



"Host, friendly reminder, your hunting value is only 500 points," the system reminded.

Hearing the system's reminder, Lin Feng calmed down.

Just strengthened the top!

It was almost +10, but I didn't expect to encounter three consecutive falls, so I never went up or down.

I looked at the magic moon attribute in my hand.

"Strengthen +7, increase the additional damage to ghosts by 20%

" "So be it, you still have to leave some hunting value for backup"

The system mall has a rich variety of things, various active skills, passive skills.

As well as all kinds of equipment, only not cheap.

It's not something that Lin Feng can afford now.

Daily food and drink items are particularly cheap, with a full list price of 1 hunt value.

However, there is a small line of small print below.

It is intended for the daily life of the host and cannot be resold for profit.

Once the reselling system product is discovered, the original price will be restored.

"System, what does this setting mean?" Lin Feng didn't understand too much.

"It's the backstage worry that the host will directly resell the system's goods for profit, so that it will no longer struggle in the future," the system


Lin Feng was clear, he really had this idea just now.

If you pick up the goods in the system mall, go to the takeaway sale.

It won't be long.

Wouldn't it be possible to take off right away?

At this moment

, Lin Feng's prestige sounded.

A message from the flower wolf.

"Young car, I changed the cover of your new book, it's too frustrating.

Readers have complained to me, saying that your previous cover did not have a sense of substitution"

Lin Feng quickly took out his mobile phone and took a look, good guy!

Changed to a blue background couple picture, worthy of the LSP flower wolf, the selection of the picture judgment is accurate.

These days, only LSPs understand LSPs.

At this point, Lin Feng is far behind.

(ps: Editor Flower Big Wolf is always behind the pot)

"Young car, this Sunday to open a tomato writers exchange meeting.

Your book is good this time, Big Big Wolf asked me to call you, I wonder if you have time? "

I have time, send me the address,"

Lin Feng replied without hesitation.

He had been waiting for this day for four years.

You know, Chenxi, who opened the book at the same time as him, has long become a platinum god, and now he has only got the bronze writer's ticket!

After turning off his prestige, he studied clothing and accessories.

After the self-contained system lengthened him, the underwear was a little unbearable.

If the battle is thrown too hard, it is easy to tear the pants, which is really inconvenient.

However, clothing and accessories are not so cheap, and they are all normal prices.

Searched for a while.

See a product description.

"Your unspeakable troubles, Halk will help you solve

them" "Haok brand shorts, you deserve to have, made for special people"

There are more detailed product introductions.

Shorts are free for the first month.

Cleaning services are also provided to solve the trouble of host replacement.

However, the post-service fee is 100 hunting points/month.

The Hakk guarantees that it will never be damaged for thousands of generations.

If the pants are only given away or not sold

, if you need to buy, the value-added automatic cleaning service is enabled by default, otherwise Halk has the right to withdraw the right to use the shorts.

Lin Feng read a circle of messages, and the hot evaluation was very high.

They are all messages from the system host

, but most of them are scolding.

It turned out that many hosts were like him, and the system forced an increase of 20%.

And no matter what kind of shorts you wear, they are made of titanium alloy, and they can't hold on.

You have to buy these designated Haok shorts.

"System, you guys are too ruthless, can you do such a thing in order to sell pants?"

Lin Feng saw that the system message had more than 50W+ comments, which meant that the monthly service fee had to be charged more than 5000W.

"How? Not happy with the length? How about I give you a little longer? Do I still have 10% private adjustment permissions?

"No, do you specifically want me to be a belt maker?" How will I live after that..."

Lin Feng refused without hesitation, everything was in place before, no matter how long it was...

Anyway, it's free for the first month, right and wear it.

After Lin Feng was sure, the pants fell into his hands.

"Never damaged?"

Lin Feng had some doubts about this.

Lin Feng pulled it hard, but did not tear it off.

The mind moved.

Conjure up a dagger.

No matter how to poke, how to prick.

The pants are not deformed in the slightest.

"Host, this quality is good, this pants are more absolute," the system said,

"what is more extreme?"

"As long as you put it on, don't take it off. No one can take off your pants

" "You know, men have to protect themselves outside.

The goddess of violence is not so easy to deal with," the system said slowly.

Lin Feng was moved, this system was really good for him. This detail helped him think about it....

But what does the goddess of violence mean?

He also took off his pants three times and five by two

, and was very direct

when he was about to put on the Hakka

"Brother, I helped you get the express back"

and "slammed"

The door was suddenly pushed open.

Lin Feng's pants were only half lifted.

There was still about 0.1 seconds before Gu saw this death scene.

"Hey, where's the guy? Wasn't it still there just now"

Shallow opened the door, did not see Lin Feng's figure.

Only a pair of torn shorts dropped on the ground was seen.

I was also very puzzled in my heart, when did his brother go out?

"Host, your reaction speed is fast,"

Lin Feng stood on the roof of the next community.

From this position, you can see shallow looking in his room.

Suddenly, his face turned green.

Asa picked up the pants he had thrown on the floor and retracted them and folded them on the table.

Just now, almost, it was a social death scene.

If he was seen, this harmonious relationship could not be dealt with, and he

stood on the roof of the building, and it was much later that it subsided.

I wasn't so nervous about catching ghosts yesterday.

In the blink of an eye, I thought that

I would go to college soon, and I would spend less time with each other in the future.

After graduating from college, it's time to talk about marriage again, and maybe there won't be many days to live together in the future.

I can't help but feel a little nostalgic, such a cute sister, which kid will be cheaper...

Imperial capital Ye family

"Young Master Chufan, the information you asked for has already been sent"

Zixi took a stack of printed materials and handed it to Ye Chufan.

"Gu Qianshian, age 18 years old, height 165 weight..." The

data has more than ten pages, almost collecting all kinds of valuable information about Gu Qianshao from birth to now.

It also includes information on his birth parents and Lin Feng.

After watching for a while, Ye Chufan was attracted by Lin Feng's information.

It is recorded that Lin Feng once watched movies at night with his second sister, ate hot pot, and visited the playground.

Even stayed in hotels together.

These signs, coupled with his second sister's attitude.

"Isn't it that the second sister likes this kid?"

"What is this person's strengths? Can it attract the second sister? He pondered.


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