"Zhu Gan, where are you going" Zhang Ruoshui had just returned and saw Zhu Qian and Li Ping preparing to go out.

"The ancient city area reflected that investigating the list of deceased people in Lanruo Temple, there seemed to be a little girl who seemed to be alive. I'll take a look with Li Ping," Zhu Qian said.

"Is anyone still alive?" Zhang Ruoshui was also a little surprised. She had also read the investigation report.

In addition to the blood stains and bones at the scene, there are still people who survive?

"That's right, but of the 137 people who have been identified, only this one is suspected to be alive.

It also needs to be verified to see if it has become a ghost," Zhu Qian said.

After all, Gu had many doubts, and everyone who accompanied her died.

If she escaped alone, how did she get out?

Lanruo Temple is not a short distance from the city..........

He suspected two points, one was that Gu Qianshao was parasitized by a powerful ghost, and the other was that Gu Qianshao had become a powerful ghost.

How else to explain those things?

"What about Lanruo Temple? It's just that I'm fine, let's go and see," Zhang Ruoshui said.

What happened there, she also wanted to find out.

After all, the place where Uncle Zhao died was at the gate of Nalanruo Temple.

It is impossible to say how much it has to do with that

spatial powerhouse, and during this time, the spatial powerhouse seems to disappear out of thin air.

No trace of him was found anywhere in Jiangnan.

If it's really a ghost, maybe there is still a way to make her speak.

See if you can find some useful clues.


The cemetery

"called up the specific documents, what is involved in the superficial," Ye Chuyin said coldly.

She likes the shallow girl, smart and cute, and beautiful.

Almost all of them think of her as their own sister.

"Sister Hatsune, the archived documents over there in Jiangnan show that Gu Qiansha is involved in the Lanruo Temple Spiritual Wonder, and several residual things were found at the scene, and various surveillance videos..."

"Now it is preliminarily judged that Gu Qianshian's body is dead, and the identity information is hereby pre-cancelled and included in the supernatural death"

The other end of the phone also said a little nervously.

She could feel that Ye Chuyin was angry.

At this moment

, "Drip

" "Huh?" Ye Chuyin Weixin received a message....

"Hatsune sister, help me chop a few knives, please"

received a shallow WeChat message.

This is a 200 red packet spelling knife information.

Ye Chuyin was a little stunned.

It stands to reason that the investigation of the Paranormal Bureau is generally not a problem.

So many detailed things were left in Lanruo Temple, normally, it should indeed be killed.

So who is the person who is messaging himself now?

Could it be that the shallow ghost has changed? Or possessed?

She has experienced more things and knows far more than Zhu Qian.

After thinking about it, I made another call.

"Hey, Xiang Hui, are you still in Jiangnan

" "Huh? What's going on? Xiang Hui is still trying to rush gold.

He's been eating for a long time.

Since the last time he sent Ye Chuyin and Lin Feng to school, he hadn't eaten yet.

I swore that I would never eat if I couldn't hit gold.

"I just received news that the Jiangnan Spiritual Bureau is canceling shallow identity information.

Now help me go to Lin Feng's house to confirm whether there is anything wrong with the shallows.

Is that shallow in the family a person or a ghost? Or is she possessed by a ghost?

"If you are a ghost now, you protect her first, and if you are possessed, you must save her!"

"I'll go back to Jiangnan today," Ye Chuyin said.

It will take some time for her to rush over.

Fortunately, this formation has been completed, and no one dares to say anything now.

Of course, even if the formation is not completed, she must go, and no one can stop her.

"Okay" Xiang Hui did not refuse.

Last time I went to Lin Feng's house for dinner, he still had a good impression of that girl.

If something really happens, it's a pity.


"System, am I sick? Do you want to help me check it,"

Lin Feng felt that he was suppressed by the mountain again, and he was a little breathless.

Although it is still a little comfortable when pressing, it can't be old in three days.

"You are all old Chinese medicine doctors, you can't read it yourself

" "I checked ah, my health is very good, ten times a night," Lin Feng said when he saw the prompt panel that was proficient in medical skills.

"That's not enough, what kind of disease can there be, and you don't know blessings in bliss." After the system said this, it stopped paying attention to Lin Feng.

There is a systematic online training conference today.

It is still the big achievement system k9999 speech, but this time it is mandatory for all systems to participate.

There was no way for him to refuse.

Speaking of that great achievement system, he was a little fired.

The two have some unknown grudges, and I think that both of them were cute new systems.

Unexpectedly, he followed the right person, and since then, he has been mixed into a system mentor, and he has changed 9 hosts in succession.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Luck is such a thing.

"What is in the blessing does not know the blessing, you make it clear, this is okay is a wheel pressed over." Who ™ can stand it.

Whether I am sick or not, you tell me clearly........." Lin Feng persisted.

Another point he was embarrassed to say, occasionally sitting and sitting, he straightened.

If the stimulation is strong, maybe you will vomit.

What does this mean?

People who don't know still think they're perverts. He was also very distressed, what was wrong.

"Wheels? This is still light, sooner or later I have to crush you to death" the system secretly said.

Substitute for dead dolls dare to give to others, do not read the manual, sooner or later you will have to teach a long lesson.



Lin Feng received another application from the royal sister's sad friend.

A message is also attached.

"It was my fault back then, I'm sorry

" "Rejected" Lin Feng still chose.

It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, the predecessor is gone.

What else is the use of apologizing.

However, although the predecessor died a little tragically, that kind of death may also be a comfort.

After all, before he died, he enjoyed the joy of being a man.

It's kind of comfortable to die.


Lin Feng saw that in the group of writers, there was an author called Stranded Fish.

Posted a QR code for an urban pure love God of War writers exchange group.

After Lin Feng saw it, he added it with an attitude of learning.

"System prompt: the other party refused your joining and mocked your novel"

Zeng Aniu also added.

"System prompt: The other party rejected your joining and mocked your novel

" "???"

"Let me explain first, my pure love communication circle, only add serious authors, the minotaur will not accept it"

After the stranded fish finished speaking, he also sent a mocking smile.

He has been in the group for half a month, and with a pure love war god record, he swept the city list.

Usually, I can't see Lin Feng and Niutou who write green books.

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