered as he lay on the crooked neck tree that had been half-destroyed by Hatsune.

This ancient tree, which was shaken off by Hatsune, is still dead after all....

No way, Hatsune's original strength was too great, and it had already destroyed its foundation...


The tree is dead, but everything else is fine.

Occasionally birds come to nest....

You can also scoop up a few fresh bird eggs....

It's just that since that day, she hasn't gone into the water anymore....

Although the creatures below did not seem to have any malice towards her, as long as she thought that there were special creatures below.

There is always a little bit of discomfort in my heart.

(Spoiler: it's a woman, a man is green,)

It's okay to be a woman, what if it's a touching octopus?

"It's so annoying, it's so annoying," she couldn't stop muttering.

Because she couldn't go into the water, her cultivation speed slowed down again.

I haven't reached the Da Luo Realm for so long, and the gap with Lin Feng has widened a lot...


"Huh? Is there someone out there? "

The current enchantment is a double illusion type laid down by Lin Feng.

Outside is the illusion enchantment, which is more powerful.

You can completely integrate the small courtyard with the scenery outside the cold pool.

Under the Immortal Emperor, he definitely can't see through the inside....

Inside, the puppet personally guards the safety of everyone...

They have lived here for so long, and the underwater creature has sent fish and shrimp once.

The rest were immortal beasts that broke in by mistake, and they were directly killed by the puppet!


"What do they want?" Shallow looked at the few people along the shore, and kept looking around.

The cultivation is not low, they are all Luo Tianjing, under the Immortal Monarch, they can also be regarded as extremely powerful characters.

"Do you also want to come to this cold pool to hunt for treasure?" Shallow heart.

Since that day of green light, people have often come to this cold pool to explore...

She wanted to see if she had any chance with that treasure, and she was also surprised.

However, the only difference is that the enchantment is an absolute forbidden area.

Lin Feng's order to the puppet was like this!

Whether intentional or unintentional.

Once people see the shallow appearance, the secret of the ghost that day will be completely exposed.

At that time, it will only lead to endless trouble....

As a last resort, Lin Feng had to strangle this risk in the cradle.

No matter who breaks into this small courtyard, they will be attacked indiscriminately by the puppets.


The men were still a little far away at first, and she saw one of them, holding a golden scabbard in his hand.

I couldn't stop shaking, as if I was sensing something.

It couldn't help but arouse her curiosity.

She opened her reincarnation eyes and took a closer look.

"This pattern..." the more she looked at it, the more familiar it became....

"How is it so similar to the pattern on that treasure chest?" Superficial pupil shrinkage.

Something seems to have come to mind.

When Lin Feng took the Sky Sword, Xiao Hei was next to her, and she naturally saw it clearly.

That sword had no scabbard, and Lin Feng regretted it for a while.

After all, the sword is sharp and wrapped in blue cloth, which does not look very incongruous.

Now that this scabbard has come here in the past few days, is it to find the firmament sword?

Shallow and not stupid, instantly reasoned and knew the reasoning.

There must be some special induction between the scabbard and the sword, otherwise how can it be found here.

"Well, let's take this as a gift for my brother" Shallow eyes were deep, and he had secretly made up his mind.

Of course, this is not the most precious gift for her.

The most precious gift, of course, is still the details....

It's just that Lin Feng has never grasped this detail.

Last time, it should have been the best time, and the main Lin Feng was a little bold.

That shallow will be a little more courageous.

That's what comes naturally....


Looking at the expressions of those people, shallow is not in a hurry.

She promised Lin Feng that no matter what, she would not run out indiscriminately.

So she is in this little courtyard except in the water.

What she's doing now is waiting for the rabbit!

Waiting for those people to walk in, anyway, there is an enchantment, and the people outside can't see what she is doing.

Also, this is also for safety, the puppet is only the first order of the Immortal Monarch, although it has the strength to cross one or two orders.

But there is no guarantee that these three people have no special magic weapon in their hands.

If you don't lead a little deeper, what can you do if you escape?


"Luofu, we've all been walking along this coast for some days, why is there still no trace

" "Hmm.." Luo Fu replied in a deep voice.

Now this situation, he also feels a little complicated, and he has almost walked along the edge.

If there is any induction, where is it?

On the way, I met a few weak people to ensure that they were safe.

They were all slaughtered at will, but there was still no whereabouts of the sword.

"Where will this sword be!" Luo Fu's eyes flickered, for this sword.

The price he paid was too great.

"I see, or let's separate and see," said a man in purple...

This blue water and cold pool quickly turned around, and the people they met, the weaker ones, were killed by them.

I still didn't get the slightest bit of useful news....

"Okay, then let's split up and look again, and after three days, with or without results, we will meet here," Luo Fu said.

He didn't dare to do the matter of digging three feet into the ground, so he could only continue to try to find it.

In any case, as long as the scabbard was there, he believed that he would find it!


Just as the three of them separated and turned around, Luo Fu only took a few steps, and suddenly felt that the aura of the man in blue disappeared!

"Huh?" What's going on, where to go?

The purple-clothed man also noticed the problem, turned his head, and the two looked at each other.

It's just a few breaths of time, what the hell is going on!

"Not a shift! There was no sound of entering the water, so suddenly disappeared? "

There's a problem around here!" Luo Fu said in a deep voice.

The two of them leaned closer, and a Luo Tianjing disappeared so calmly!

It means that there are big oddities around here!

Could it be that the secret of the sword is here? He also brought a heavy treasure with him on this trip

, that is, the Immortal Monarch, and he didn't necessarily have anything to be afraid of!

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