Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4972: The biggest feature is to protect short

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

Tian Yanzong’s guardian disciples knew Ling Chuxi’s identity after the ceremony, and he asked Ling Chuxi to go in with a humble and indifferent smile and told Ling Chuxi that the patriarch had already known that she would come, so he ordered them to take Ling Chuxi directly at that time. It's just to see the Sect Master.

"Thank you." Ling Chuxi was naturally grateful.

Ling Chuxi followed the disciple of Tian Yanzong, but the road was not so smooth. Because I met an individual, an acquaintance. But this acquaintance is not so friendly. This man was the elder Gong, Gong Junxue, who was almost gone by Ling Chu Xikeng's underwear. As the elder of the adjudication board, he used power to seek personal gains, embarrassed Chu Xi everywhere, and gave Shangguan no worries, but finally his waist was not supported, but his face could not be swollen. Seeing Ling Chuxi coming to his site now, how could he not be overjoyed, how could he not take the opportunity to revenge back!

"Ling Chuxi, hehe, I haven't seen you for a long time." Gong Junxue stopped their way on the road, and said yin and yang strangely.

"Uncle Gong, you know Ling Chuxi." asked the disciple who led Ling Chuxi with some surprise. Although Gong Junxue was the elder of the adjudication committee, he did not have a high status in Tian Yanzong. He is an inner disciple of the elder Tang Yanzong of Tang Dynasty. Although his status is not very high, because of his high status as a master, he also has some face in Tian Yanzong.

"Not only know, but also very familiar." Gong Junxue gritted his teeth.

The disciples who led the way heard this tone and noticed something was wrong. Although they knew it, it was not what he imagined. It seemed that there was a holiday?

The biggest characteristic of Tian Yanzong is not mystery, not powerful, but short-term protection!

This is a tradition that has been handed down since the founding of the sect. It has never changed, and it has even intensified!

Ling Chuxi is a person who protects her own shortcomings. For her, whether it is right or wrong, the first thing is to protect her first. You must protect the right one and the wrong one, and then find a solution. No one is protecting you. Do outsiders come to scream and kill, do you still need to help the knife and the slaughter to get the blood? Therefore, Ling Chuxi quite likes this tradition of Tianyan Sect. As a disciple of Tian Yanzong, Tian Yanzong can't even protect his disciples. Perhaps this is also one of the main reasons why Tianyan Zong has stood up for tens of thousands of years. The disciples are loyal to Tian Yanzong.

However, when it was her turn to meet other people's shortcomings, she felt a bit more complicated.

Ling Chuxi saw Gong Junxue's appearance of taking revenge and had a headache. When she came this time, there was something important to find the acting master of the Tianyan Sect. As for the patriarch, really, Ling Chuxi was not sure whether she could see him. However, Gong Junxue was so troublesome. Sure enough, the face of the leading disciple who had treated her with courtesy had changed, and the look in Ling Chuxi was not so friendly.

"Elder Gong, I would like to gamble to lose. I will not mention your holiday with me. For the time being, I am here to fight against the matter of the esteemed world and discuss with the suzerain. You will know how much effort and sacrifice this ruling will make this time." Ling Chuxi was reluctant to waste time on Gong Junxue's body, the words were direct.

Will Gong Junxue just give up?

(The update is coming! Everyone!)

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