
"Lin Feng, they have a letter!"

With excitement, Hatsune carefully took out the letters sent by the Nether from the mailbox one by one.

After carefully spreading it, I looked at it seriously.

From time to time, bean-sized tears slipped through the corners of his eyes.

Her parents and siblings wrote her extremely deep replies.

On Ye Zhengchun's letter paper, there are still a lot of vague handwriting, I think it is tears while writing...

"Okay, don't cry, look at you like this, it's all a flower face" Lin Feng took a flower handkerchief and carefully wiped it for Hatsune.

Only then did I draw light makeup, and the tears did not stop, and they were spent at once.

Lin Feng also took the letter that he had read at the beginning, and after reading it carefully, he also

wanted to see what was going on in the Nether, and whether he had encountered any special monsters after he left.

It seems to be okay, the Nether encountered several apostolic invasions.

There is also a sudden appearance of an ant king who tried to destroy the world, but they were all calmed down by the righteous Ye family brothers

"Too wolf, I didn't expect you to leave so early.... When he opened Chu Fan's envelope, Lin Feng's already calm heart couldn't help but fluctuate again.

Hua Tai Wolf, how to say, still has some kindness to him.

It was one of the few friends in Lin Feng's Nether, but he didn't expect that he would die so early...

It's a shame......

"This is Ling Yi's letter to Shallow, I will receive it for her first, and then give it to her when her cultivation is over," Hatsune said, holding the envelope.

Hatsune wrote letters, and naturally shallow did not fall.

She also wrote a long letter to Ling Yi, but it was entrusted to Hua Huo to hand it over....

She wasn't sure if Ling Yi's home address had changed, and the location of this email address was not arbitrary...

"Well, that's fine, you have something to do in the future.... Let's put the matter aside for the time being..."

Lin Feng said as he nodded Hatsune's forehead.

This girl's cultivation progress in retreat for a hundred years is really slow, and this qualification problem is always a problem.

Sharpening the knife and not chopping wood by mistake, Lin Feng thought, or wait for the purchased golden willow dew or silver willow dew.

Wash Hatsune's qualifications well, otherwise if you continue to practice like this, I am afraid that you will lose the confidence to cultivate.

Because the progress of the shallow girl is terrifying!

Under the red moon, her Heavenly Ghost Mark absorbs the power of the red moon all the time!

Now, her cultivation has reached the peak of Daluo, and she is only one layer away from Xuan Immortal!


Isn't it time for us to celebrate? The

letter had been read, and both of them were already excited to the extreme.

It's a good time to celebrate.

Lin Feng's broad and warm palm rubbed on Hatsune's smooth face....

Her face is very moist and smooth, and when she caresses it, it seems to be stroking beautiful jade.

"Aren't you afraid of that underwater senior?"

Hatsune said softly.

Before, they were afraid of the underwater seniors prying eyes, and neither of them dared to move...

How to say this, although the two of them are usually more bold, but clearly inform that someone is watching the live broadcast.

That mood is naturally different....

Therefore, these days, the two of them have no other actions except simple hugging and hugging.

After all, it is not good to be live...

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