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At this time, everyone was tasting the tuna sushi made by Ye Lin and looking at the beautiful scenery of Totsuki, and they all sighed at the beauty of life.

After leaving the food battle arena, everyone did not go to class because it was Sunday and there was no class. It was precisely because of this that Ida Jinkyō set the time of the challenge to today.

And Kousaka Honoka and the others were also not going to school, so at the invitation of Ye Lin, several people found a beautiful place and began to enjoy the sushi dishes made by Ye Lin.

Nearly fifty kilograms of tuna were made into sushi by Ye Lin, and the bones were stewed into soup. Of the many sushis, only eighteen were given to the judges, and the rest were of course for Soma Yukihira and others to try and for themselves.

Eating delicious food and looking at beautiful scenery, how can people not be happy

"It's really delicious. I never thought I could come to Totsuki. I can brag about this for the rest of my life."Looking at the cherry blossoms slowly falling around her, Kousaka Honoka kept stuffing sushi into her mouth.

"Don't eat that little fruit anymore, or you'll get sick from eating it." Seeing Kousaka Honoka eat one sushi and then pick up another one and put it in her mouth without any politeness, Minami Kotori suddenly became worried.

"But this is really delicious, what if I can't eat it in the future. So I eat more now, in case I can't eat it in the future."

However, although Minami Kotori wanted to dissuade Kosaka Honoka, it was obvious that Kosaka Honoka didn't want to stop at all.

"Mom, it's okay. You are Lin's friends, so you are my Yukihira Soma's friends. If you want to eat in the future, just come to Totsuki to find us."After drinking a mouthful of tuna soup, Yukihira Soma patted his chest and said to Kousaka Honoka

"Well, is the food you cook also so delicious?"


Takasaka Honoka puffed up her cheeks and looked at Yukihira Soma cutely and asked. Although Takasaka Honoka didn't seem to mean it, Yukihira Soma didn't know what to say. Although he was a little unwilling, Yukihira Soma knew that he was no match for Ye Lin at the moment.

This made Yukihira Soma, who was originally in a good mood, suddenly depressed, and he picked up a sushi beside him and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Hahaha、、、"Seeing Yukihira's frustrated look, Yoshino Yuuki beside him suddenly laughed without any image. Sakaki Ryoko shook her head helplessly, but she was also shocked while eating sushi. Was this sushi really made by Ye Lin? You know, Ye Lin said yesterday that he didn't know sushi at all, but in just one day, he not only learned how to make sushi, but also made it taste so good, just like a master chef who is immersed in this art.

If it's fake, it's okay, but if it's true, then Ye Lin's talent is a bit too scary.

"What happened?"

Just when everyone was eating well, Ye Lin suddenly found that Kousaka Honoka, who was eating well, suddenly had a change of expression on her face and became depressed.

The sun's rays shone on Kousaka Honoka's face, and the expression that should have been full of laughter was now covered with dark clouds. The frown showed that she had something heavy in her heart at this moment.

Looking up and looking around, the beautiful cherry blossoms were blooming desperately on the trees, dyeing the surrounding scenery into a pink scene.

The breeze blew, and the beautiful cherry blossom petals floated and danced in the air, not only dyeing the surrounding environment pink, but even the sky, unknowingly turned pink.

"Our school will be closed after this semester. I want to save our school, but I don't know how. Looking at your school, I am really envious. Not only is the food in this school delicious, but it is also so beautiful. My school can't compare at all."Looking at the surrounding scenery, Kousaka Honoka said something that had been bothering her.

"If that's the case, why not just turn it around?""Ah, it hurts."

As for Honoka Kosaka's troubles, Yukihira Soma responded without thinking. In his opinion, there was no need to worry about this matter. Since the school was going to be abolished, why not just change schools?

However, as soon as Yukihira Soma finished speaking, he was punched on the head by Ye Lin. Sometimes he was quite a headache for this single-celled organism.

"If it was really as you said, Honoka wouldn't have such a headache. If it gave her such a headache, Honoka must have deep feelings for her school and didn't want it to be closed down. It's like if your small restaurant was suddenly required to be demolished, would you think about opening a new restaurant in another place, or would you think of saving your restaurant?"

Just one sentence made Soma Yukihira shut his mouth.

He didn't expect that Kousaka Honoka had such deep feelings for her school. If he knew, he wouldn't have spoken just now.

After all, it would be impossible for him to just watch his restaurant being demolished.

"Small fruit、、、、、、"Minami Kotori looked at her best friend. She also knew that Kousaka Honoka had been worried about this matter these days. But she had no choice. You know, her mother is the chairman of Otonogizaka Academy. Even Kotori couldn't do anything. You can imagine how difficult this matter is.

"I see. I remember that generally there is only one reason why a school closes down, and that is when it can no longer run."

"You are just talking nonsense, who would close the school if it works?"

After hearing what Yoshino Yuuki said, three black lines suddenly appeared on Ye Lin's forehead.

"Generally speaking, there is only one reason why a school cannot continue to operate, and that is because it cannot recruit students. Only when the number of students decreases and the school is unable to make ends meet, will they consider closing the school. And your school probably has too few students."Finally, Ye Lin looked straight at Minami Kotori and Kousaka Honoka and asked a key question.

Kousaka Honoka nodded helplessly. Although she was reluctant to admit it, although the number of students at Otonogizaka Academy could not be described as a few kittens, the number of students in the past few months had dropped sharply. This was the reason why the decision to close the school was made because of the serious shortage of students.

"If that's the case, then why not recruit more people next semester?"

At this time, Yukihira Soma's voice came again. When everyone heard his words, they all looked over and looked at him as if he were a fool._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel AP

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