The familiar picture constantly circulates in front of the two....

Lin Feng's eyes were a little frozen, as if he had been awakened by some kind of memory...

In the past, it was....

A lot of old things came to his mind...

Heavenly Dao originally wanted to banish their spirits.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he unintentionally opened the shackles in Lin Feng's mind...


After a long time

, he looked at Ling, and there was a hint of complexity in his eyes....

He knew everything now....

No wonder I searched all over the world to no avail... It turns out that everything should be on himself....

Thinking about Ling's sudden change in attitude back then....

Maybe from that time on, she already knew the truth of everything....

It's just that at that time I already had Hatsune by my side .... She has no other way than to choose to guard...

It's been this way for so many years....

No wonder there was such an illusion in the first place....

It turns out that this is so...



The familiar look appeared again, exactly the same as tens of thousands of years ago...

"Your memory... Awakened?

Ling's eyes were a little excited, and a line of clear tears slipped from the corners of her eyes....

She didn't expect that in this case, Lin Feng's memory was actually awakened....


"Let's get out first... This is not the place to speak..." Looking

at Ling, Lin Feng actually didn't know what to say....

For a long time, he really treated Ling like a sister...

But I didn't expect that tens of thousands of years ago, the two of them still had such a relationship... Is this his destiny?



Ling nodded....

Seeing that Lin Feng recovered his memories of that year... Her attitude was unconsciously much softer....

A crimson color appeared on that peerless face...

It's like going back to the way it was....


[Sure enough, many things, there is no way to change...]

The system sighed silently, this time it was not interfering, it was purely a coincidence....

However, this guy has now recovered his original memory....

What is the future hold?


Although Lin Feng and Ling have not been in the banished world for a long time, the real world war has been going on for several years!

The divine light flies, the big star falls....

Heaven and earth were suddenly filled with a twisted energy, surging...

Everything became more and more chaotic, and the entire star field was swept into the endless darkness...

Constant devouring, constant twisting....

At this moment, except for the shallow and the red-haired youth, there is no more life alive in the entire heaven and earth!!



I took a shallow breath

... During the time that Lin Feng and Ling disappeared, she had been struggling to support...

Fortunately, Ling's friend was strong enough, and they arranged many means back then....

Otherwise, she would have been annihilated in the long river of space!


"If you two don't appear again, then you will have to find a way to reincarnate me in the soil..." shallow

looked at the light mass and giant axe floating in the air, and sighed heavily....

These two have disappeared for too long....

Even if she carries a lot of talisman magic weapons, how long can she last...

The spiritual power of this world has been exhausted....

Fighting with the Heavenly Dao and the Black Axe consumes a huge amount of spiritual power at every moment....

In the long run, the inventory that Lin Feng had accumulated for many years had been hollowed out....


The red-haired man stood beside him with a solemn expression....

The already broken bronze ding exuded a fading brilliance, shrouding him and the shallow...

The body is close to shattering....

If there is another blow, it will not be able to withstand it anymore....

"Is it really going to fall short..." He

was also unwilling in his heart, after many years of planning, he was not its opponent after all....



I see if you can still withstand this blow! The

figure in the giant axe roared wildly, as if it had seen the dawn of victory!

This time, it must take both of them away!!

Then, it is to find Lin Feng and Ling in that banished world and solve it once and for all!

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