"What do you say, what hard work do you say about the family," said Shallow while rummaging the pot.

"Yes, at the beginning, when you came to my house, you were still a little girl, and in a blink of an eye, it was so big"

Lin Feng remembered how he looked when he came to the house and held that rabbit doll, it was really small.

There is also a pot of big stick bones stewed in the casserole pot next to it, and the taste is a little choking.

I've been staying up for a day with this big stick bone, and I have added a lot of special elixirs, doesn't it taste good? Shallow

saw Lin Feng staring at the bone broth and said with a smile.

"Well, this stick bone is fragrant and delicate, is it that mountain tiger bone?"

"Uh-huh, that senior especially likes to drink bone soup, I'll stew a pot for her when I'm fine

" "It should be, thanks to the protection of seniors over the years, we must repay it well when we have the opportunity in the future"

Lin Feng said, he is a person with clear grievances, and the woman in white has repeatedly helped Asa and Hatsune, he sees it in his eyes.

In the future, as long as you can soar into the sky, you must repay the other party well!


"The smell of smoke here is too strong, you better go out first..."

Look at your weak appearance, but really"

Shallow urged again.

"Okay, that gift will be given to you in the evening" Looking at the extremely serious appearance of the shallows, Lin Feng did not refuse again.

That thing is a bit special, the smell of smoke here is a bit heavy.

It's really hard to take out.

Lin Feng continued to walk out with a somewhat gentle step.

Looking at Lin Feng's slow figure.

Shallow couldn't help but smile, that thing, it's really interesting.


After a while

and the waist was up, two more hot dishes were stir-fried.

Seeing that the heat of the big bone broth was almost the same, he first served a bowl to the seniors below.

"Senior, my brother is back," said Asa holding a large bowl of bone broth.

"Hmm" The woman in white put down the romance novel book in her hand and hummed gently.

A shallow glance at the book cover.

It's her favorite one before, so give my brother back.

"Senior, with so many books, how do you like this genre?"

"I just flipped through it casually, and what I wrote is indeed a little interesting," the woman in white said with a relaxed expression.

For some reason, she is also quite interested in this special plot story, as if she has a deep sense of substitution.

"Senior, this soup is here for you, you drink it while it is hot, do you see if there is anything you want to eat, I will bring you some in the evening?"

"No, go get busy with your business

," the woman in white shook her head slightly.

In the past two days, this little guy has no mind to cultivate.


After shallow walking, the deep eyes of the woman in white fluctuated.

There were more fragments of memories in her mind.

"What the hell is going on, why has it been so frequent lately," she muttered.

Since the last time she saw the red-haired figure, she had some special memory fragments in her mind from time to time.

This time in fragments of fragments of memory.

She saw a figure wearing a bronze ghostly mask teaching her to fold paper boats.

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