Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4950: Treat him differently

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

"That's good, that's good." Shangguan Zhenting said with great joy, "Qin Yueming asked me one thing before he died, saying that if he had a chance to meet the Qin young master Qin Xueyi, he would tell her a word. The son also came to Tianyu. If you have the opportunity, you must find him. You must not let him encounter an accident again. Another treasure, let me pass it on to her. I sent someone to investigate in these years, and I never found Qin. Snow's whereabouts, even if you are a friend with her, this sentence and this treasure, please bother you to pass it on to me."

After talking, Shangguan Zhenting took out a square box tightly wrapped from the space ring.

"But she has left Tianyu and returned to Zunjie now. I can't find her either." Ling Chuxi didn't reach out and smiled bitterly.

Somewhat curious, son? Who is the son Qin Yueming said, why hasn't he heard Qin Xueyi say. However, they were not happy when they first met each other. It wasn't until Ling Chuxi taught her the magic technique that this turned her enemies into friends. Then Qin Xueyi returned to the realm of respect.

"Zunjie!" Shangguan Zhenting was stunned, but still gave the square box to Ling Chuxi, said, "You will go to Zunjie sooner or later, this treasure is still in your temporary custody, put it here, I am afraid that it cannot be completely Cheng Qin Yueming asked."

"What is this?" Ling Chuxi had to take the square box and asked.

"I don’t know what it is. It’s completely different from the heavenly materials and treasures of our heaven. If it’s not the solemn thing that Qin Mingyue said, and I guess that the so-called strange treasure of Zunjie is different from our heaven. I really would not treat It is treated as a treasure." Shangguan Zhenting said.

There was no seal on the box, and Shangguan Zhenting opened it as he said.

I saw a small piece of gray in a wooden box of ordinary material, like a wooden branch, and there were black marks around it.

Ling Chuxi habitually dived into the consciousness, but did not feel the existence of a little aura, nor the sign of the power of heaven and earth. It was indeed different from any heavenly treasures she had seen.

If it wasn't for Shangguan Zhenting, she would not treat it as a treasure.

"What is this, the wood that has been scorched by thunderfire, Chaos Shenmu?" Dongfang Yunqi also leaned in and looked at him curiously.

Not to mention, this really seems to be a wood stick that has been scorched by thunder fire, but since it is a treasure, it is naturally not an ordinary wood stick. It is also reasonable for Dongfang Yunqi to guess that it is a chaotic **** wood.

However, Ling Chuxi shook her head. She had seen a lot of chaotic gods. There are still several plants in her space, all of which are lush and leafy. Judging from Ling Chuxi's understanding of Chaos Shenmu, this is definitely not Chaos Shenmu.

"In my opinion, it is more like being burnt to the bones of a dead person." Mu Liufeng also followed, and his face was about to stick to the face of Dongfang Yunqi. He said so in his mouth, but his eyes were staring. On Dong Yunyun Qi's face, the skin was blown.

"Go! Have you ever seen the dead man's bones as baby?" Dongfang Yunqi turned around and scolded heavily.

Ling Fenghua looked at the two thoughtfully, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Dongfang Yunqi is very high-hearted. If someone else dares to get so close to her, he will fly out early, and then his mother will not know him. Today, it is just a "roll" word. Looked at each other.

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