Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4912: The confrontation between the two great families

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

Knowing that there is no need to be anxious, Ling Chuxi let Ling's children practice separately. The more critical moments, the better for their temperament.

And she also temporarily put the Ling family aside for the time being, devoted herself to studying the two longbows in her hands. As Meng Dingtai said, it is not an overnight thing to fully understand the skill of refining these magical bows, but it is much easier to simply refine them together.

Ling Chuxi sacrificed the spirit fire, and a series of law-making was formed in her hand. A brand-new divine bow gradually appeared in her hand. This bow is still based on the remnant bow of the original sunset **** magic bow, so Ling Chuxi never thought of renaming it, and still called it the sunset **** magic bow.

Just as Ling Chuxi completed the last few refining exercises, the endless peak's majestic posture straight into the sky also appeared in sight.

The winding ladder of the Ten Thousand Tribulation is still the same as before, exuding the powerful pressure of the power of heaven and earth. The invisible pressure that was originally covered within a few miles of the endless peak has disappeared. There are traces left behind by the masters after the battle. Obviously, the original protection of the Tianji Sect has been in the previous fields. Once destroyed during the war, only the Ladder of Ten Thousands of Thrones shrouded in the prestige of heaven and earth was not affected.

At this time, tens of thousands of cultivators Jingwei were divided into two gangs, confronting each other under the ladder of 10,000 robbery.

At the forefront are the powerful families with Ling Mofeng, the head of the Ling family, Shangguan Zhenting, the head of the Shangguan family, and Yuwen Zongjue, the head of the Yuwen family.

Of course, Si Kouye also stood among the elders of the Ling family. Although Ye Geyin was far from the crowd, he was still within the scope of the Ling family. It can be seen that she still belongs to the Ling family, and she will inevitably help Ling family when she meets.

"Shangguan Shock, the crisis of Tianyu is unknown to others, can you still not know? Do you really want to involve so many clan families in the private grievances of several of our families?" Ling Mofeng's white hair is like snow, one Inquisitively, Shangguan shouted.

"Ling's homeowner, as the so-called Dao Duo help and the Dao helpless, we two Shangguan Yuwen are loved by people, these family ancestors are willing to advance and retreat with us both, with the same honor and disgrace, we can not refuse it." Shangguan Zhenting did not say. Shangguan Yunxiao behind him said with a sneer.

"Yes, Mr. Ling, if you are afraid that the grievances of several of our families will shake the foundations of Tianyu, you can let your Ling family come to help the family members of the family to retreat, why should you blame all of us? "" Shangguan Wuyou also echoed.

"Shangguan Zhenting, this is how your Shangguan family teaches future generations. Are they qualified to speak here?" Ling Mofeng was robbed by two younger generations, and he was even more angry.

"Although they are a little bit ignorant, but what they say is good. If you don't want these family clan houses to be involved in the battle of several of our families, you can let those behind you go back first. How can you accuse us. "Shangguan Zhenting said.

In fact, he was also a little helpless. It was originally a battle between the three big families. It was not his original intention to make such a big accident by accident.

He didn't realize it. In fact, even he himself was inadvertently pushed to such a situation step by step by Shangguan Yunxiao and Shangguan Wuyou. However, at this moment, he is difficult to ride a tiger, only to persevere.

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