"That's right! The cram school is in the 18th district, and this is the 19th district."Himegami Aisa clenched his right fist and smashed it into his left palm, and suddenly realized it.

Oh, so stupid!

Jiang Feng couldn't complain. The other party actually wanted to go back. Are you sure he is not planning to give up?

He looked down at the two hamburgers and gently pushed them in front of the other party.

"You don't want it?" Himegami Aisa looked at him curiously.

"I'm full, I don't want to eat these things." Jiang Feng still had to save some space for the monster meat, so he almost didn't look at these ordinary foods.

"What a pity."Himegami Aisa said it was a pity, but his tone and expression did not show it at all.

Seeing that the other party was so heartless, Jiang Feng added:"By the time you finish eating, it will be almost time for the afternoon class. Will you be able to walk in time?"

Himegami Aisa, who was holding the burger with both hands to his mouth, froze, his mouth slowly closed, and his bright eyes finally showed a little fluctuation.

Haha, Jiang Feng was immediately amused when he saw the other party's humiliation.

"Lend me a hundred dollars"

"I have no money." Jiang Feng said without hesitation.

"I just gave you 500 yen out of kindness." Himegami Aisa remembered this incident very well.

"I didn’t take it either!"

"He wouldn't even give me a hundred dollars, and I gave him two hamburgers."

"I didn't eat it either!"

Jiang Feng wanted to see the other party's helpless expression. This girl actually complained about him for so long. Of course, he really had no money. It was impossible for him to turn money into something, right?

"One hundred yen? I just happen to have some here."A pretty figure appeared behind Jiang Feng, and a coin was placed on the table by a fair little hand.

Hmm? Jiang Feng turned around and saw the smiling Saten girl. From the corner of his eye, he saw three little heads not far away paying close attention to this place.

Well, why do I always feel so embarrassed? Saten Ruiko scratched her cheek, but she couldn't be sent by a senior to spy on information.

Some things certainly can't be decided by someone's mouth alone.

No matter how you look at it, it feels like the earthquake has nothing to do with the shrine maiden in front of him. Instead, Jiang Feng has the illusion of picking up girls.

Sometimes it doesn't necessarily take the initiative from the man, maybe the woman is more proactive.

Misaka Mikoto certainly won't tell her real purpose, and verbally she is still just helping someone complete the task as soon as possible.

"Thank you very much." Himegami Aisa was still grateful for this. The next second she looked at Jiang Feng and said,"It's not like someone who gave me money and hamburgers but refused to lend me even a hundred yen."

"So how did you two meet?" Saten Ruiko asked

"Know him? No, I saw him begging on the street, I felt sorry for him and gave him 500 yuan"

"I was just tying my shoelaces. Jiang Feng corrected

"Later, he came with me to eat hamburgers."Himegami Aisa's power of complaining seemed to be gathering.

Jiang Feng had a hunch that if he continued chatting like this, he would only fall into endless complaints. The person in front of him could not be judged by common sense at all. Well, it seems that it is really just a coincidence. Saten Ruiko turned around and gave a reassuring look to the people behind her.


The objects on the table collided with each other in the violent shaking. The students who tried to stand up could not control their bodies and fell to the ground. The floor-to-ceiling window glass was instantly shattered by the pressure of the walls, and the flying fragments scattered all around.

Quick, the earthquake was so fast that everyone did not react at all. The screams were not even uttered, and the world was already in chaos.

""Be careful!" Jiang Feng grabbed the two girls with both hands and appeared on the street outside.

At the same time, Shirai Kuroko also appeared beside him with Misaka Mikoto and Hatsuharu Shiori.

At this time, screams spread like a virus in the 19th school district.

On the street, people were running everywhere like headless flies.

""Hatsuharu, come with me and save people!" Shirai Kuroko flashed and rushed to a girl lying on the ground not far away.

Hatsuharu Shikiri also hurriedly chased after her, but the chaotic crowd made her feel like a salmon swimming against the current.

"Mikoto, you stay here and take care of them. I'll go take a look." Jiang Feng was excited. It turned out that it was right to follow Himegami Aisa.

"Okay, go ahead!" Misaka Mikoto also guessed what the other party was going to do.

"My burger." Himegami Aisa suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes with one hand and pointed at the chaotic fast food restaurant with the other hand.

"We'll treat you to something better later! Don't disturb him." Misaka Mikoto reached out and grabbed her wrist, her gentle words leaving no room for doubt. Himegami

Aisa ignored her, her eyes never leaving Jiang Feng. She would rather believe this good man who would even return her 500 yen.

Jiang Feng nodded at her, and the latter's hand slowly loosened.

Misaka Mikoto's eyelids twitched a few times. What the hell? Didn't they just meet? She was alert and snorted coldly:"Who wants to care about such an idiot."

On the east side of the 19th school district, the earthquake was confined to this area.

On the road, there were chaotic crowds everywhere, and screams and sirens lingered in the city.

On the road as densely packed as sardines, Jiang Feng was like a dolphin tracking a school of fish, moving upstream. The further he went, the greater the degree of damage he found.

Slowly, he could only move forward by space movement. Just as he flashed to a T-shaped intersection, he suddenly bumped into a figure.

Ah, a scream rang out.

Married Photon, who took a few steps back, almost dropped the fan in her hand to the ground,"Commoner, you actually bumped into me, don't you know that I am Married Photon from Tokiwadai Middle School!"

But when she saw Jiang Feng clearly, she pointed at the other party with a trembling hand:"It's you, you were last time!"

Jiang Feng waved at her:"Get out of here quickly, it's very dangerous here"

"What are you doing?"After marriage, Guangzi was a little surprised that everyone ran to open places, but this boy insisted on running with the crowd.

"Be careful."Jiang Feng grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards the corner of the wall. She couldn't control herself and fell into his arms. The place where they had just stood was occupied by the collapsed electric pole.

Plop, Guangzi fell into the arms of a boy for the first time after marriage.

Her face seemed to be dyed with a rainbow, with anger, surprise, shyness, and all kinds of expressions.���Flash across the face

"Are you okay? Please leave here first." Jiang Feng pulled the other person away in a hurry. He hardly thought about the relationship between men and women.

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