"I agree with Bo Xun's suggestion..." "

I agree with Zhang San..."

"I Liu Jiatong...

After a moment of silence, an Immortal Emperor in the crowd finally began to speak.

The situation and the situation are in front of you, really as Bo Shun said, since you don't go out, you are dead.

It is better to take advantage of the fact that the Immortal Domain is relatively stable now, and the Heavenly Ghost has not yet formed a climate, and have a good fight with it!

Hesitation will only lead to defeat, as long as you win the final victory, maybe the Heavenly Dao will have an additional blessing reward!


"For the Immortal Domain, fight!"

Many immortal emperors shouted out the slogan, that is, they did not seek the road of eternal life, but also to destroy these heavenly ghosts!

After making a decision, everyone began to carefully formulate a response plan.

Because they had been holding on to it before, many spiritual lands had already fallen into the hands of the heavenly demons, and now the priority was to take these spiritual lands back before those defensive formations were completely invalidated!

Now that they are not even afraid of gray things, how can they be afraid of these heavenly ghosts again!

"Emperor Boxun, there is another question that needs to be asked," a Longyan Emperor suddenly spoke.

"Please speak

" "If we encounter other Immortal Domain people who do not cooperate, what should we do?"

These people who came from them were all native emperors of the Anlan Immortal Domain, and they could naturally use any means within their own sphere of control.

Their disciples will also obey their instructions, so there is nothing to worry about.

But because of the heavenly ghosts, there were still many foreign emperors, and these people did not necessarily agree with their ideas.

It is even more impossible to choose to live and die with them!

"Give them two choices, either stay in Anlan to face the common enemy, or choose to cross the void and leave...

In ten days, we will close all the shielding enchantments of the city and stop any more ashes from falling! Emperor Boshen said after pondering for a long time.

No one can have the privilege of this calamity, either to meet the enemy together or to become the enemy of all!


"Yucang Emperor, you found that minotaur before, how is it now? Any other news? Emperor

Mangyang asked, when Yucang was arranged to find Lin Feng in an attempt to obtain his resurrection method.

But because of the sudden outbreak of the Primordial Forbidden Land, some deployments were disrupted!

"There has been no news, and since that breakup, nothing has come out...

He became more and more cautious, and seemed to be planning some big move....

I don't know, is it friend or foe?" Yucang Emperor Monarch sighed and said.

The current development of the situation has long exceeded her expectations, although she is still a little unbearable about today's decision.

But it is also clear in my heart that there is no better way, either wait for death or fight with all your might!

Only by destroying the Heavenly Ghost will they have time to think about growing Shouyuan!

"Just disappeared cleanly? Have you ever asked someone to deduce it? Emperor Mangyang then asked.

He vaguely felt that this minotaur had some problems....

After all, who is a serious person who will run around wearing a mask? Also possesses the Resurrection of the Dead....

This is a bit weird!


"Nangong Emperor has deduced it several times, but he still hasn't found anything...

Everything about him seems to have been deliberately covered up, and there is no heavenly machine...

The origin of l is really a bit mysterious.... "

Cover the sky? Could it be that someone is planning something behind it? Emperor

Mangyang's pupils shrank, as if he was thinking about something.

"In any case, first find his whereabouts!"


Time flies, the years are turbulent, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye!

In the past ten years, many sensations have occurred in Anlan Immortal Domain.

Among them, the most repercussive is naturally the edict of the Immortal Emperor!

Give up holding on, take the initiative to attack, and live and die with Anlan!

And led by the Immortal Emperor, from top to bottom, took the initiative to leave the city and fight those heavenly ghosts!

No one dares to refuse, and if they refuse, they will be directly driven out of the city and face those crazy heavenly ghosts alone!

Even those other Immortal Domain Immortal Palace disciples were exceptionally cooperative!

The extraterritorial teleportation was completely sealed, except for the Immortal Emperor who could cross the void, there was only one way for others to survive!


Mysterious Jungle

"Lilith, three more Kaia giants have been destroyed!"

The counterattack of the group of people in the Immortal Domain was getting stronger and stronger! It seems that they are also open-minded! Rem said quietly.

"Killed again? This is all forty-ninth, and the speed is a little unexpected! Lilith's expression was also a little solemn.

A long black tail, shaking uncontrollably, seems to be a little anxious.

"They are now in a broken cauldron, and even those gray things are no longer afraid, which is indeed a bit troublesome."

But if the Great Elder didn't send the news back, could it be that there was a big mess above? Tam looked at the red moon in the sky and said with some concern.

They have been summoning messages for more than ten years, but they have never received any reply, and the number of companions who have now descended through the time and space channel has suddenly decreased.

They had to suspect that there was a mess above, otherwise according to the previous plan, a large number of emperor-level heavenly ghosts would have arrived ten years ago!


"Let me see, let's wait in that blue water cold pool, after all, the blood sacrifice side is also sending people to find the king..."

If they had some way to enter the pool and obtain the king's seal, it would be bad! Lilith frowned.

If it weren't for civil unrest, how could it be so troublesome now!

"This damn blood sacrifice has betrayed the king's trust!" Tam said slightly angrily.

During the period when the King of Heavenly Devils disappeared, it was always the blood sacrifice that was acting for the king!

Perhaps because the taste of power is too good, when he found that Wang Yin had reappeared, he moved other thoughts!

Why do you need an old king, he can take his place!


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