It's magical!

Misaka Mikoto opened the system in front of her that only she could see. As she often reads comics, she has a strong ability to accept things.

In the comics, all kinds of weird things are described.

The group leader has proved that he is indeed very strong and powerful. Putting aside the shameless behavior of stealing his own safety pants, just being able to avoid the dormitory manager and sneak in is already a very remarkable thing.

In addition, the subsequent tasks of Fantasy Hand made Misaka Mikoto feel very magical.


How did he avoid the dormitory manager, and when did he sneak in?

Misaka Mikoto couldn't figure it out, and it seemed that she had touched something vaguely but couldn't remember it.

I hope that he can complete the task this time, otherwise Saten Ruiko and the others may not wake up. The brown eyes gradually spread to the darkness in the distance. Almost all the factories in sight were out of power. The instigator of everything was naturally Kinoshita Haruo who was hiding in it.

In the building complex one kilometer away, a figure like a little mouse sneaked out from a blind spot in the wall and looked outside.

"Did I mess up this timeline?" Jiang Feng looked up at the bright moon in the sky, which was peeking out from the dark clouds.

According to the original timeline of this world, it should have been when they were on the viaduct that Kimura was subdued by Misaka Mikoto, but because he took the magnetic card, the matter was delayed until the evening.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just to find where Kiyama Haruo is. I don't have to go there myself. If I can't find him, I can use the magnetic card to complete the task."Jiang Feng comforted himself.

He always felt that this system gave a lot of flexibility. Misaka Mikoto gave a task that could be completed by choosing one of the two. It seemed that she could easily complete this subsequent task by giving it to her with the magnetic card, but what if both were completed? Would the acquisition rate increase again?

Some things always need to be tested to know the results!

"I am definitely not doing this for her gain rate. I am saving her body and soul. If I don't go to hell, who will? Let me bear the three years in prison. If my fans knew about this, they would definitely admire and worship my behavior. How could there be such an upright person in this world?"

After comforting himself (jian), Jiang Feng suddenly retracted his head, and the searchlight just flashed outside.

But how to find the other party?

Jiang Feng looked at the buildings in the dark with some helplessness. The buildings here seemed to have no end at a glance. A superpower with dozens or even hundreds of various abilities hiding in them could not be found by these guards at all.


We can only try our best.

After making up his mind, Jiang Feng randomly chose a direction and raised his leg to go.

A breeze blew, and a faint special smell of smoke was sent into the nose.

This smell of smoke is really choking!


Jiang Feng stopped, he was excited in his heart, and his sense of smell was doubled. He instantly knew that this smell was the one he smelled in Mushan Haruo's office.

If Mushan Haruo hadn't said that the smoke had a special smell, perhaps he would have thought it was just an ordinary smell of smoke, but now when he smelled it carefully, it was really special. It was like a mixture of very light rose and lily scents.

In the darkness, Jiang Feng's eyes were fixed on the wind source on the right. Over there, there was a bloody mouth like a beast with the door half-closed, slightly opened. Under the dim moonlight, the house number 307 could be vaguely seen.

In the automated factory, the machines here continuously process raw materials from the outside world 24 hours a day.

Food, beverages, metals, and other items are almost all packaged and tested here.

At this moment, the machines all stopped because of the loss of power, and the monitors above the head also failed directly due to the current.


Kimura Haruo picked up a bottle of mineral water scattered on the ground and took a few gulps.

With a tired look in her eyes, she looked at the dim closed environment,"This security team is really like a hound, chasing after us. It seems that the highway leading to the outside should have been completely blocked, but fortunately, we can find the gap and run out by crossing the 17th Western School District."

She was not afraid of the guard team while talking to herself, but the dark forces in the dark.

If she really waited for those guys to come out, she would be dragged to death even if she had acquired so many super powers.

Suddenly, there was danger in her eyes, and she opened her right hand. Electric current burst into bright light in the air, filling half of the factory.

Puff, dozens of air bombs hit the wall dozens of meters away.

There was no one there.

Her pretty nose twitched, and a familiar smell made her guess who the visitor was:"You are really amazing. You can find me at this time. Come out. You still smell strong."

Go out?

Only a fool would go out!

Jiang Feng, who was hiding behind the wall, shouted loudly:"You are really enthusiastic to attack acquaintances when you meet them."

""Where is that magnetic card? If you don't hand it over, don't even think about leaving here today!" Kimiya Harusei's tone became tough, his brain calculated instantly, and the invisible power acted on the wall. His scalp instantly numbed, and Jiang Feng, who felt something, flashed almost instinctively, and the wall behind him collapsed with a bang.

The whole hall was instantly filled with dust.

Ran away? Kimiya Harusei looked at the open door on the right side of the collapsed wall, and he despised this loach-like guy in his heart.

On the contrary, Jiang Feng, who rushed out, was a little helpless. The other party also had a space system, and even if he had space attack means, it would be difficult to target her.

Besides, the calculation speed of ten thousand people is better than his alone. Jiang Feng's purpose of finding the other party has been achieved, and it would be stupid to go up and give his head at this time. A few hundred meters away, two figures were hugging each other and moving quickly and flashing over.

Just by seeing this flash ability, Jiang Feng knew who was coming. He chose to leave without saying a word,"I can't beat you now, I'll let my Pikachu electrocute you!"

Just now, he notified his RBQ to come over and give Kinoshita Haruo an electric shock therapy.

This is called a strategic retreat!

Not a coward!

And as a master, how could he easily go out to fight? Of course, he would let the gun girl go first.

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