The night is deep The clear full moon hangs high in the countryside of the corpse and soul realm in the air

, and from time to time the sound of insects "cooing" out.

In the golden rape flower field, there is a small square table four feet wide.

On the table, three stacks of pop belly, cold skin, ears, cold mussels...

Plus a whole lot of strong liquor.


"Madame, drink! Lin Feng blushed and raised his glass, drinking against Hatsune.

From time to time, he also sang a few words, toasted to the bright moon, and drank the nonsense of the three.

Hearing Hatsune was very surprised, she did not expect that Lin Feng still had such a literary brilliance.

Worthy of being a man she admires.

"Husband, almost, you've already drunk ten bottles. Drink again, I'm afraid I'm going to get drunk,"

Hatsune advised.

Although she drank a lot, these wines are similar to boiled water to her, and if she wants to get drunk, she can get drunk, and if she doesn't want to get drunk, she can't get drunk twice.


Her heart knot has almost been untied, and in her heart, she also forgives the shallow girl and says goodbye.

That girl must have something on her mind, so she chose to leave temporarily without hesitation.

When that girl reappears, perhaps, she really becomes the queen who is high?

However, it doesn't matter if it is the queen, the queen also has to accompany her to warm the bed.


After drinking three more bottles of high-concentration liquor, Lin Feng finally fell into a drowsiness.

The words spoken in his mouth also began to be a little fragmentary, but his appearance in the moonlight was still handsome and dashing

, and seeing Lin Feng drunk so deeply, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Hatsune's eyes.

Perhaps in this state, Lin Feng can solve the last doubt in her heart.

For example, what is the woman in red?

Lin Feng only said that she used to be a ghost, but he killed countless ghosts back then, how could he be so impressed with her.

Women, in the end, are still women, although they do not care in their hearts.

But curiosity is always there, always want to know something.

"Husband, tell me the story of the ghost in red again? Like, I don't know?

Hatsune took Lin Feng's hand and said gently while gently massaging.

"You said that the female ghost of the Republic of China, in fact, I don't have much grudge with her, it's just her..." Lin Feng was about to continue.

Suddenly something came to mind, what can be said ™?

Death is not terrible, that kind of death is really difficult to say.

Dry, not at all, the yang is exhausted, like a dry corpse.

"What did she do in one breath..."

Hatsune saw Lin Feng, obviously about to say it, and took it back.

Such caution shows that there must be a big oddity in it!

"Whew... Call... Whew..." Lin Feng's heart moved, and he directly lay on the table and entered a state of fake sleep!

"Husband-kun? Husband??? Hatsune shook the forest wind and probed a few more times.

I found that Lin Feng did seem to be asleep, not like he was pretending!


"Hmph.. Hatsune Xiu's eyebrows frowned, and his pretty face was almost wrinkled into Sichuan characters, and Lin Feng's performance was really too abnormal.

"Before it was called the female ghost in red, but now it has been changed to the female ghost of the Republic of China, can it be said that this female ghost has nothing to do with the Republic of China?"

"However, where do you seem to have heard the term female ghost of the Republic of China?" She

lay in the canola flower field, looking at the starry sky.

I began to try to recall

it: "Yes, find my brother to check and see if there are any records of the female ghost of the Republic of China in the historical archives of Nanmo!"

Hatsune is mainly because there is really nothing to do, and the corpse soul world is just her and Lin Feng.


Thinking of this, Hatsune got up from the rape field.


The fishnet stockings on the legs were scratched by the branches, scratching a long mark.

"It's really annoying" Hatsune ripped off the stockings, this kind of thing, don't do it.

She lay on the table and drew the appearance of the woman in red.

Then I wrote another letter and sent it through that mailbox...



"Dear big brother, I want to ask you to help me find out something..."

In Nan Mo's old archives, help me check a special female ghost who likes to wear red clothes or Republic of China dresses.


Chu Ye looked at this sexy and sultry woman, and thought in his mind.

How could this sister of him want to check the female ghost in history for no reason.

Could it be that there is something special about this female ghost? Worthy of her attention?

"Big brother, what are you doing?" Chu Fan was a little curious when he saw the drawing, and took it by the way.

"This woman is pretty good.... But why did the second sister check her? Chu Fan was a little puzzled.

Is there any special significance in looking back at history?

"You ask me, where do I know.

But this is Hatsune's explanation, we just have to do it for her, "

It's not a trouble to check the file, just make a phone call and send the picture to a mailbox."

For the rest, naturally someone tried their best to help him get things done.


Two hours later

, a classified piece of information arrived.

Nan Mo really collected such an archive.

"Republic of China female ghost: ability A-level, origin unknown, love to wear cheongsam clothing.

Walking in the city, good at ventriloquist, tongue four feet long! He has escaped the pursuit of the National Security Department many times.

200 years ago, mysteriously disappeared

" "This..." Chu

Fan looked at the information and touched his nose.

This female ghost looks ordinary, as if there is no bright spot?

"No, your sister's idea should not be that simple, she was not very smart before....

Why did you suddenly remember about this female ghost..."Could

it be that it was for my brother-in-law to check?" Chu

Fan glanced at it again, and the female ghost of the Republic of China first appeared in the Jiangnan realm!

"So, let's go to Jiangnan to take a look? "


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