When Ling Hao heard the news, he was a little surprised at first.

But when I came back to my senses, I remembered that it was Scar and the group, and my heart seemed to be a lot calmer.

But when something so big happened, I still have to go and see the situation.

Jiangnan Haitang Hospital

"Team Ling, you can be counted as coming

" "Xiao Zhang, how is the situation now?"

"Scar Ah San was completely wasted, and the three legs below were smashed into a ball.

But he also had a great life, so he didn't die.

The same was true of several yellow hairs under him, all of whom were smashed by Shengsheng.

I'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life," Zhang Fei said slowly.

It was also the first time he saw that scene, and he didn't expect the person who shot it to be so ruthless.

"Regarding the identity of the perpetrator, have they explained it?" asked Ling Hao.

"Said, black, wearing a skeleton mask.

One move subdued them. That 4-meter-tall second floor can actually jump up

..." "Being able to jump to the second floor, the means are so cruel, is it..." Ling Hao had some thoughts.

As the leader of the patrol team, he still knew more or less about those superpowers and cultivators.

Sometimes, when disappearances occur frequently, they will report them to the bureau and request special support.

This is not a secret thing, a few days ago he heard Ling Yi say that there was a classmate in the class who could make a fire.

I guess I suddenly awakened my powers.

As soon as you awaken, you will be registered by the special department.

If you are willing to serve your country, you can enjoy special treatment.

Of course, some of these obligations must also be fulfilled.

He is not very clear about what the process is, but the rights and obligations are equal.

After all, there is no such thing as a lunch for nothing.

"When they are discharged, interrogate again to see if any details have been missed..."

"Yes, Team Ling!

But this scar also deserves it, and usually does so many bad things.

This time I finally planted it, and our jurisdiction will be much quieter again! Speaking of this, Zhang Fei was also very happy.

He really can't have any sympathy for such evil people.

It's just that due to the limited power in their hands, this group of ruffians is also secretive, and it is difficult to get any substantial evidence.

In particular, some victims are afraid of retaliation from this group of ruffians and dare not come forward to testify.

"If there are things, just know it, don't talk about it everywhere," Ling Hao said to Zhang Fei.

Hate is hate, but there are still rules outside.

After all, they are still inspectors, official people.


For the threat of that scar yesterday, Ling Hao still remembered it.

In the blink of an eye, the scar was cleaned up, and it was indeed a good heavenly reincarnation.

Ruthless people have their own ruthless grind!

However, when it comes to special events involving supernatural abilities,

he still has to report to the above.

Thinking of the report material, he also had a headache.


Lin Feng coded another eight thousand words before going to sleep.

I don't order anything every day, and I always feel itchy hands.

In the past, he was not at home, but his routine was always the same, and there was no inspiration during the day.

Only in the evening did there be spiritual writing

, and the next day

the third year of high school, the ninth class of the classmate group

: "Do you know, the big news, yesterday Scar A San and the gang were scrapped!"

Early in the morning, Gu's shallow group of classmates frying the pan.

Gu Qianshao was originally a little worried, whether he would meet Scar's gang when he went to school today.

I didn't expect to see such a big news in the morning.

"Liu Qiangxi, don't send this kind of unrelated learning news in the group"

The head teacher spoke, and the group immediately quieted down.

Gu Qianshian's class is the best graduating class in the whole school.

There are naturally parents of students with great powers inside, and Scar Ah San also bullied the people in their class a few days ago.

It was cleaned up in a blink of an eye, which is really happy!


"Shallow, take this with you"

When Gu Qiansha went out, Lin Feng handed Ning Shen Pendant to her.

Gu Qiansha looked at this beautiful star-shaped pendant, full of surprise.

"Remember, you can carry it yourself, don't transfer it to others,"

Lin Feng instructed.

In the past, this girl also paid a lot to take care of him.

The days of relying on each other for all these years can now be regarded as a new judgment.

This pendant can calm the mind, improve memory, relieve brain fatigue, and ward off ghosts and evil spirits.

It is indeed very suitable for shallowness, and Lin Feng also added a mark in.

No matter what the situation is, he can perceive the specific location of the shallow.

After Gu Qiansha put it on, the pendant emitted a light blue halo.

This Ningshen pendant is a system product, both in shape and style.

Gu Qiansha is more and more like it.

"Brother, where did you buy it? That's expensive, right? "

I bought it online, it didn't cost much," Lin Feng said vaguely.

He bought many household appliances in the house, of course, the quality was directly proportional to the price.

