Zhao Meiyu is naturally a bowl of water.

Although those two brats are not very worrying, they are also baby sons are not.

During this time, Chuye and Chufan were also a little busy.

It's business again, it's looking at shops, and there's no leisure work.

The daughters-in-law of these two people are also a little hard, and they are not in the days.

The Nether business was well organized, and a steady stream of goods was constantly sent up.

It is these guarantees that are there.

The business above is becoming more and more prosperous....

She also remembered the hard work of these people.

From time to time, I will also look for some beautiful clothes and accessories in the upper realm, and let Hatsune mail them to my sister-in-law and sister-in-law.

So, although Syracuse Moon and Little Goldfish did not come up.

But the close ties between the family have not been interrupted, but they are closer than before.

Just as the mother and daughter were about to continue hanging out


Lin Feng's side.

"Brother-in-law, do you say that those people can really last for 3 days?"

Early in the morning, I took another case of wine and found Lin Feng.

Get ready to keep drinking and blowing for a while....

"Of course, the three-day curse.... Although I can also speed things up a little bit....

However, we have to make them uncomfortable..." Lin Feng said nonchalantly.

This curse method was specifically used by him to deal with such people.

How can he endure daring to threaten his family and cut off his wealth.


"Then make them feel bad for a little longer.... I see who else will dare to come to us in trouble in the future...

Chuye nodded knowingly.

Nor is he a good-hearted person.

It's just that there is really no strength in the Immortal Domain, and there is no way to be ruthless.

However, fortunately, Lin Feng matched him with a strong bodyguard.

Enough to keep him safe.


"Still, I think. Maybe later, someone will come...

Lin Feng took a sip of wine and said with a light smile.

Today's law of cause and effect, he can also be regarded as using pure fire.

He can also have special senses at any time about some things that are about to happen.

"So you're going to talk to him?"

Chuye naturally understood what Lin Feng meant, and made such a big turmoil at once.

The man hidden in the shadows of the Hatoma Palace is afraid that he is also in some trouble.

"Talk, by the way, also put a spell on him, so that he doesn't have trouble coming to you again..." In

front of Chu Ye, Lin Feng still spoke straightforward and fast, without any twisting.

"Well, that's fine, first ring the alarm bell, if you are still worried about our business....

Then just kill it...."


Lin Feng is naturally not afraid of the power of the Hatomo Palace, and what about the Hatomo Palace, as long as he is willing.

You can directly command the army of the undead and directly attack the headquarters of Hatomo Palace!

It's just that what they are doing now is a legitimate business, hoping to make a name for themselves in the Immortal Domain completely.

Therefore, you need a good reputation, and you can't fight and kill at every turn.

If they do that, who will dare to do big business with them in the future....

They don't do anything to catch fish!


Half an hour later

, "In the Shimoto Palace, Hill 30, I have something to visit, I don't know if it is convenient for you to see!"

Qiu Thirty stood at the gate and said in a calm voice.

Because Mo Ping's injury was too bizarre, he had to come to this trip in person.

See, the man who shot!

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