The next day

"host, how was the rest last night?"

A familiar voice sounded in Lin Feng's ears.

A lot of things are said, and I think about it.

After all, the system is only temporarily upgraded, and it is not to be stripped off, and it was not upgraded once during the Nether decisive battle that year.

It's just that the timing of this upgrade is somewhat unknown, plus this time we have been getting along for hundreds of years, so emotionally, it is a little different from before.

"Hehe, it's okay..." Lin Feng said casually, and he only smiled at the ridicule of the system.

This guy has no gender, it's just a boring look at this kind of thing, it doesn't matter to him.

"Well, I'm going..... I sleeped the old boy for a while, and it would sleep quietly for a while...

However, this can only be used once....

I also can't bypass more rules and directly seriously injure it.


You can also take your sister to upgrade with peace of mind, if you are inspecting the Dao Ancestor, there should be no big problem...

However, everything has a case, don't be careless, other things. I'll talk about it when I get back..."

The system said very seriously, its body exuded a green light that symbolized harmony, and it was also full of expectations for this upgrade.

Become a diamond-level system, it is one step closer to the world of the big guy!

It's a system with a dream!


"Well, I wish you a smooth upgrade and an early return....

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng immediately felt that something was missing in his body.

You can still see it in the Marketplace panel, but there are no system prompts.

It is equivalent to leaving the functional interface, it goes home to upgrade, and other networking functions are still there!

"Heavenly Dao is trapped, this is good news..." Lin

Feng was most worried about nothing else, he had always been afraid that Heavenly Dao would make trouble behind his back.

But the system left a back hand before leaving, although I don't know how it did it, but it did buy itself a lot of time....

That's enough!

He had a faint feeling that he would definitely stand on the opposite side of the Heavenly Dao in the future and fight the battle against the heavens!

The other secrets on Ling's body are also very much related to it...

When it wakes up again, I believe that everything will be upright!


As soon as Lin Feng got up, a powerful momentum suddenly erupted on his body.

A turbid breath roared directly from the corner of his mouth.

"It's really fast, it's another level..... It's a pity that this spirit stone is still a headache..." Fang

Cai, under the action of the two main force doppelgangers, his cultivation has increased by another order!

Now it is already the appearance of the second order of the Immortal Monarch.

Today's consumption of spirit stones is always in a weak balance, and a shortage of spirit stones will occur if you are not careful!

Fortunately, Xiao Tiannu and Yu Cang's spirit stones are still being transported here.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it would have dried up long ago!


After several dealings, he also felt that Yucang was indeed very reliable, and he was glad that he had left her life.

Otherwise, where would he find such a good partner.

The assassination of the alliance was also under Yu Cang's repeated pleading, and Lin Feng gradually stopped partially.

Of course, so are the conditions.

All members of the Alliance Immortal Palace who cooperate with Yucang in selling goods can avoid it...

Those who did not cooperate and wanted to make trouble were directly erased by Lin Feng's people!

You know, in the battle of Bishui Hantan, Lin Feng slaughtered 7 immortal emperors.

Most of the immortal palaces in the hands of those immortal emperors naturally fell into Lin Feng's hands!

It's just that these Immortal Palace properties, equivalent to the consumption of Lin Feng, are really negligible!

Now, half a month can consume the property of an Immortal Palace!

This violent consumption speed, ordinary people, where to support!

Above the Immortal Monarch, there is also the Immortal Emperor...

The future consumption of this fairy spirit stone, I am afraid that it will be difficult for An Lan Immortal Domain to satisfy him...

In order to become stronger, he still has to constantly find another channel!

Fortunately, now Tiandao is trapped by the system, otherwise, he really has some trouble!


After leaving the room

, Lin Feng heard the gentle and melodious sound of the piano coming from under the willow tree, and fixed his eyes.

Ling was dressed in a snow-white robe, her hair was like fog, and she swayed slowly in the breeze....

A heavenly bone piano was in front of her, she plucked the strings with her bare hands, and a neon fairy song flowed out from her fingertips...

Like fog like water.... Immortal sounds lingering in the ears....

As soon as the song was played, Lin Feng couldn't help but applaud, this piano sound was really wonderful.

I don't know how many times better than those cheesy music!


"Hehe, seeing that you look good, it seems that you have recovered.... Ling

held his cheek in one hand, tilted his head, and looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

Although she didn't know why Lin Feng's mood had changed a little in the past few days, looking at it now, it should have restored

her hanging heart, and it fell.

"Sister Lao Ling cares..."

"Hehe, between you and me, why should I be polite, this is a family..."

"Three days ago, a green light filled the heavens, but it is related to you?" Ling's eyes had a bright smile.

She is really smart, and when she was bored with Xiao Lingtuan last night, she suddenly thought of changes in the outside world.

Today, there are not many things that can change the heavens, or even none.

Even she thinks she doesn't have that ability, green dyes the heavens...

But Lin Feng is different, Lin Feng's mysterious skills, as well as special means, plus the change of personality 3 days ago.

She naturally guessed him.


"Well, yes, it has something to do with my best friend.... Faced

with Ling's question, Lin Feng didn't want to find any special words...

"I see a sense of separation in your eyes, could it be that he went somewhere? "


"Hehe, I'm just casually asking..... I found that this little spirit group seems to like to listen to people play the piano..." The

woman in white diverted the topic with understanding, everyone has secrets, she doesn't need to know much.


"Yes, then when Ta grows up, ask Sister Ling to teach TA piano skills....

"Hehe, as long as this guy likes it.

This qin can also change owners in the future..."

Ling's plain hand gently stroked the guqin, and fell into a memory...


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