The house prepared in Mengxian City before is naturally impossible to live in now.

At the moment, I am afraid that I will fight immediately.

For what happened in the Immortal Domain, Lin Feng has always been unmixed.

Regardless of it, his feelings for the Immortal Domain have never been deep, and he has never had a grand desire to save the world.

He will always be so simple and pure....



Well, not bad, not bad, this environment is quite good..."

Ye Zhengchun looked at the idyllic scenery in the corpse soul world and nodded with satisfaction.

Idyllic, really nice.

"Dad, look here..." Lin

Feng took Ye Zhengchun alone to wander around the Corpse Soul Realm, while

the Ye brothers and sisters and Zhao Meiyu were busy building the house with Hatsune.

"Sister, I miss you so much..."

Hanabi jumped on Hatsune's back and wrapped her arms around her neck, looking very affectionate.

"Come down, come down, it's too crowded, it's too crowded..." Hatsune chuckled.

She also didn't expect that after not seeing it for so long, the development of fireworks could be so good.

This size ratio is too out of the ordinary!

You know, you have the help of Lin Feng to achieve such success, who helped the fireworks?

Is it true that single status adds more?

Hatsune was in his mind, and he couldn't stop guessing....

In fact, the dress of fireworks today is indeed very beautiful.

Wearing a lilac high-forked cheongsam and a pair of star-shaped earrings.

The delicate and pretty face is painted with light makeup....

The crisp breasts stand proudly, it seems that there are some broken buttons, how sexy!

"Hee, sister, you and your brother-in-law are on it, the world of the two is good

..." "Hehe, it's okay, your brother-in-law is a little more painful..."

Didn't I come up with you then? After

Chu Fan looked around, he also asked.

It stands to reason that when a guest comes to the house, he should come out to meet him, right?

After all, that girl is also quite polite.

"Shallow went on an expedition, it will take a while to come back... It's just me and your brother-in-law..."



"Dad, I planted all this rape flower myself, and the rapeseed oil I sent you last time was squeezed with this... Lin

Feng walked all the way, not feeling tired at all, and looked excited.

"Good, rape flowers are good..." Ye Zhengchun glanced at it.

"Huh??" He saw a large field of cauliflower, which was overwhelmed.

It's not like natural lodging....

It's like artificial....

"Young man, young man... "If you don't say broken, you are still a good father-in-law."

There is no doubt that Ye Zhengchun has understood what is happening directly here.

Of course, this is also Chunchun, does he also want to experience a different life with Zhao Meiyu on some occasions.



Lin Feng also found something wrong, and he had a little fun with Hatsune a few days ago.

After all, if the shallow is not there, this corpse soul realm is like no man's land.

In this, they can naturally do whatever they want.

However, Lin Feng is also cautious and will lay a shield enchantment around the willow tree.

Resolutely, put an end to the transmission of bad information!


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