"Thank you brother, I'm leaving, remember to soak your legs with herbs every day

" "Okay, be careful on the road"

Lin Feng waved goodbye to Shallow.

"This girl, more and more sensible"

His legs have recovered ninety percent, he is ready, after the next shallow return.

Share this joy with her!


Nanmo Country The imperial capital training base

has ponytail hair, a slender figure, and proud curves.

Woman in white in hot pants.

Zip through unmanned smart armored tanks.

Conduct daily combat exercises.

Since the twin peaks are somewhat full, there is also some shaking from time to time.

But the body is very flexible, dexterously dodging one armored bullet after another.

The 'boom'

woman saw the opportunity and punched the training armored tank.

Under one punch, the tank made of special alloy was smashed into a huge deep depression.


'boom' and 'boom'

fist wind was raging, and from time to time there was a sonic boom, which resounded throughout the training ground.

"Sister Leng, someone is looking for you"

The woman stopped when she heard the voice.

"Well, I'll take a shower and come out again"

Just now, a strenuous exercise, covered in sweat, made her a little uncomfortable.

The woman's real name is Ye Chuyin, the nickname is cold

and cold, 24 years old, and the SS-level Earth Power Awakener.

His physical strength is terrifying, and he has killed many ghosts above S rank.

Ye Chuyin took a bath while listening to the tomato audio novel on his mobile phone.

"Green God of War Chapter 1 When you turn green, you will become stronger..."

When I'm empty, I have to follow the network cable to find and clean you up..." Ye

Chuyin muttered to himself while taking a bath.

"It seems to have grown up again, it's really troublesome..." The

living room

"Xiang team leader, Sister Leng Leng will come out later, you drink a cup of tea first

" "Well, there is no hurry, I came here today to discuss with her" Xiang Hui said while drinking tea.

An hour later

, it seemed that he still hadn't seen Ye Chuyin's figure, and Xiang Hui couldn't sit still.

"I'll take a look again, maybe Sister Leng Leng has something important," the purple-haired woman said a little apologetically

, "Why, if you don't obey, come to the imperial capital to find me..."

Ye Chuyin was speeding through the codeword and the line with people.

"Sister Leng, are you okay?" asked the purple-haired woman knocking on the door.

"Hmm..." Ye Chuyin had obviously forgotten about it.

She swiped 99 more to generate electricity for love, and then turned off her phone.

When Ye Chuyin came out again, he was draped in blue silk....

On the white neck, the outline of the goose egg face is obviously

ice muscle jade skin, smooth and tender like crisp, delicate as fat, like

a painting of the tall nose bridge, sexy collarbone

painted with light lipstick mouth hooking people

wearing a black robe, beautiful eyes shining, with a different charm.

A sense of dignity arises.

Yufeng stood proudly, a pair of hollow black silk on his legs.

Stepping on a pair of red high heels.

The corners of his mouth smiled indifferently, quite a bit of Tifa's taste, but the outline was much better than Tifa.

Xiang Hui's eyes were a little dumbfounded.

After a few years, this Ye Chuyin is a lot more beautiful.

For the long-legged black silk beauty, even he lacks immunity

, but the strength of this goddess is not ordinary, he has the heart and does not have the guts.

He remembers a phrase.

The Ye family has a daughter who has grown up, and she is fierce and fierce!

"What are you looking for me this time,"

Ye Chuyin sat on the sofa and asked

, "An S-grade golden-armored grievance spirit appeared in Jiangnan City, and I want to ask you for a favor." I want to catch alive

" "An S-grade golden-armored grievance, can't you handle it?"

"That guy is extremely powerful, and my flying sword can't hurt him, and it's very cunning.

It just so happens that my master has recently retreated, and other masters and uncles are also entangled in important matters, and they can't help,"

Xiang Hui said.

If it wasn't a last resort, he wouldn't be willing to find other group members to help.

Many of them are grievances of the previous generation, which have been carried on.

So that the juniors are involved a little.

"Here's some special gift for you," Xiang Hui pulled out a small bottle.

Ye Chuyin glanced at it, and then nodded.

Internal assistance, which is also a common thing.

Plus the location was in Jiangnan, and she could just drop by to see that person.

For that person, she did have some special feelings.

Although they have never met, God has been friends for a long time

to write books in a good and human-like manner.

She does have some special feelings.

Only in previous years, special missions have been carried out abroad.

I just returned to China a few days ago.

I haven't had time to meet.

This time it was just right!

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