Red Moon

Lin Feng and the others passed through that teleportation formation, and I don't know how long it took to pass.

Finally, he has reached the mysterious Heavenly Ghost Ancestral Star!

"Is it so cold..." Lin

Feng's first impression was desolation!

As far as the eye can see.

There are gravel pits, broken blades, broken armor...

On the ground...

There are also many corpses that have decayed for an unknown number of years!

There are heavenly ghosts, evil dragons, and many corpses of unknown races!

Come to think of it, the war experienced here is not small! Also, it's been a long time!


"Sir, this should be the place where the war used to be..., and now it should have been fought elsewhere...,"

Nilu said with a solemn expression.

The current situation is even more serious than expected....

She has perceived, a million miles around, almost uninhabited...


You see where the battle zone is, and when you find it, we'll go straight there! Lin Feng didn't talk much nonsense.

When I first came here, I was not familiar with life....

In everything, it is better to let Nilu arrange it....

He is shallow, just responsible for killing!



The Great Battle on the Red Moon.

Before Lin Feng arrived, it had already been five hundred years!

One side wants revenge, the other side wants to occupy!

Although the strength of the Heavenly Devil side is weaker, it is victorious in the ancestral land!

Another defensive formation was laid out in advance!

Under the desperate death, he can only barely hold on....


However, perseverance is not an easy task!

In these 500 years.

Eight army commanders, five killed!

The losses of the Heavenly Ghost Guards under his command are even more counted in billions!

However, what no one expected was....

That was the enemy of the shaman all day.

A blood demon who wants to capture the mark of the Shallow Queen!!

I don't know if it was a conscience discovery or a reason.

In the big war, the play is extremely ferocious!

Although killed in battle.

Or tried to fight off the two Dao ancestor figures of the crooked mouth evil dragon!



The years go by, time flies....

That group of the only remaining heavenly ghosts finally waited for the reinforcements brought by Nilu!

With the help of Lin Feng and shallowness, the defeat of the Heavenly Ghost Clan underwent a shocking reversal!

Whether it's a native ghost, or a crooked-mouthed evil dragon that likes to invade...

I've never seen such an invincible style of play!

The man wearing the bull's head mask

summoned a large number of Terran Dao ancestors who were not afraid of death, either to resist damage hard, or to exchange lives for lives....

Anyway, how ferocious, how to fight!!

At the beginning, the Evil Dragon Clan still retained elite strength, after all, it had to guard against other enemies.

But it was later discovered.

If you don't use that power again, I'm afraid something big will happen!


No one has ever seen such a perverted move!!

The Minotaur Mask Man can also directly revive the enemies he killed.

After his resurrection, he can also work for him!

Crazy attack on former comrades!

This goes and goes, because the minotaur joins.

The combat power of the Heavenly Devil side is more and more fighting, and it is getting stronger and stronger!


Crooked-mouthed Evil Dragon Camp

"Qiya, this battle has dragged on for too long!!

The Dragon King is already furious!

If you can't take the Heavenly Ghost Ancestral Star again, you should know the consequences!

A large-mouthed evil dragon with an inky body angrily patted the iron seat with its claws, and angrily asked the dragon shadow below!!

Too long, too much loss!

If you still can't take the Heavenly Ghost Ancestral Star, go back, no one can make a difference!


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