As time passed, the tension became more and more serious....

Ye family.

In the Immortal Domain, it is now an extremely weighty existence!

Not only because of its financial strength, but also because it has sufficient strength!

When many people saw the Ye family, they tried their best, and even abandoned their family property, and rushed to the Dream Immortal Domain at all costs.

You know that something big is going to happen in the future!

People who are well-informed and have good friends with the Ye family also secretly heard something!

The way of heaven has changed!

This time, it was even more serious than that gray substance....

Last time, at least the eyes could see and perceive.

Now, the vast majority of people, even the Dao Ancestor, are not visible and invisible!


It is also because it is invisible, unknowable....

Many people also have doubts....

One is to wonder, whether this is true or not....

You know, although the Heavenly Dao cannot be seen or touched, there will always be induction....

If you are disrespectful to him, I am afraid that it will violate the Taoist heart, and there will still be accidents!

The second is to wonder, if this is really the case with the Heavenly Dao, what strength does the Ye family have to compete with the Heavenly Dao?

Even if that big backer forest wind has the power of the world, it is still under the world!


There are many people who are confused, and there are many people who make choices....

Although many people are skeptical, the actions of the Heavenly Dao at the moment have indeed made many people dissatisfied....

At the beginning, the black shadow sneaked up on the Immortal Domain and the Desolate Dao Ancestor.

And dig up the corpses of many ancestors of the family to resurrect and become combat power and walking dead!

This has become public indignation!

This Heavenly Dao mixed with the black shadow again... That naturally forced these people to choose sides.

There is only one chance.

If you choose the wrong one, you will not recover!

Of course, you can also choose to watch the fire from the other side, but if you don't keep it even, you will be attacked indiscriminately by both sides!

If you die, you deserve to be completely deserved!


For this kind of person, Lin Feng has always been indifferent, and even let Shallow and others leave it alone.

After all, people have their own aspirations, and at the beginning, the heavenly ghosts invaded, and he also chose to watch the fire from the other side, waiting for the immortal domain to fight with the heavenly ghosts.

Therefore, it does not matter where you choose a side or where you stand.

There's no reason for people to make a choice.

But one thing, if he stands on the wrong side and dies in the end, he can't care about it!


"Now three more branches of clansmen have returned..." Someone kept reporting the current situation to Ye Zhengchun...

The people of the Ye family are all getting closer....

After Lin Feng's notice, he directly issued a summoning order in the name of the patriarch...

No one violates it, and no one dares to violate it!

Those people are all descendants of Chuye, Chufan, and Old Fifth and Sixth

... His Word works better than the Holy Decree!

Moreover, this time the order was issued very urgently....

Travel light, as long as you think of a way, you can return to the dream... Everything else, all aside!

Whether the others are occupied or taken by others, it doesn't matter.

As long as the person comes back safely!


"I don't know, Sister Ling, how are you preparing..." After

Lin Feng searched all over the Immortal Domain, he still didn't find any trace of Ling, or even Ling's layout...

He couldn't help but wonder a little....

Ling, what has been the layout done over the years....

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