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But just when Ye Lin was about to leave the food shop to buy bamboo fungus, the sound of a door opening was heard.

As the two turned their heads, they immediately saw a cute little girl holding a little bear standing quietly at the door.

However, when the little girl saw the two people who were quite intimate at the door, she directly closed the door.

"Xiao Taozi, please listen to my explanation."

Looking at the little Loli who closed the door and had an expressionless face, Xiao Lin Longdan suddenly panicked.

If it was anyone else, then it would be nothing. But the person he just saw was none other than Akane Kubo Momo, who was also one of the Ten Elites.

If Akane Kubo Momo casually told anyone outside, I'm afraid that rumors would spread all over Totsuki the next day.

After all, he was one of the Ten Elites, and such a big gossip was not acceptable.

Looking at Xiao Lin Longdan who was chasing after him, Ye Lin immediately considered whether to leave or continue.

The reason why he was sure that Xiao Lin Longdan was the only one in Totsuki who had bamboo fungus was because Xiao Lin Longdan was good at cooking precious ingredients. And bamboo fungus is the most precious ingredient among precious ingredients. It was for this reason that Isshiki 07 Hui asked Ye Lin to find Xiao Lin Longdan.

But after seeing Seeing that the door was not closed, Ye Lin finally walked into Yunmeng Manor.

The whole manor was dominated by white, and there were no vases or antiques in it, and the layout was also very simple. Apart from some necessary furniture, there was nothing else.

Coming to the living room, Ye Lin went straight to the sofa and sat down. Although the sofa looks ordinary, it is surprisingly soft and comfortable to sit on.

After calming down, Ye Lin quickly suppressed the slight fluctuation in his heart.

Should we say that Xiaolin Longdan is worthy of being Xiaolin Longdan, using her advantage as a woman to shake the opponent's mind, and then take the lead in the subsequent conversation. Awesome, awesome.

However, all this was Ye Lin's fantasy, and he never thought that this might be Xiaolin Longdan's nature.

""Hey, why are you still here?" After a while, when Xiaolin Longdan came to the living room and wanted to get some snacks from the refrigerator, he immediately saw Ye Lin sitting on the sofa and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Akane Kubo Momo, who was following Xiaolin Longdan, tilted her cute little head and looked at Ye Lin in confusion, wondering why Ye Lin was here.

As Ye Lin turned his head, he also saw Akane Kubo Momo standing behind Xiaolin Longdan.

I didn't pay attention before, but now I just saw this cute little loli.

A beautiful long purple hair, a raised headband on the side of the head, looks like cute cat ears. Holding a cute little bear, she looks stupid.

It's hard to believe that this girl who looks like she should be in elementary school is actually one of the top ten students in the moon, and the fourth one.

You know, the top ten students in Yuanyue can be said to be the ten most powerful students in Yuanyue, and those who can ascend to this throne do not rely on cuteness, but strength.

And such a cute little loli is actually one of the top ten students in Yuanyue, and the ranking is so high. It is estimated that this makes other people in Yuanyue feel that they have been suffering from dogs in the past few years.

‘"Baji~" Ye Lin took a bite of the three-color pear, and immediately looked at Xiaolin Longdan and said,"Didn't I tell you that I want to ask you for some bamboo fungus? As for your question before, although I have better ingredients, the taste of those ingredients is too overbearing.

If I use them, there will be no suspense about the outcome.

So, I plan to use ordinary ingredients to compete with Erina.

And this bamboo fungus is an important ingredient for the soup in my next dish, so I came to you.


"Too overbearing ingredients, I don't know what you are talking about. As far as I know, there is no ingredient in the world that is more delicious than bamboo fungus. And since you said there is no suspense when using it, I am afraid that the taste of that ingredient is several times more delicious than bamboo fungus. This is impossible."

Xiao Lin Longdan came to sit on a chair beside him, supported his knees with his hands, and looked at Ye Lin seriously again.

""Uh, what do you want to do?"

At this moment, Akane Kubo Momo came to Ye Lin without knowing when, staring at the three-color pear in Ye Lin's hand.

Ye Lin took out this three-color pear when he felt a little thirsty. Fortunately, it was red.

However, being stared at by a cute little girl, even though it was a three-color pear, Ye Lin still felt quite stressed.

""Hmm? Xiao Taozi, what's wrong?" Seeing Akane Kubo Momo staring at the red pear in Ye Lin's hand, Xiaolin Longdan suddenly became a little confused.

She knew Akane Kubo Momo's character, and she would never stare at a pear that she had just eaten half of. Although the color of this pear was something she had never seen before, it wouldn't be so out of control.

"This pear smells very fragrant, ten times stronger than the best pears I have ever eaten."

"What?"After hearing what Akane Kubo Momo said, Kobayashi Longdan looked at the pear in Ye Lin's hand with some surprise.

With a curve of his mouth, Kobayashi Longdan immediately became interested in the pear in Ye Lin's hand.

Whether as a student of Totsuki or a famous culinary family, it can be said that he has eaten not only a variety of high-end ingredients, but also a variety of top-quality fruits.

But now Akane Kubo Momo actually said that the pear in Ye Lin's hand is more than ten times better than the best pear she has ever eaten. How could Kobayashi Longdan not be surprised?

Regardless of the fact that half of the pear in Ye Lin's hand had been eaten, Kobayashi Longdan grabbed it and bit the other side.

Pears are originally juicy and sweet fruits, and the moment Kobayashi Longdan bit it, the juice of the three-color pear kept pouring into his mouth like a flood. That kind of incomparable sweetness but with The unique fragrance of the pear immediately made Xiaolin Longdan addicted to it, so that she unknowingly finished eating the three-color pear in her hand.

Like a kitten, she licked the juice from the pear that flowed into her hand, and a happy expression appeared on Xiaolin Longdan's face. That was the expression she would show when she tasted the delicious food.

Ye Lin on the side didn't know what to say, while Akane Kubo Momo tightly hugged the doll in her hand. She seemed to be accustomed to Xiaolin Longdan's actions. Akane Kubo Momo knew about Xiaolin Longdan's foodie nature, so after seeing her eat the three-color pear from Ye Lin's hand, she did not show any disgusting expression.

However, even so, if she was asked to eat something that others had eaten like Xiaolin Longdan, it would be impossible. Even if she starved to death or jumped to death from the upstairs, it was impossible.

"Do you have any more?" Akane Kubo looked straight at Ye Lin. Since Ye Lin had one, there would be a second one, so Akane Kubo wanted to ask Ye Lin for one.

At the same time, Xiaolin Longdan, who had just eaten one, stared at Ye Lin with shining eyes, and the meaning was self-evident._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel AP

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