"Your Zuo Shi's family is a group of white-eyed wolves. Back then, when my father helped you like this, you all avenged your kindness and revenge." Qin Tian said angrily.

"Master Qin, there is nothing good in this Zuo Shi's family, don't talk nonsense with her, it's over!" said Su Yuan on the side.

"Really?" Zuo Shixian glanced at Su Yuan coldly, then she took out a photo stone and projected a picture.

Seeing this picture, all the people of the Su family were petrified.

There are two people in the picture, a man and a woman. They look somewhat similar to Su Yuan. At this moment, they are as thin as firewood, tied to the iron pillar, and their faces are twisted in pain!

"Peng'er, Ling'er!" Su Yuan shouted, and the whole person became excited.

The other Su family members stopped attacking when they saw the head of the family. Some of the elders recognized the two people in the picture. They were Su Yuan's eldest daughter Su Ling and second son Su Peng.

Su San became the only young lady of the Su family because the second old Yamato died.

After a long time, no one dared to mention the deaths of those two, so the new generation of the Su family thought that there was only one eldest lady in the Su family.

Su Yuan stared at Zuo Shixian, his body trembled slightly: "I suspected that the death of the second old Yamato had something to do with you, but you still don't admit it!"

"Today, I will definitely step down your Zuo Shi's house! Avenge my children!"

Su Yuan's eyes were blood red, his breath began to rise, and he was desperate.

Immediately, he began to frantically attack the eye node of the formation, and the big formation began to shake violently.

At this moment, Zuo Shixian said, "Your children are not dead yet!"

"Not dead?" Su Yuan was stunned for a while, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"Where are they? As long as you let them go, my Su family will retreat immediately!"

"I can't let it go now. Your Su family is withdrawing now, and I will let them go in a year!"

Hearing this, Su Yuan's expression became tangled. In a year, he was afraid that Zuo Shixian had already controlled the mountains and rivers, and his Su family would be in danger.

But if he didn't retreat, he couldn't care about the lives of his children.

The Su family is not as cold-blooded as other families. They attach great importance to family affection.

Su San on the side was also silent, but she knew that this decision was very difficult for her father.

Qin Tian frowned and looked at Zuo Shixian, whose mouth was slightly raised, and then looked at Su Yuan:

"Patriarch Su, if you care about it, you will be messed up! He only showed us a picture, which does not mean that your children are still alive!"

Hearing this, Su Yuan came back to his senses, he looked at Zuo Shixian: "It's okay if you want me to retreat, but you have to let me see them first!"

"I can't see them now, they were hidden elsewhere by me!" Zuo Shixian frowned slightly and said immediately.

"Patriarch Zuo, you are a white wolf with empty gloves! How can you prove that someone is still alive when you take a photo in the sky?" The voice of the master of shadows came from the void.

The next moment he appeared next to Su Yuan, and now that this moment has come, he doesn't want the Su family to quit.

After all, the Shadow Tower has chosen to stand in line and make enemies with Zuo Shi's family!

Then everyone looked at Zuo Shixian in unison.

"I can swear that your children are not dead!" Zuo Shixian said in a deep voice.

"Patriarch Zuo, what realm and state of mind are we in, is this oath of the heart still useful?"

"Don't play such a low-level cleverness!" The Shadow Landlord said angrily.

"They are really still alive." Zuo Shixian said seriously.

"How do you prove?" At this time, Qin Tian asked.

Zuo Shixian was silent. "Tell me, where is the second child of my old Yamato!" Su Yuan said angrily.

"They were hidden in a hidden place by me. If you don't believe it, then come here!" Zuo Shixian said lightly.

"Patriarch Su, I suspect that he is lying to you, but no matter what, let's destroy the Zuo Shi's family first, and then we will arrest this bitch and torture him!" The eyes of the Shadow Landlord's mask flashed coldly.

Su Yuan nodded slightly: "Kill!"

The voice fell, and he slashed to the formation eye node again.

Zuo Shixian narrowed his eyes slightly, then looked behind him and said, "Bring people up."

At this time, Yu Jia appeared in front of everyone with a little girl.

The little girl's hair is messy, and her appearance is cute and delicate, but her face is a little sluggish, as if she had been tortured.

Her hands and feet were chained, and the sword in Yu Jia's hand was still against the little girl's neck.

The appearance of this little girl made the shadow master who was wearing a mask tremble.

At this time, the little girl also looked up at the Shadow Landlord wearing a mask. She recognized that this was her relative, and she shed tears of grievance.

"Lord Shadow, I can't bring the people of the Su family to show you right now, but I can show you your sister!"

"Bitch, it turns out that you caught my sister secretly. Are you going to let him go?"

The Shadow Landlord trembled slightly because his sister was his only relative and the last piece of pure land in his life.

At this moment, if it wasn't for the formation, and his sister was being held to the neck with a sword, he might have rushed up desperately.

Seeing this scene, Qin Tian had a headache. He was wondering why Zuo Shixian had caught so many outstanding young people and what she wanted to do.

He thought it might be more than just a threat.

"The Shadow Tower will guard my Zuo Shi's house for one year, and I will release him after a year!" Zuo Shixian said lightly.

"You're dreaming!" The Shadow Landlord immediately said angrily.

At this moment, Zuo Shiyu quietly appeared beside Yu Jia. She looked at the Shadow Master and said with a smile: "The Shadow Master, your sister's name is Zhong Xuanxuan, isn't she? What a cute name!"

While speaking, she walked around to Zhong Xuanxuan's side and slashed at her arm with a sword.

With a squeak, blood sputtered.

"Ah!" Zhong Xuanxuan gasped and cried out in pain.

"Looking for death!" The Shadow Landlord was furious, Qin Tian was also extremely angry, and this bitch again.

"Haha!" Zuo Shiyu smiled up to the sky: "Don't get excited, the landlord, it's just a skin injury, but if you still have this attitude, her arm will be gone!"

The Shadow Landlord's body trembled even more. If his eyes could kill people, Zuo Shiyu would have died 10,000 times.

"Lord Shadow, I will give you ten breaths to make a decision, and I will take off her limbs every ten breaths!" Zuo Shixian said coldly, and she looked at Zuo Shiyu, who nodded slightly.

After being silent for a few seconds, the Shadow Landlord turned to look at Qin Tian and Su Yuan: "I'm sorry, my sister is my only relative, I can't lose him!"

"Master Shadow, your decision is very irrational. Have you ever thought that in a year's time, you will still be the opponent of Master Zuo?" Su Yuan asked in a deep voice.

"I thought about it, but I can't lose my sister, just like you can't lose your children!" The Shadow Landlord nodded and said in a deep voice.

The field suddenly fell silent.

Qin Tian began to ponder, the two bosses of the Su family and the Shadow Building, the ethnic power that can regard family affection is more important.

This surprised him very much, because this kind of family love is really rare in the big forces. He has seen too many siblings killing each other, father and son killing each other.

In this comparison, these two forces are much better than Zuo Shi's family.

And just then, he had a solution.

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