A man with half-white hair in the Jiangnan Spiritual Bureau

sat on a bamboo bench and looked at a special report.

After constantly turning the pages, his face became more and more ugly.

"Black Flash, no matter who you are, you dare to kill my brother of Song Banshan. I want your life! That

report was the case report of his brother Song Yicheng.

His brother had been missing for some time, with his strong intervention.

The investigation proceeded quickly.

Because his wife Chen Yingying was sure that at 2 a.m. that day, he was still reading in the study.

The inspection bureau directly transferred the surveillance video of the community, and it happened that an aerial camera captured the image of Lin Feng sneaking in and out of the Song family.

Although when he sneaked out, he didn't see Lin Feng with Song Yicheng's figure.

But the means of the space system are inherently mysterious, and it is not difficult to kill without leaving a trace.

Matters involving supernatural powers naturally do not belong to the inspection bureau to manage

the affairs of supernatural people, or should be handled by the supernatural bureau.

His men wrote him an extremely detailed investigative report.

It just so happened that two people from the Spirit Bureau had met Lin Feng that day, and it was also confirmed that Lin Feng did fly towards Song Yicheng's house.

So much corroboration.

A complete chain of evidence is formed.

The report pointed out that there is a high probability that people have been killed by black flashes.

It is a crime for a supernatural to deliberately hurt ordinary people, not to mention that it is Song Banshan's younger brother who is injured.

This thing naturally cannot be good, what about the space department.

There is no shortage of talents who can arrange space formations, as long as the space is blocked!

Forgive him for not flying!

"Xiao Xia, issue a notice. Black Flash is suspected of harming ordinary citizens, and is now fully wanted for this person.

Whoever assists in the capture is rewarded!

"Also, I post bounties in a private name. Kill the Black Flash and reward the Xuanwu Armor! "

Xuanwu armor? Song Group, is this too precious? "That woman named Xiao Xia is a little unbelievable.

The Xuanwu armor is Song Banshan's personal object, if it were not for this Xuanwu armor, Song Team Leader might have been gone a long time ago.

"Huh? Don't you understand my words? Song Banshan said coldly.

The two are brothers and sisters, and now the brother died tragically, and there are no bones left.

How can this revenge not be rewarded!

Even if his brother has done something illegal, it will not be the turn of others to intervene!

Psychic beings cannot intentionally harm ordinary people, this is the iron law.

Must be severely punished!

Therefore, even if someone above values this person's spatial ability, they cannot break this rule.

Xuanwu armor is indeed his personal item, and he has carried it for many years.

But he is now old, and it is time to retire in a few years.

This armor is of little use.

After retirement

, he can find a place to enjoy his old age at will, and he does not have to worry about safety.

"Soon, everyone in the Paranormal Bureau received the latest assistance notice,

and the black flash was captured" "and a mysterious reward: kill the black flash to reward the Xuanwu armor!"

The two messages were sent almost without interval.

Many people inquired a little and quickly understood the cause of the matter.

"This black flash is quite powerful, it actually provoked the Song Mid-Mountain," Gazi said with a smile.

"That is, killing Song Banshan's own brother. This matter is a big deal, even the Jiangnan branch chief is not easy to refute it," Panzi said.

In whose hands the Xuanwu armor was, they all knew very well.

Song Banshan dared to use this Xuanwu armor to attract people, naturally he was not afraid of blame from above.

After all, his brother died at the hands of Black Flash, and it is natural to kill people to pay for their lives.

How can others talk too much!

"Boss, do you say that someone will really kill Black Flash?" Gazi asked.

"Hehe, space department, is it so easy to kill?" Scorpion shook his head and said.

He had seen videos of battles with black flashes.

The move is very similar to the Flying Thunder God Technique.

It will also resemble the monk's spell.

The means are extremely weird, which is so easy to kill.

If you can't kill it, it's more troublesome to be found at the door.

"How is Chen Tianxing now," Scorpion asked,

"he seems to be looking for a man," Gazi said.

"Man? Could it be that this Chen Tianxing still has enemies? Scorpion pondered.

He came to help deal with Sea King Chen Tianxing's affairs, but he didn't expect Chen Tianxing to seem to notice it.

If he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, he didn't have a good time to do it.

"Then you two continue to guard, and report to me if you have something," Scorpion said, and returned to the room.

His business is doing well these days, and according to his plan,

he should be able to scrape together 8000w in another month.

High-level puppet crystal nucleus, he must succeed!

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