Lin Feng spread out his palm, and a copper mirror shining with brilliance appeared in his palm....

The copper mirror is no more than the size of a palm, and the two sides are engraved with intricate runes, exuding an ancient aura...

As his mind moved slightly, the copper mirror slowly rose into the air...

This is the supreme treasure virtual god mirror he got at the beginning, and it has a miraculous effect in the face of this monster!


On both sides of the copper mirror, the divine light flashes, and it is gorgeous!

The five-colored divine radiance completely enveloped Lin Feng and the others...

"This is..." The

Fit Heavenly Ghost looked at this copper mirror with a curious face, thinking in his heart what special power this copper mirror had....

Lin Feng's magic weapon, she has seen a lot, and she has never seen more!


After the copper mirror appeared, the blood-colored giant eye also hesitated slightly....

Then countless brilliant rays of extinction directly rushed towards Lin Feng and the others!!


"Is it so amazing?"

The Combined Body Heavenly Ghost was a little surprised to see that those world-destroying lights hit them, and they were completely stopped by the copper mirror.

The brilliance flowed, and the divine light that swept over them was all reflected on those giant eyes!!


" and "boom"

divine light collided, and the sky was full of deafening loud noises, and the aftermath of divine power kept stirring in the space!

Explosion, annihilation, like that brilliant fireworks, has become a rare beauty in this world....


"The power of this mirror is not bad, the good things on your body are really not good..." Ling

looked at Lin Feng and praised lightly... Dealing with this kind of blood cell giant eye is not difficult for her...

However, she always guarded against other means of the Heavenly Dao, and never dared to be careless.

As for this little thing, then leave it to Lin Feng!


"Fortunately, it's all gadgets..." Lin

Feng was calm, he did have a lot of good things like this...

"However, in the future, there will be more interesting things..." Lin

Feng's fingers raised slightly, and the copper mirror was another burst of divine light!

There were several more blood-colored giant eyes in the sky...

Those giant eyes, whether in appearance or otherwise, are the same as the giant eyes of the Heavenly Dao...

Same size, same shape, and all exude the same breath..??

"Go, destroy everything!"

Lin Feng's spiritual power is abundant, and he can directly deprive those spiritual energy existing in the void cracks and provide the source of power for the copper mirror, naturally he does not care about this consumption!


The blood-colored giant eyes directly confronted each other in the void!!

Lin Feng and several people were like spectators, watching this fireworks display with great interest.

Shallow is even more excited, this kind of picture, after leaving the Nether, but it is rare to see....


In the unknown space

, the man with long hair and red hair sat on a bronze ding.

Looking at this battle place from a distance through the void of unknown thousands of miles.

He is dormant and waiting!!

Years of preparation have been completed.

As long as the agreed signal appeared, he would stop at nothing to launch the most violent attack on the Heavenly Dao!

It's time for the world to change!


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