After drinking and eating, he chatted with Gu Ling for a long time.

Hatsune and Lin Feng stepped into the corpse soul realm again...

At night, it is natural to live in your own home more comfortably....

What's more, today Hatsune also prepared some projects and services that increased money...


Under the moonlight, Hatsune changed into a long red dress and a frosty face covered with a faint smile.

Noble, cold dress, means that today's cost is definitely not low....

The breeze gently lifted the hem of her skirt, and the white jade feet loomed...

"How? Is this son still satisfied? Hatsune's eyes seemed to be able to speak, and he looked at Lin Feng with an affectionate expression.

Her hands, crouched against the wall


Lin Feng chuckled, picked up the spirit grass he bought in Black Earth City, and took a bite fiercely.

Suddenly, I felt that my body was on fire!

After feeling the effect of the spirit grass, Lin Feng was also a bold artist.

Brush brush brush, three times five divided by two, the whole spirit grass is directly engulfed!!

"Blur!!! "


The next day

was clear and the breeze was gentle.

Lin Feng hummed a little tune and prepared a nutritious breakfast for Hatsune in the kitchen.

I have to say that the effect of that spirit grass last night was very powerful....

Under the improvement of that doubling attribute, he successfully regained the feeling of the past.

That year, he was still very young, and Hatsune was only 24.

In that wonderful sea, the two spent a special time....

"Alas, I don't know what

happened to the shallow girl now..." In his mind, he remembered the shallow girl, and it had been gone for a few days.

I don't know if I found the ghost treasure that day, to be honest, he still missed that girl.

"I really want to see you sooner....

He muttered.



Ye Chufan looked at the big seal and letter mailed down by Lin Feng and fell into deep thought.

The meaning of his brother-in-law's letter was to let him take this great seal to the prefecture to find the bull's head.

But how to go to the prefecture, he didn't know.

He can't wipe his neck and commit suicide, go to the prefecture to find the bull's head.

This made him a little worried, Lin Feng's affairs were his business, and it must be done well.


Just as he was worried, Hanabi came down from upstairs.

She wears a purple cheongsam and a pair of serpentine earrings.

Stepping on a pair of red high heels.

The chest trembles, and with each step, there will be corresponding movements, which is really beautiful and gorgeous.

With the Resident Yan Dan given by Lin Feng, she will never grow old.

The years cannot leave a mark on her, but the charm of the exclusive mature woman is increasing day by day.

Even more pronounced than Hatsune's growth!

Her unparalleled temperament and appearance naturally have many suitors of old, medium and young ages.

However, she is more than 200 years old, but she has no interest in these people...

Because it's so weak!


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