"Oh? Is this someone meddling? Lin Feng smiled.

Of course, this is to be expected.

After all, it was mentioned in the intelligence that came from the beginning of the night that it was suspected that there were high-level officials in the Hatoma Palace secretly supporting the three families.

Otherwise, why would you be so arrogant.

But judging from Luo Yan's initial attitude, it seems that their high-level officials have not completely agreed on it.

"Chufan Daoyou, I am indeed a little sorry, I also just received the order from above.

Let me take them back for strict interrogation....

But in this matter, please rest assured...

I, Jiu Mo Palace, will definitely give you a satisfactory answer..." Luo Yan was actually a little difficult.

This has involved the game of internal high-level.

If these people unobstructed, they will tell the secret assistance of someone in the Hatoma Palace.

I'm afraid it will ruin the reputation of business!

That's why he was so anxious to summon himself and stop public interrogation.


"Hehe, this is a little interesting, okay, you can take it....

To Luo Yan's surprise, Lin Feng was unusually cooperative and agreed to his request.

This decisive and cheerful attitude made Luo Yan a little surprised, and he always felt that something was wrong.

But for a while, I couldn't say it.

"Then, thank you Chufan Daoist for your cooperation, I'll wait to leave!"

Luo Yan handed over his hand, to be honest, he felt a little embarrassed.

After all, I swore before, but I didn't expect the tiger to be over...

"Good to say, good to say..." Lin

Feng's hand waved lightly again, in front of everyone, unshackling the pressure!

However, while untying his bondage, he cast a three-day spell on these four people!

This is a painful spell that uses the power of cause and effect to torment the dead!

The daily pain multiplies, and in just three days, the person who falls under the spell will die because he cannot bear the pressure and has a mental breakdown!

Killing people is not difficult for him at all, but there is no way to stop them.

With someone behind him making a big fuss, Lin Feng prefers to let them feel a little more pain before dying!

On the surface, he gave Hatoma Palace face, but in fact, he also secretly conveyed information to them.

Here he is, it's not easy to mess with!


It's just that doing business is to seek wealth, and today in front of the melon-eating masses, I gave face to Hatomo Palace.

But those who can only be saved can only be dead people!

How to game between their high-level leaders, Lin Feng did not want to care.

I didn't have much interest in it.

But one thing, they have serious business here, no matter who makes trouble.

None of them will end well!


After Luo Yan thanked him again and again and left.

Early night, he and Lin Feng came to the backyard and talked again.

"Lin Feng, I think, the four of them shouldn't live for a few days, right?"

"If you hit the three-day curse, you will have to eat a banquet in three days at most..."

As the two of them were, Lin Feng joked.

"Three days of feasting, that's good..... It can also be regarded as saving some face for Hatomo Palace.

They should know how to do it... After all, we have always been not to cause trouble, not afraid of things.....

Chuye nodded in satisfaction. Lin Feng always does things so meticulously!

In front of the melon-eating masses, save enough face for the Hatomo Palace.

I guess the other side should know how to do it, right?

After all, business in this city is really good. He also doesn't want to tear his face openly!


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