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It can be said that since Ye Lin gave the metal chicken to Yoshino Yuki last time, Yoshino Yuki has always wanted to see if Ye Lin has any good things.

After all, the status of metal chicken in the chicken world is exactly the status of A5 Wagyu in beef.

Not to mention the price in Ye Lin's original world, in the food wars world, it costs tens of millions of yen per chicken, a real Lamborghini.

But she didn't expect that Ye Lin could not only get that kind of magical leek, but even this kind of precious and rare chicken.

And why Ye Lin gave this chicken to Yoshino Yuki was to try whether the things drawn by the system could be cultivated by himself. And Ye Lin also knew that Yoshino Yuki's dream was to cultivate the Pole Star Chicken. If there was the help of the metal chicken, then it would definitely be twice the result with half the effort.

As for why the Snow Spirit Chicken was not sent along, the things in the magical world were probably gone before they could play with them.

But when I think of the look in Yoshino Yuuki's eyes when I gave the metal chicken to her, it was as if she was going to eat me.

And now when Ye Lin said there was something delicious, even though it was a pear, they were still curious.

Not only Yoshino Yuuki, but everyone in the 07th floor of the cooking room was eager to see what Ye Lin's character test pear was. Although it was a pear, it must be very delicious.

As for Youyouzi, in order to prevent these three-color pears from entering her stomach instantly, Ye Lin put them in the snack storage room specially prepared. There were countless snacks in it, and she could eat whatever she wanted.

Seeing everyone's expectation, Ye Lin smiled strangely, and directly broke away from the crowd and went to the storage room where fruits were stored. When he came out, he had a basket of strange pears with three colors in his hand.

This pear was nothing else, it was the three-color pear in the world of food captives.

Depending on the color presented at the first bite, the taste is also different.

Seeing Ye Lin returning to the cooking room again, and seeing the pear in Ye Lin's hand, several question marks suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

"This is、、、、、、This is not good. You must have painted it on." Soma Yukihira came to Ye Lin and looked at the three-color pear. He had never seen pears of this color before, so he immediately suspected that Ye Lin had painted the pears on.


Ye Lin didn't say anything, he just gave Soma Yukihira a knife, causing Soma Yukihira to cover his head in pain.

"This is what I call a character test pear, also called a three-color pear.

As you can see, the three-color pear has three colors, red, yellow, and black.

As for why I call it a character test pear, it is because it can test a person's character.

Of course, the character I'm talking about is not character, but luck.

The three-color pear looks like this before you eat it, and even the smell it emits is exactly the same and difficult to distinguish.

You will only know its taste after you take the first bite.

And depending on the taste, its color will also change, becoming a color that corresponds to the taste.

Red is super sweet, yellow is slightly sweet, and black is unpalatable.

It can be said to be very interesting.


As he said that, Ye Lin took a three-color pear and took a bite, and Ye Lin immediately ate it happily. Under the gaze of everyone, after Ye Lin's three-color pear was bitten off, the whole pear was no longer three colors, but turned bright red.

This made everyone have a strong interest in this kind of pear.

Although gourmet food captures most of them, three-color pears are still okay, as long as you don't eat too much, there is no problem

"I'll do it, I've always had a good character."The first person to try it was not Soma Yukihira, but Yuki Yoshino.

When she saw the pear in Ye Lin's hand turned red, her eyes lit up and she came to Ye Lin in two steps. Looking at the pears on the counter, she immediately picked up one, washed it, and bit into it.

It was sweet, but not greasy, and with the fragrance of the pear itself, it was super delicious.

There is no doubt that the pear in Yuki Yoshino's hand turned red, and it looked very beautiful.

"It's really a magical fruit."

Isshiki Hui walked up with a faint smile, took a pear without washing it, and bit it directly.

Although he didn't believe in such a fruit that required gambling luck, he saw that the pears in Ye Lin and Yoshino Yuki's hands changed color the moment they were bitten. This made him want to try it and see if this pear is really so magical.

I don't know if Isshiki Hui's luck is not good today. When he bit the three-colored pear, a wonderful taste spread in his mouth. Isshiki Hui's face also suddenly changed at this time, first green, and then turned black. That constipated expression is quite amazing

"Hahaha~" Looking at Isshiki Hui's extremely ugly expression and the black pear in his hand, Yoshino Yuuki suddenly laughed without image. It is enough to imagine how unpalatable the black pear is to be able to make Isshiki Hui have such a rich expression.

"It seems that your luck is not good today, so you should look at mine." Yukihira Soma came to Isshiki Hui and patted his shoulder to comfort him. However, if he could put away his mocking expression, it would probably be more convincing.、、、、、、


Seeing the two Yukihira Soma who were vomiting like brothers in distress, Yoshino Yuuki couldn't help laughing again.

It's no wonder she couldn't help it, it was just too funny.

Only Tadokoro Megumi looked at the ugly expressions of Yukihira Soma and Isshiki Hui, showing a little worry, worried that they might have food poisoning.

After all, it was hard to believe that Yukihira Soma, who had a strong resistance to bad food, was like this, not to mention Isshiki Hui.

""Ka, not bad." Seeing the pear in her hand turn yellow instead of red, although she was a little disappointed, Sakaki Ryoko felt that the yellow three-color pear was still much more delicious than the pears on the market.

If anyone had the best luck, it would definitely be the lively and lovely Yoshino Yuuki. She ate three three-color pears, two red and one yellow. This person has good luck.


However, when Yoshino Yuuki was about to eat the fourth one, Ye Lin slapped her away.

She looked at Ye Lin with resentment, wondering why he didn't let her continue eating.

"Your physical fitness is not good, you can only eat three at most, if you eat more, something bad will happen."

After hearing Ye Lin's words, Yoshino Yuki, who was still wanting to eat, subconsciously took two steps back, as if the delicious three-color pear she had just eaten was a flood and a beast.

However, at this moment, suddenly two slender little hands reached out, one hand grabbed a three-color pear and started eating._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation, and sharing

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