"Make me the richest man? That sounds pretty good...

Lin Feng smiled, the difficulty of this goal is not ordinary.

There are a total of 49 existing Immortal Domains, many of which have Dao ancestor families, and these families have accumulated wealth over endless years.

If you want to catch up, the difficulty can be imagined!

"Of course it's good, you just wait to lie

flat" "Lie flat?

Say this in front of Willow? No, okay...," Lin Feng said with a smile.

Because of the opening, Hatsune was also busy with Zhao Mei every day a few days ago.

It seems that the two have indeed not communicated normally for a long time.

When Hatsune said this today, Lin Feng was suddenly a little restless.


"Hey, where do you want to go, I'm not feeling well these days, I have to take it slowly..."

Hatsune said, pointing to the ring.

It's really a little inconvenient these days.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously..." Lin

Feng naturally didn't make Hatsune embarrassed, and he just took advantage of his interest to say so


"Hey, it's not nothing, go back to the room..."

She saw Lin Feng's face clearly a little regretful...

Forget it, there is another way to go.


An hour later

, Lin Feng lay on the bed contentedly, leisurely looking at an ancient scroll.

Hatsune cleaned up the rather messy room.

Life requires a sense of ritual, and even if it is a brief exchange of details, she wears a formal attire.

"Daughter-in-law, let's rest, I'll clean up later..." Lin

Feng glanced at it and saw that Hatsune was still cleaning up.

"Read your books, I don't have anything to do every day.." Hatsune shook his head.

Sometimes it's boring to be idle, and she wants to find something to do.


"That's right.

My brother said that they have seen a few good shops in the past two days.

Hatsune said as she took off the black stockings on her long legs.

It's not very comfortable to wear at home all the time.

"Fancy, just buy it directly, this kind of thing, you decide, don't discuss with me"

He gave enough start-up capital, these things basically don't care....

It's like a handshake cabinet.

After all, corruption, embezzlement, this kind of thing, does not happen at home...

"Uh-huh, I know.

It's just, my brother said, now suddenly there are a few more competitors.

I heard that they are also quite powerful, and it was good to compete fairly, but they seem to be a little unreasonable..."

"Even, they want us to quit!" "


"Huh? Unreasonable? Let's retreat?

Lin Feng put down the ancient scroll in his hand.

If it is a fair bidding, he has no problem if he loses, after all, this is the essence of businessmen.

But if there is any trick, he has to take care of it, after all, there are things that do not show strength.

There will always be someone who will bully the head!

"Uh-huh, it was just yesterday, and I was thinking about how to tell you."

After all, it's just a threat now, and the other side hasn't really started yet....

In that city, the relationship between the other party is also quite tough, if you do long-term business..."

You tell me the specific situation, I'll go and see for myself..." Although

there are puppet guards, some things still need to be solved by him personally!

Anyway, at home, his daily work is also digging spirit mines, doing it every day, and it is also a little boring!


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