Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

Chapter 1302 The Layout Of Li Xuanji

the other side.

Li Xuanji convened a group of captains and two captains, ready to reveal his own plan.

She took out the detailed map of the Ice Demons, and everyone was a little surprised when they saw this map.

At this time, Li Xuanji said: "This time I plan to divide the army into three ways and cut the ice demons apart."

Then she pointed to a spot on the map and said, "This is the formation center of the Ice Demons. Once the formation of the Ice Demons is opened, the entire Ice Demons will turn into a world of ice and snow, forming a kind of Ice Demon Domain!"

"In the Ice Demon Domain, the enemy is strong and we are weak, so everyone in the Third Army must break through here as soon as possible and destroy this formation center!"

Then, Li Xuanji pointed to another place on the map.

"This is the main barracks of the Ice Demons. The first army is going to attack here, but the main purpose is not to attack, but to temporarily hold them back with the army formation and prevent them from supporting other places!"

"So, don't be impatient, you can't beat it!"

"If anyone leads someone to be brave, then I will deal with it by military law!"

"As for the people of the Second Army, they are divided into small teams and move freely!"

"The main purpose is to stop people from other parts of the Ice Demon Tribe who came to support them, and when the First Army and the Third Army need support, rush to support them as soon as possible!"

"The deployment of the commander of the divine machine is too perfect!"

"Yes, if we fight like this, we will definitely reduce a lot of losses!"

After Li Xuanji finished speaking, someone immediately praised it, because this deployment was indeed perfect.

At this time, Li Xuanji said solemnly: "Don't float, because we still don't know what the enemy has hidden cards!"

"But the most important thing now is to look at the Third Army. It is the key that you destroy the formation Realm of the Ice Demons as soon as possible. If you encounter difficulties, remember to ask the Second Army for support in time!"

"Yes!" Everyone returned in unison.

Then Li Xuanji asked some details and precautions, and let him leave.

After the meeting, Li Xuanji looked at Gui Lao: "Your mission this time is to protect Qin Tian, ​​even if you die, he can't die!"

When Gui Lao heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Li Xuanji in confusion: "Miss, this is not good! My main duty is to protect you..."

"I have already made a breakthrough, and I have my trump card, I don't need your protection!" Li Xuanji interrupted before Gui Lao finished speaking.

Old Gui nodded seriously and said, "I see!"

"Well, remember what I said, if Qin Tian died, it would be a hundred times more serious than if I died!" Li Xuanji was worried and warned.

Gui Lao nodded again, but this time, he had already begun to guess Qin Tian's background in his mind.

Just let him guess how boldly, and he won't think about the identity of the prince.

Soon, Qin Tian's team received instructions. They were the second army, and their main task was to kill the enemy freely, as well as support the first army and the third army.


On this day, the Ice Demon Tribe was as usual, it was snowing heavily, and the ground was also covered with snow and ice. The temperature here was extremely low.

Among the ice demon clan, there are many ice demon clan patrolling, this ice demon has thick black hair all over his body, not only is not afraid of cold, but also has a strong defense.

At this moment, the sky of the Ice Demons was suddenly torn apart by a huge force.

Then three huge ancient ships in the starry sky descended on the Ice Demon tribe.

The 300,000 army on the ancient ship of the starry sky swooped down, and the momentum shook the world!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

With a roar, the patrolling ice demon was instantly killed.

At this time, the entire Ice Demon tribe sounded a piercing flute, which was a signal of battle.

The next moment, the Realm formation of the Ice Demon Tribe opened, which caused the temperature of the entire Ice Demon tribe to drop sharply, and at the same time it was filled with extremely thick ice magic energy.

The third army quickly went to the core area of ​​the big formation, and the ice demons also began to form a defense line.

The First Army, on the other hand, used the army formation to form a temporary defense line in the barracks of the Ice Demon tribe to block the enemy's attack. The second army that Qin Tian was in began to disperse to block the strange demons who came to support them.

Suddenly, a shocking battle started.

Qin Tian brought his army of 100 people towards a 1000-strong army of Ice Demons and killed the past.

At this moment, Qin Tian has activated the undead hegemony body, and his two fists have been wrapped in the nine-colored flames.

He stomped his right foot violently, and the whole person burst out.

A punch slammed into the oncoming ice demon.

The ice demon who took the lead was also true, and Qin Tian was hard with a punch.

The two fists collided violently.


The ground shook violently.


One after another shattering sound resounded on the ice demon, and the ice demon's body was like an ice cube, with more than a dozen cracks appearing.

Then, Qin Tian smashed it with another punch, instantly smashing it into pieces.

A time immortal level ice demon was killed by Qin Tian like this.

This behavior also immediately boosted the morale of his 100-man team.

But the remaining ice demons are not cowardly, they are a group of thousands.

Qin Tian finished killing the ice demons, but did not stop, but rushed into the ice demon group and started to kill randomly.

Almost no one can stop Qin Tian's punch, even if they cast the ice magic shield, it is not enough.

Because Qin Tian's combat power is stronger than them, and when Qin Tian kills Ice Demon, he will use double suppression.

This double repression is very repressive for people who are not much different in strength from him.

Not long after, hundreds of ice demons united and prepared to deal with Qin Tian.

"Earth Dragon Ice Pick!"

A Time Fairy-level ice demon issued an order.

Hundreds of ice demons slammed on the ground, driving their own energy into the ground.

Suddenly, Qin Tian felt energy fluctuations under his feet. He read the information and knew that the strange demon had launched an attack, so he decisively chose to teleport to avoid it.

And just as he disappeared, hundreds of ice picks shot out from under his feet.

Hundreds of them, Qin Tian's scalp was numb immediately.

This ice pick, he can easily block a few, even dozens, but hundreds, he is not sure to resist.

Even if you block it, you will fall into the rhythm of these hundreds of people.

It seems that on the battlefield, it is not enough to rely on yourself.

Immediately, Qin Tian began to move at high speed to avoid being locked by the opponent, and then attacked by hundreds of ice picks.

He looked at his hundred-man team, seven or eight dead at the moment, Qin Tian frowned suddenly.

And just when he was anxious, Zhou Xue came to support him with a few brigades.

Qin Tian immediately cast a grateful look.

With the addition of Zhou Xue and others, the Ice Demon could not have separated so many people to besiege him.

Suddenly, Qin Tian was like a wild horse running wild, moving wildly on the battlefield, slaughtering wildly.

Even the strange demons of the time immortal level were killed by Qin Tian.

This also caused his murderous aura to skyrocket wildly, and his military merit also increased a lot.

Today, he plans to accumulate enough military merit to be promoted directly to captain.

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