There were rays of light emanating from his body, but fortunately he was in a relatively remote place.

No one noticed him.

Under the brilliance, Lin Feng's power of the law of cause and effect has actually improved qualitatively.

He can also be regarded as a blessing in disguise this time, the law of cause and effect is not like time or space, and there is a fragmented origin to improve.

The improvement of the law of cause and effect mainly depends on one's own perception of the road of cause and effect!

In the past, he relied on the system's slashing sword to scavenge things everywhere.

It seems to cut off other people's opportunities, but in fact, it also invisibly changes some of the life trajectories of others and themselves.

Those who could have become powerful became nobodies under Lin Feng's knife.

Under the continuous superposition of cause and effect, perhaps one day in the future, it will give him an unexpected outbreak impact!

"Cause and effect cannot be guessed, no wonder it can become the first avenue."

I was really too young before..." Lin Feng said to himself, he was suddenly enlightened.

Now that the law of cause and effect has been sublimated, he can rely on the power of the law to slowly dissolve those inextricable causal relationships.

Although it will take some time, it is good for him to solve the hidden crisis once and for all.


"However, how to get this money..."

Now, Lin Feng was a little worried about the money.

The fairy stone in his pocket will support half a month at most, and the spirit stone of the original little heavenly girl should be delivered today.

But because of this incident, this financial road was temporarily interrupted.

Although he has hard currency such as pills and magic weapons in his hand, this Nightmare Immortal Domain is not disturbed by war, and it will not be so easy to dump it for a while.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I, Lin Feng, would still be trapped by money... This is really a bit troublesome..." Lin Feng shook his head helplessly

, now he is in a nightmare, everything is a new beginning.

He has no big grudge with the people of this Immortal Domain, and he is not going to blacken the stream, and it is not good to go to the Immortal Palace.

Although he does not like the Virgin, he still has the basic principles of being a man, and he is not afraid of trouble.

Of course, there is a more important reason, attacking the Immortal Palace also requires strength.

Now a large number of his subordinates are making money in Anlan, and it is temporarily inconvenient to summon them.

In any case, An Lan's territory cannot be lost, once the rain loses its momentum, everything will be lost!

It is not so easy to cultivate and support a big force!

"If you know it earlier, you won't leave Anlan..."

Ten days later

, two figures, one black and one white, stood on a golden flying sword and galloped towards the south!

Among them, the white figure, graceful in blue silk, holding a cowhide drawing in his hand, is studying the comparison.

"How, how long is the distance?" Lin Feng glanced at Hatsune and asked.

"According to the markings on the map, it will take about ten days," Hatsune Tadama nodded on the vellum.

Indicate where Lin Feng's current location is.

"Then wait a minute.... The terrain here is troublesome, and it is not convenient to move..." Lin

Feng maintained the spiritual power infusion while thinking about the danger index of that dangerous place.

Seven days ago, Lin Feng carefully studied the structure of the Nightmare Immortal Domain and found that there were several special spiritual vein places.

After some thought, he chose a place with a low risk index and wanted to try his luck and see how serious the opportunity was.


"Wind, is there news from Feiyan?" There was a hint of anticipation in Hatsune's eyes, which was a longing for his parents.

"Well, three Immortal Palaces have already been completed, and now the other two have also received news of the appearance of the furnace...

I believe that he will completely let go of the guard of the Eternal Secret Realm in the near future"

This matter, Lin Feng has always paid attention to it, and his promise to Hatsune must be fulfilled.

Now, the Drunken Red Building was destroyed, and after Feiyan judged the time and sized up the situation, he chose to completely turn to Lin Feng and concentrate on doing things for him.

In order to gain Lin Feng's trust, this first thing, she naturally wanted to do more beautifully.

"That's so nice..." Hatsune smiled, like a spring breeze, extremely beautiful.

She had indeed waited long enough, and her longing grew day by day.

"Daoist friends stay!"

"Swoosh" a flying sword, like a long rainbow through the sun, flew towards the two.

Lin Feng's pupils shrank slightly, his gestures were slightly floating, although his injuries had not yet healed, but there was still no problem with a slight battle.

The flying sword stopped steadily ten meters behind Lin Feng.

It is a thin middle-aged Taoist, wearing a silk towel, which looks quite ancient.

"What's the matter with Your Excellency?" Lin Feng saw that his cultivation, the fifth order of the Immortal Monarch, did not pose much threat, so he put his heart down.

"Excuse me, I have been instructed to investigate a minotaur who committed evil, I wonder if you have ever seen them?"

The middle-aged Taoist said and took out the portrait of the blurred bull's head.

Hatsune was a little speechless, they flew all the way, and this situation was encountered no less than ten times.

Many people were holding portraits and looking for news of the minotaur.

It seems that the identity of this person will not change.


"I have never seen it, but what has he done to harm nature? Lin Feng asked without changing his face.

"Set fire to the city, the sky is angry and the people are angry.... Immortal Palace is offering a reward for capturing this person... The Taoist explained slowly.

The fire of the minotaur burned a lot of the fixed assets of the Immortal Palace and destroyed the Immortal Domain Teleportation Array.

As a result, many forces suffered heavy losses, so a joint bounty was issued.

"Hateful, indeed, but why are you so sure that he is a minotaur? Can't that mask be changed?

Lin Feng spoke, he was also a little puzzled, why those people had to follow the pattern.

Could it be that those people are stupid and think they won't change their masks?


"No, just because of the powerful calculation, this person has a great relationship with the bullhead, and may also be the source of his strength....

He is inseparable from the cow!

"So that's the case..." Lin Feng was silent, he didn't expect that anyone could really calculate this.

Indeed, blurring is his root!

As long as it is blurred, it will become that heroic appearance!

It will be easy to be recognized then!

These people just want to publicize and find out their whereabouts!


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