Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4981: Just because she is alone

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

"Shui Han, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I never thought of leaving you behind." Ling Chuxi looked at the man in front of him. Although his face was still young, the vicissitudes in his eyes told the enduring years. Ling Chuxi's heart couldn't be more painful. At that time, the child who trusted her wholeheartedly depended on her and did not know how much hardship she had experienced before she reached the present stage.

"Master..." Shui Han's face showed a faint smile at this time, and took Ling Chuxi to the only table in the room to sit down, and poured Ling Chuxi a cup of hot tea. Yes, it is hot tea. As the grandfather, although the house was unoccupied when he was closed, he was always cleaned, and hot tea was always in his teapot.

"Shui Han." Ling Chuxi holding a cup of hot tea, complex in mind. She feels guilty, distressed, and upset at the moment. She was annoyed by herself, how much suffering Shui Han had suffered, she didn't dare to think about it. The person she originally wanted to protect, but finally let go of his hand weakly.

"Master, don't be guilty. I actually know that I don't blame Master. Master and I are not a person of time and space. Master wants to go against the sky and take me to the future. Heaven does not allow it." Shui Han actually knows that he has always been We all know Ling Chuxi's helplessness and powerlessness. But he watched Ling Chuxi disappear in front of her, and his only dependence disappeared. His feelings in his heart can be imagined. Then, it was a long search. He made a crazy search, but was told that he could not find Ling Chuxi at all.

The only way to meet Ling Chuxi is to wait!

Wait for the long years to pass before Ling Chuxi will appear.

Therefore, Shui Han then went crazy. He didn't know how long to wait for Ling Chuxi to appear. In order to wait for Ling Chuxi, he must have a long lifespan so that he could afford it.

Day after day, month after month, year after year, he had no idea how many years he had waited. Too long years have driven him almost crazy. Loneliness and loneliness ate his heart away, and he could only stay closed for the long years.

"Over the years, you..." Ling Chuxi said, but did not know what to say. How have you been all these years? Is this still a question? How could he live well?

"In the days without Master, I practiced desperately and kept shutting down. I told myself that I could only wait for Master to appear when I lived for a long time." A light smile appeared on Shui Han's face. The boy who relied on Ling Chuxi wholeheartedly.

"However, later the people of Zunjie were eager to refine the heaven. So I created the Tianyan Sect and kept protecting the heaven. Because there is a master. There is no damage to the heaven in which the master is." Shui Han He said his experience calmly and simply, "In fact, the survival of the heavens is what I do. I don’t have the high wind that those people say. The reason why I protect the heavens is because the master is there. If the heavens are gone, the master It will never appear again."

Ling Chuxi was shocked in her heart. She never thought that the origin of Tian Yanzong, the first main force against Zunjie, was actually because of her! For tens of thousands of years, Tian Yanzong has always stood at the forefront to resist the invasion of Zunjie and is respected by the world. But who would have thought that all this was because Ling Chuxi was alone? !

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