"Dad, whose child are you carrying?"

Seeing Ye Zhengchun's happy appearance, Hua Huo couldn't help but ask...

On weekdays, it's rare to see her father teasing children like this, basically with a straight face.

Every day put on a serious God of War look....

Every time I ask, I say I'm looking for novel inspiration....

Today, it's like a sex change!


"Guess what.... Guess the big package! Ye

Zhengchun deliberately let them guess and see if they could guess.

Lin Feng also stood at the door willingly, wanting to see if Hatsune could recognize his daughter.


"Big package? Don't be Ye Zhan Shen's autograph, right? Dad, this set is outdated..." Hatsune smiled too.

This autograph, fans may be rare, where do they care.

"Guess first....

"Guess and guess, don't come up with any surprising gifts..." So

the mother and daughter stared at the little baby girl...

Hatsune didn't notice anything wrong for a moment.

Because who would have thought that the baby who had been thinking about her for so long would suddenly appear in front of her....



The little baby girl's eyes kept staring at Hatsune, her black eyes, and there was always a smile in her mouth.

For a while, Hatsune seemed to be stimulated by maternal love.

She rarely held the baby, but took the initiative to take the baby from Ye Zhengchun's arms.

"This baby is so cute.... Lao Ye, which family's baby?

Zhao Meiyu asked....

There are really many children and grandchildren of the Ye family, and it is indeed a little difficult to guess...

"Hmm... Within three generations..." Ye

Zhengchun said a smaller range, and within this range, there are many fewer people who can guess.


"How is this look so similar..."

Hatsune looked at the baby's eyes, and always felt a special familiarity....

Just as everyone was speculating, suddenly the little baby girl seemed to be hungry and grabbed Hatsune's plump mountain.

Pulled hard.


Fortunately, Ye Zhengchun turned his head away urgently, and Zhao Meiyu cast a spell to give the clothes away....

Otherwise, this face will be embarrassing....


"Lao Ye, this kid should be hungry... Whose house does it belong to? Gotta get her mother to breastfeed... Don't let your kids go hungry!

Zhao Meiyu really couldn't guess.

Can think that she is already married, she said almost everything.

I didn't think about Hatsune....

After all, Hatsune is in front of him every three or five days, and Lin Feng is in the field, who can think in that aspect.


"Can't even guess?"

"Can't guess" All three shook their heads in unison.

"Hatsune, your mother and your sister can't guess, that's all, you can't even recognize your own baby?"

Ye Zhengchun looked at Hatsune and smiled happily.

"You say, this is mine??"

Hatsune was slightly stunned, but soon reacted, and she remembered the baby who had been in the willow tree.

No wonder he felt that his eyes were so similar to Lin Feng!

It turned out to be his own baby!


that she is holding this little baby, she is even more reluctant to let go, no wonder, as soon as they meet, they feel special kisses!

"Then, Lin Feng is also back?"

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