"It's a pity that the highest score I can give is A. I can't give it any higher than that."

This simple sentence directly shows how highly Chapelle thinks of this dish.

"For a chef, the smile of the diners is the best evaluation."

""That's great, mom. I don't have to drop out of school."

Looking at Chapel with regret on his face, Ye Lin smiled and said. As for Tanaka Hui, she relaxed like a deflated balloon after Chapel announced the results.

Chapel was stunned after hearing Ye Lin's words, and immediately laughed."Hahaha, your name is Ye Lin, right? Keep this heart, I believe you will definitely be famous in the world in the future. If you don't understand anything about French cuisine in the future, you can ask me, and I will tell you as long as I know it." As soon as this sentence was said, the people in the classroom were surprised again.

Suddenly, everyone began to wonder who this transfer student was, and why he was so liked by Teacher Chapel.

Tanaka Hui on the side kept looking at Ye Lin with her beautiful eyes. At this time, Ye Lin looked so handsome in her eyes. She knew that the reason she was able to pass this time was all thanks to Ye Lin, otherwise, she would definitely be E

"Teacher, mine is done too."

At this moment, Soma Yukihira's voice also rang out in the classroom. Immediately, the surrounding students were in an uproar again. Even those in his group looked at Soma Yukihira in disbelief.

Beef stewed in Burgundy red wine, in fact, stewing beef is the most time-consuming.

In less than half an hour, it took to make beef stewed in Burgundy red wine from scratch, and the final result was obviously that the beef was stewed half-cooked.

After all, although the beef was fried before, frying only cooked the outer skin to seal the gravy, but the inside was still raw.

So now when Soma Yukihira said it was done, everyone except Ye Lin remained skeptical.

"As expected, he used that method again."

As Soma Yukihira brought the dish up, the rich and slightly sweet aroma of the beef stewed in Burgundy red wine on the plate instantly entered Ye Lin's nose.

In just a moment, the information about Soma Yukihira's dish appeared in Ye Lin's mind.

Knowing the result, Ye Lin did not wait any longer, but returned to his previous cooking table to continue dealing with Soma Yukihira's failed dish.

Ignoring others, Soma Yukihira confidently brought his dish to Chapelle.

Putting Ye Lin and Tanomo Megumi's dishes aside, Chapelle raised his fork and pressed down on the beef, which looked like it was already cooked.

"It's so tender, it seems to bounce the fork back."

Chapelle was immediately amazed at the elasticity of Soma Yukihira's beef. Unlike

Ye Lin's tender beef, Ye Lin's beef was like cotton, while Soma Yukihira's was like a spring.

Chapelle, a top chef in French cuisine, could judge whether Soma Yukihira's beef was fully cooked just by relying on this point.

Although it seemed that the time was not enough, there was no doubt that Soma Yukihira's beef stewed in Burgundy red wine was indeed a finished dish.

Chapelle couldn't believe it, and even the students couldn't believe it.

After all, the time was too short. In such a short time, it was impossible to even finish the beef stew.

"An accident happened during your cooking. How did you finish it in the remaining time?

Although it seems a bit embarrassing for a teacher to ask a student, as a chef, Chapel still asked his question without hesitation.

"Hey, I used honey. Before stewing the meat, I coated it with honey. When seasoning, I also added a little bit of it."

"Honey contains protease, an enzyme that can break down proteins. It is the protease that acts on the hard streaky beef that makes it soft in such a short time."

Chapel, who didn't understand before, immediately understood what was going on after hearing what Soma Yukihira said.


Soma Yukihira laughed with some pride. This method took him many experiments to come up with. He didn't expect that he could use it today. How could he have no choice?

Although he was a little surprised, Chapelle still cut a piece of beef from the beef and put it into his mouth.

Although the beef stewed in Burgundy red wine has been cooked, the most important thing about a dish is the taste. If the taste is not good, no matter how surprised you are, you still have to give it an E.

However, when the beef was put into his mouth, Chapelle was stunned again.

The face that had turned back to a stiff expression smiled again.

In addition to the original rich and tender beef and the mellow aroma of red wine, there is also the sweetness of honey. Under the impact of that taste, it seems as if the whole person has fallen into honey.

This is a brand new taste feast. There is no doubt that Soma Yukihira has completely turned this dish into his own dish

"I give this dish an A. Just like the dish of this classmate, if I can give a grade above A, I will definitely not be stingy."

Hearing Chapelle's praise, Yukihira Soma did not show a proud expression, but asked back:"Then I wonder which one is better, mine or Lin's. Although the dishes are made by Lin's guidance, I still want to know whose is more delicious."

"It seems like you two know each other very well."

After hearing what Yukihira Soma said, Chapel looked at the two of them with a faint smile.

"How should I put it? The two dishes have their own merits.

One can be said to have brought out the taste of this dish to the extreme.

Although there are some flaws in the middle, it is the problem of another student.

However, even so, with the help of classmate Ye Lin, this dish is still almost perfectly presented.

And your dish uses bold and innovative ideas because of time constraints, and it has become your own dish.

In terms of taste, the two are almost on par, but if I have to evaluate the two dishes, I choose this dish"


Seeing Chapelle pointing at his own food, Soma Yukihira suddenly became excited.

But then he gave up, because he knew that Ye Lin was only responsible for the knife skills for the food of Tanaka Hui and Ye Lin, and Tanaka Hui was the one who did the cooking. Although Ye Lin knew about it, he never cooked it himself in the end. Although it seemed that he won, if you counted it carefully, he lost.

But this also made Soma Yukihira want to defeat Ye Lin head-on even more.


At this moment, a terrified cry suddenly came from the audience.

Ye Lin turned his head and saw the two people who framed Yukihira Soma looking at their pots with horror. Apparently, just like in the original book, they were so surprised that Yukihira Soma could finish the dish ahead of time and made a dish that made Chapelle laugh that they accidentally sprinkled salt on the dish.

With a hint of sarcasm, Ye Lin ignored the two of them.

For these two people, they were not worthy of being called chefs at all.

"It's done."

Smelling the aroma coming from the pot, Ye Lin frowned and smiled.

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