At night

, Lin Feng and Hatsune stood on the high pavilion, looking into the distance.

That was the direction they were when they first came.

There are memories, and there are reluctance.

People are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless.

Tonight will be their last night in the Anlan Immortal Domain, tomorrow morning, after the teleportation array is opened.

Maybe never come back.

In my heart, there is a little nostalgia, and there is also a little melancholy.

The past comes to mind and keeps coming to mind.


"Actually, now that I think about it, our happiest days should be when we first arrive....

At that time, it was really interesting... Hatsune muttered.

When they first arrived, they were still a little excited, and the four of them seriously found a place with good scenery.

Worked together to build a big house.

Everyone went up the mountain to pick vegetables and go into the water to touch the fish.

Self-reliant, twilight rises, sunsets return...

The life of a family of four is still very happy....


If it weren't for that leaf riding the wind to make trouble, vainly trying to get into the shallow, they might have lived happily for a long time.

"Yes, those times were truly unforgettable...

In fact, I really want to live some ordinary days, away from this quarrel of rivers and lakes... Lin Feng echoed.

If he is plain, he can spend his life with the person he loves, and he has no other greed.

It's just that God can't do it.

Unless, he activated the lying flat system instead of the Grim Reaper system!


Now as today the Tao is trapped by the system, although the system is somewhat conservative.

But Lin Feng believed that with systematic means, he would at least trap that guy until he grew up.

It's just that the mysterious spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao is a little troublesome.

Yucang secretly asked, but did not get the slightest news.

The other immortal domains seemed to have a tacit understanding, directly reaching an agreement, and allowing the gray matter to spread.

Now, the life span of a monk has been fixed, and it is no longer possible to extend it indefinitely...

And these forces will feed back into the mouth of the Heavenly Dao, becoming an excellent supplement for its recovery state!


"After going to the Nightmare Immortal Domain, I want to try to find that spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao: "

Find him?"

"Hmm.... He may be the backhand of Heaven's Dao, or he may also know of my existence....

But it has been faint, perhaps waiting for some special opportunity..." Lin Feng speculated.

It stands to reason that the system is omniscient and omnipotent, and this should not happen.

But many things cannot be inferred by common sense....

This matter can be promoted in many immortal domains at the same time, how can it be done without some means.

Only, how strong is he? Daozu or what level?

None of this is known....



two people who were snuggling up to the moonlight began to beat rapidly.

"Madam, it's cold..."


shall we go back?" Lin Feng asked again.

For safety, they all live in the corpse soul realm at night, where the space is blessed with security.

Not afraid of being spied on.

"Oh, you can't help it..."

Hatsune smiled and did not refuse, after all, there were too many bought today!


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