Maybe, their singing voices are not so perfect. Maybe, their dancing steps are not so moving.

However, their pure singing voices full of emotions make people fall into it unconsciously.

Maybe their singing voices are indeed very immature now, giving people a green feeling, but ah, their pure singing voices without any impurities are the voices that many idols pursue.

At the beginning, they also had this kind of beautiful and pure singing voices, but they lost it unconsciously.

The spotlights on the ceiling shone on Honoka and the other two, showing the dance steps of the three people that were not perfect but extremely hard.

With the fall of the last note, this concert that was not a concert, was also over.

Why is this concert not considered a concert? Because this concert only has one song from beginning to end, instead of more than ten or twenty songs like other concerts.

And this song alone is what they got with great difficulty.

"Snap Snap""It's really great."

At this time, in addition to Ye Lin and his group, there were several more lovely girls in the studio applauding.

It was obvious that the concert of Honoka and her group had been recognized by them.

This also made the breathless Honoka even happier.

Because these girls were real audiences, not like Ye Lin, who came for friends.

"listen well、、、"Yoshino Yuuki looked at the three people on the stage with shining eyes, and the excitement on her face was not concealed at all.

Although she is a chef, it doesn't mean that she doesn't know anything.

When she is free, she also likes to listen to songs.

And it is obvious that the singing of Honoka and the others conquered her and the audience below.

"Although you are still very young, you are really great. As long as you keep working hard, I believe you will eventually become the brightest stars in the sky." Ye Lin clapped his hands slowly and couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Looking at the boy standing in the front, although Honoka was very tired, she was very happy in her heart. They had only met once, but he was able to achieve this level.

Although she knew that what Ye Lin said was more of a comfort, she was very happy.

Because someone finally affirmed her efforts, how could she not be happy.

At this moment, a girl with a golden ponytail walked in slowly, and came directly in front of Honoka and the other two.

Looking at the three people standing on the stage who had just finished singing and kept panting, a cold voice came immediately."What are you going to do?"

The person who came was none other than the president of the Otonogizaka Academy Student Union, Ayase Eri.

Honoka had never expected that the usually serious and stern student union president Ayase Eri would come back to watch her concert, and when faced with Ayase Eri's questioning, Honoka was stunned.

But it was only for a moment, and soon, after Honoka reacted, she took a step forward, staring at Ayase Eri with her eyes, and replied firmly:"Of course, continue."

"Why? There is no point in persisting like this."Ayase Eri didn't understand why Honoka wanted to continue. After all, everything here has shown that what they are doing is just useless. Why do you insist on doing it when you know that what you are doing has no meaning?

"Because I want to persevere." Facing Eri Ayase's question, Honoka answered without hesitation. The determination on her face moved people.

"Now, I just want to sing and dance more freely. Umi and Kotori must think so too."

Faced with Honoka's question, Minami Kotori and Denzo Umi did not speak, but responded with sweet smiles.

Although they did not speak, this smile is often worth a thousand words.

However, such persistence made Ayase Eri suddenly furious.

As if she thought of some bad memories, Ayase Eri finally did not keep her stiff face.

In her eyes, not to mention singing, just dancing is a mess. Wanting to become an idol like this is simply unrealistic.

On the side, Ye Lin and others looked at Ayase Eri strangely.

Even if they disagreed, they should not have such a big reaction. This reaction looks like jealousy no matter how you look at it.

That's right, it's jealousy.

"Although I don't know what's going on, but ah, people who laugh at other people's dreams are very bad."At this moment, Ye Lin, who was standing by, frowned instinctively and became a little unhappy after hearing what Ayase Eri said.

Although Ayase Eri was also a cute girl, he was a loli control, and he had seen beautiful girls from loli to mature women.

So after hearing what Ayase Eri said, he suddenly became a little unhappy.

"Although the idea of Honoka and Kotori is a little ridiculous, to become idols to save their school.

But even with such a ridiculous idea, no one can blame them.

Do they want to become idols for themselves? No, they want to save their school.

This shows that they really like their school and can even do this for their school.

No matter who wants to start from scratch and become an idol without any help from anyone, whoever hears this will only think it is a joke.

But just for their school, they are willing to become this joke.

On the other hand, I don’t know what efforts you have made for the school, but no matter who it is, no one can deny that they laugh at them for working so hard for their school.


"Ye Jun、、、、、、"

After hearing Ye Lin's words, Honoka and Minami Kotori were moved and looked at Ye Lin.

It can be said that just as Ye Lin said, the classmates in the school heard that they wanted to become idols and heard countless ridicules. But only Ye Lin did not laugh at them because of this ridiculous idea, but encouraged them all the time.

"Who are you? If I remember correctly, there is no such person in Otonogizaka Academy."

Looking viciously at Ye Lin who suddenly appeared, Ayase Eri's mind immediately began to recall the information of Ye Lin and others.

But unfortunately, Ye Lin and others were not from this school, so after thinking for a long time, there was no result.

If it was just one person, then I couldn't remember it. But I didn't know these two people at all, which didn't make sense.

After all, there were only so many people in the school, and I basically met them every day. After a long time, I basically remembered the faces in the school. But I had never seen these two people before, and they were obviously people from outside the school.

"Well, we are not from this school."

Before Ye Lin could say anything, Yukihira Soma on the side immediately spoke up.

This is really not afraid of god-like opponents, but afraid of pig-like teammates.

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