Shallow did not move, still holding the mobile phone and watching the TV series.

"Sister, if you don't go, then brother, I'll go and call," the green-haired man said with a smile.

Dog Five looked at this good brother on weekdays, and his face seemed to be beginning to deform.

"Little white face, you still dare to come here"

Dog Five saw the little white face who snatched his girlfriend, and pointed at himself.

Still laughing at himself.

He directly grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it towards the little white face.

"Bang" with a headshot.

The green-haired man was a little surprised? What is this dog five crazy about?

But the dog five seemed to be crazy, and another bottle was pumped.

The green-haired man ate two bottles, and even though he was physically strong on weekdays, he was a little overwhelmed.

"Cao Nima," he yelled

, pulling out an iron bar he usually carried, and pumped

it towards Dog Five.

Finally, the dog dragged the green-haired man and forcibly left the position.

Fight on the side of the road.

"Boss, clean up your place," Gu shouted inside.

Her current boldness is not ordinary, and she just cast an illusion on this dog five.

Let the green hair look like the person he hates the most.

However, the memory left by the mysterious man said that he used his eyes and applied magic for a long time.

It will make the body feel fatigue and various discomforts, and any special spiritual power will also be weakened.

But she felt very strange, she sometimes opened her chakra eyes and read the study materials for half a day.

Except for the peculiarity of the pupils when they were open, there was nothing that the mysterious man said.

It feels a little strange.

"Sister, there is a place, come to eat..." Gu Qiansha sent a message to Ye Chuyin and said.

The two people fighting outside will not be able to stop for a while, they are all scum.

She deserved to be beaten, so that she would have no mercy.

This illusion of pupil power is unusual, unless Shallow takes the initiative to unravel, or that dog five can find someone with a higher pupil power level than Shallow.

Then this suggestive illusion has always existed.

These two brothers of wine and meat, the days ahead will definitely not be peaceful!


Lin Feng was still galloping in the sky at this time, but it was strange to say.

No one seems to be following him today, and occasionally a few breaths appear. After seeing that it was him, he quickly disappeared.

He was also a little puzzled, what was going on?

Where did he know, because of Song Banshan's sake, plus the office explosion.

The name of the black flash became even louder in Jiangnan, and it was rumored outside that no less than twenty or so cultivators had died at his hands.

Even ordinary space law arrays couldn't trap him.

Now it is highly suspected that his space department ability is not only A-level, but perhaps higher.

This is a bit tricky.

Because the high-level blockade space array is worth a lot, ordinary people can't take it.

This person's space jump ability is no weaker than the golden flash back then.

At that time, the golden flash was because of the stumbling block, and it had to be put down at the cost of his life.

But this black flash has been walking alone, I don't know his identity, and I don't know if this person has any ties.

Moreover, this person's strength is constantly changing, constantly getting stronger.

The A-level ones all died in a team, and people with general strength did not dare to fight him again.

Fortunately, the black flash only killed those who were pursuing him, and did not expand the scope of damage.

It did not continue to kill citizens indiscriminately, which made many people slightly relieved.

Now whether to use a higher level large array to lock it up, or find other S-level space systems or above to assist in the capture.

I have to wait for Song Banshan to finish rooting and then come to discuss.


Two hours later

, the sky over Lanruo Temple

was still covered with thick clouds, and there was the sound of lightning and thunder from time to time.

Lin Feng saw that the surrounding area of this temple was already covered with yellow talismans, thinking that it was because the Spiritual Bureau had sent people to investigate.

Lin Feng unveiled the talisman of the temple gate and stepped directly in.

There are also a lot of yellow paper symbols inside, but they have now been retyped. It's much brighter than before.

After Lin Feng came in, the candle that had been extinguished actually lit by itself.

A gust of wind blew in and made a whining sound.

"Is this a sense of ritual?" Lin Feng couldn't help but say.

Entering a place of scariness, this thing feels standard.

However, he was not careless. That damn obsessive-compulsive disorder made him have to come here today, maybe something was going to happen.

Geng Ghost stuck behind him, and the two of them began to search room after room.

"There is no problem in those rooms, it seems that the problem is still in the main hall here," Lin Feng looked at the clay Buddha statue and said secretly.

He was also a little surprised, and now he saw that there were still no other changes in this Buddha statue.

Still sitting on the top of the main hall, he looked sad and compassionate.


Lin Feng was faintly uneasy in his heart, and he no longer hesitated.

Directly turned the chopping moon into a gatling and directly burst up.

The fiery blue light flashed, smashing the Buddha statue to pieces.

"Nothing?" Lin Feng was also a little surprised.

In his opinion, the ghost-faced Buddha has always been this clay Buddha statue.

Now that I have bombarded the Buddha statue like this, it seems that it has no effect.

It's like a real clay sculpture.

"Where does that weirdness come from?"

Lin Feng once again transformed the weapon into the appearance of the Heavenly Lock and the Moon Split.


suddenly a violent wind blew through, directly blowing the door of the hall shut.

It made a loud noise.

The candlelight is constantly extinguished, and there is even special music.

I saw that the broken fragment actually began to squirm.

It seems that there is still flesh and blood, which is not at all like just now.

The constant reorganization has begun, and it seems to be about to reunite.

"Donor, I didn't expect you to come again..." said

a somewhat vicissitudes voice, sounding like a monk with a story.

"Listen to you, are you going to tell me a story?" Lin Feng asked.

However, his heart was already alert, the source of this voice was unknown, and he did not dare to be careless.

The flesh and blood in front of him had been re-condensed, and it had become the solemn Buddha statue again.

With a finger of Lin Feng's long knife, he was ready to cut this ghost into several more segments.

The Buddha statue suddenly flashed with golden light, and the momentary stimulation made Lin Feng almost blind.

It's just so bright!

After the golden light disappeared, Lin Feng saw an old monk appear in front of him.

Look at the front with your eyebrows and eyes folded. Like a righteous monk!

But behind him is full of ghosts, and it is clearly an extremely vicious ghost!

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