Three days later

, the Immortal Palace Alliance

Bo Shun sat on the glazed emerald chair, his right hand gently tapping on the case next to him.

In front of him, there was also a man lying on the ground.

When the time came, the man lying on the ground suddenly sat up.

There was also a grueling laugh in his mouth.

"Chris, you're on time..." said Emperor Boshun's gaze coldly.

"Hehe, I'm afraid the emperor is impatient..." Chris said with a weird smile.

"I don't know about the transaction, how did the emperor consider

" "The first thing to find people, I can promise you first, as for the second way to enter the cold pool, I still need some time..."

"If you don't believe it, you can try it with someone else," Bo Xun flicked his sleeves and said indifferently.

If the cold pool was so easy to enter, the pearl Daolian hidden in the depths of the cold pool would have been taken down by them a long time ago!

Why wait until now!


Chris thought for a long time, and glanced at the Boshen Emperor a few more times, and his eyes were a little uncertain.

In my heart, I was also thinking about how much truth Bo Xun had in his words.

Finding Lilith is important, finding the queen is even more important!

As long as he can devour the king seal, he will have a chance to be crowned a new king!

At that time, Mo said that it was a Lich, or a blood sacrifice, and he could easily control it!


"How long will I have to wait for you? I don't have much patience, I have to get into the cold pool as soon as possible! "

Now that the space-time channel is not stable, Lich and other Dao Realm powerhouses cannot come down directly.

If it drags on for a long time, and the Lich or the blood sacrifice comes, then it is to find a deep way, and it will be useless!

"At least a hundred years, and in this hundred years.

We take this Chu River as the boundary, and use this as a fair decisive battle on the battlefield!

You must no longer attack the city at will..." Emperor Boshen began to carry his own conditions.

He needs relative stability now, and only after stabilizing can he account for the alliance, so that he has enough time to find that thing!

"A hundred years? No..... A hundred years is too long, I'll only give you 50 years, and I'll have to find those people..."

Chris estimated.

It will take 70 years for the space-time tunnel to completely stabilize, when both the Lich and the Legion Leader will come...

Therefore, he must obtain this method of going deep into the cold pool before these people come.

Otherwise, everything is meaningless!


After a long period of communication, Chris and Emperor Boshen finally reached an agreement between the two sides.

The deadline for the deal is 50 years, in which Lilith and others must be found within the first 40 years.

Chris, on the other hand, wants to control the scale of the arrival of the heavenly ghosts, and must not launch any attacks and invasions on the city for 40 years.

The two sides are bounded by the Chu River, and each side occupies one side as the final decisive battlefield.

For others to experience!


These conditions were also well thought out by Bo Xun.

For him to persuade others to listen to him, he must let those people see the results.

There is no basis for empty words, there is only one chance for the Enlightened Dao Ancestor, and he will definitely not let it out.

Only by letting people see the tangible benefits and dividing out a part of the benefits can this work!

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