Half an hour later,

Lin Feng's food was almost ready.

The whole kitchen is filled with the smell of food....

Six large dishes, four vegetarian dishes, plus three soups...

Eating for a family is definitely enough.


After the dishes were ready, he also asked Hatsune to invite his father-in-law and mother-in-law to come over.

But they had some business, so they had to make an appointment to come back in the evening.

After all, this time Lin Feng is a long-term stay, and coming to Japan is long, and there are opportunities.



and shallow text fighting, slightly dominant Xiao Hei, smelling the strong aroma of food, ghostly brain drilled in.

Can't quarrel and quarrel, but gluttony is the first place...

She wants to turn grief into appetite and make up for it.


"Quarrel again?"

Lin Feng saw Xiao Hei's sad and angry teeth grinding, and knew that he must have lost the argument.

Only when you fail will such a lonely expression appear on your face.

Xiao Hei snorted, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"You, what are you arguing with her..... Usually let you read more books and don't listen.......

Come, there are a few big meat ribs here, you can taste them first..." Lin

Feng smiled and opened the casserole jar, and suddenly a smell of meat came to his face.

This is the dish he learned in a farm restaurant in the Nanzhai Immortal Domain a few years ago - stuffy can ribs.

This stuffy can of pork ribs is also Xiao Hei's favorite dish.

"Or are you nice to me.... Not like shallow!! The

sadness and indignation on Xiao Hei's face gradually converged, and if there is food, it is very good....

"After nibbling, clean up the kitchen, and then prepare for dinner!!"

"Well, rest assured!"


Time flies, spring turns to autumn....

Lin Feng has been staying in Ning'an City since he returned, and while accompanying Xiao Xiyin, he is also quietly observing other movements.

Occasionally, the Dao Ancestors of the Immortal Domain and the Desolate Ancient came up to him and talked to him about some important things.

"Daoist, it's still like this... No one can stop that strange aura...

Even if I waited, I was inexplicably contaminated..." a white-haired emperor stood respectfully in front of Lin Feng and said.

Although he was both emperor realms, he did not dare to make the slightest mistake in front of Lin Feng.

This is a really ruthless person, killing people, even if it is killing Dao ancestors, he will not blink the slightest.

"Hmm.... I know... Go down

" "Yes..."

After the white-haired emperor left, Hatsune walked in from the screen window behind.

"How's it going, is it getting worse," Hatsune said cautiously.

"Hmm.... He is also tainted .... It's expected,"

Lin Feng nodded

Just like the wave of gray ominous things back then, only last time it was clearly to seize life, and this time, Heavenly Dao never made further moves.

This made him feel a little puzzled and puzzled.


Want to take this hostage? That's just overthinking.

Moral kidnapping was absolutely useless to Lin Feng.

The most concubines of the Ye family, blood relatives, all have substitute death talismans, and they can be resurrected in the corpse soul realm after death.

Even if he is an unprecedented, he will be successful in preaching in the future, and he will also be able to be resurrected by the law of time and space.


As for the others in the Immortal Domain, Lin Feng did not have such a fraternal heart.

Therefore, if it is just such a threat, it is absolutely useless!!

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