"This is、、、Spicy shrimps? ? ?"

In front of the three judges, twenty red shrimps lay there quietly, with red soup swimming slowly underneath. Apart from that, there was nothing else, not even a bit of chopped green onion.

And this spicy smell came from the lobsters and shrimps.

Although this spicy smell kept stimulating their sense of smell, making their mouths constantly secrete saliva and swallow it. But no one took action, or they were waiting for others to take action.

Looking at the judges who never took action, those people immediately thought that Ye Lin's cooking must not be very good, but Ye Lin vaguely guessed something.

To be able to become a judge of Totsuki Shokugeki, they must be well-known figures outside.

And these people, no matter where they are or what they do, they pay attention to one Etiquette, even eating is the same.

However, if you want to eat these spicy shrimps now, you certainly can’t use chopsticks, forks, or knives, you can only eat them with your hands.

But if you do this, it will be very disrespectful.

However, at this time, they can be said to be caught between etiquette and food. If they choose etiquette, they can’t eat it, but if they choose food, it would be embarrassing to be disrespectful in front of so many people.

However, the last three judges seemed to have discussed it with their eyes, and they all reached out to the spicy shrimps.

After all, they are judges. If they don’t taste the contestants’ dishes, I guess, let alone other things, they won’t be considered for the next food competition.

You know, in Totsuki’s food competition, you can taste all kinds of delicious dishes for free, and these dishes are hard to find outside.

""Whoosh, hot."

Just as one of the judges was grabbing one of the shrimps, the scorching heat immediately reached his hand. The judge didn't notice and let go of the shrimp, causing it to fall.

Noticing the action of the judge next to him, the judge with the Mediterranean hairstyle on the right showed a disdainful expression.

Fortunately, the previous judge reminded him, so the remaining two judges grabbed a shrimp and put it into their mouths instantly.

"Um~~"As soon as the X2 shrimp entered their mouths, the two judges who had not paid any attention to it suddenly widened their eyes.

‘Suck 'X2.

A huge suction force emerged from the mouths of the two people, and their target was the shrimp in their mouths.

Although the shrimp blocked their mouths, they seemed to be sucking jelly, and their throats kept moving.

Noticing the appearance of the two judges, the judge who was burned before suddenly felt confused. However, although he was confused, he couldn't help but grab a piece and put it into his mouth when he saw his two companions eating so deliciously.


Just like the two people before, when the shrimp entered his mouth, his cheeks suddenly sunken and made a sucking motion.

The soup, the spicy soup was sucked out along the lobster's body and flowed into the stomach along the throat.

Originally, it was thought that the body of seafood like shrimp could not hold the soup, but for some reason, when the shrimp entered the mouth, the spicy taste stimulated the taste buds and made them subconsciously suck a mouthful, wanting to suck a little soup.

But who could have imagined that the soup in the shrimp was not just a little, but a lot.

The spicy soup and the deliciousness of the shrimp made people unable to stop eating.

When the soup in the shrimp was sucked out, the three people took the shrimp out of their mouths without any hesitation and opened it.

In the red shrimp head, a small piece of golden yellow thing lay there quietly, and there was nothing else except that. Who can be invited to be a judge is not very knowledgeable about food? Just one glance can tell that the golden thing is nothing else but shrimp roe.

Put the shrimp head into your mouth and just suck it gently. After sucking out the shrimp roe in the head, peel off the shell of the tail and put the tail meat into your mouth.

If the soup in the sea shrimp is an appetizer, then what you are eating now is the so-called main course.

The shrimp roe tastes extremely delicious, and the shrimp meat is firm and elastic. It seems to bounce off your teeth when you bite it.

And as the shrimp tail meat is constantly chewed in the mouth, a large amount of soup bursts out of the shrimp meat.

Not only is there soup in the shrimp itself, but even the shrimp meat is rich in soup.

Although it is very spicy, it is spicy and enjoyable.

And there is a faint aroma of wine in the shrimp meat, which makes them even more unable to stop.

Looking at the 17 spicy shrimps left in front of them, the three judges didn't care about their appearance and reached out to grab the lobsters. Then they sucked the soup from the shrimp body and ate the shrimp roe and shrimp meat.

"Ha ha ha ha、、、"

The three judges laughed heartily while eating the spicy shrimps, as if they had encountered something happy.

"this、、、How is this going?"

"It must be fake, how come these judges are laughing so happily."

The students in the audience looked at the judges who had started to scramble for the food in disbelief. It was completely different from their previous expression of not wanting to eat.

They didn't know what was wrong with the judges. They had an expression that they didn't want to eat before, but now they were eating so happily.

Not only did they not believe it, but even Erina didn't believe it.

She turned her head to look at Ye Lin. When she saw Ye Lin with a smug smile on his face, Erina immediately felt that Ye Lin must be very proud.

She bit her silver teeth fiercely. If possible, she really wanted to go up and slap him twice.

But this was just a thought. After all, she was Erina, the God's Tongue. How could she do such a thing in public? If she wanted to beat him, she would find a place where there was no one, put a sack on him and beat him.

However, at this time, the three The judges did not announce the result, and no one knew who would win.

After all, when the judges tasted Erina's food, their faces showed an expression as if they were in heaven, which made them very impressed.

Twenty spicy shrimps, no matter how they were divided, there must be one person who couldn't get one.

So in order to eat one more shrimp in the end, the three people almost fought.

When the spicy shrimps on the plate were all eaten, the three judges lay back on their chairs with reluctance.

If they were not in the public eye at this time, they might even lick their fingers.

Picking up the napkin beside him, he wiped his hands stained with soup, looked at the tea leaves next to him, frowned slightly, and finally picked it up and drank a few sips, and finally showed a satisfied expression.

(I'm so sorry, I said something happened at home the day before yesterday, and the update will be slower recently. Now I have to take care of my sick mother, and the laundry, cooking and cleaning are all on my head, so if the update is slow, please don't scold me. Although it will be slow sometimes, I will still try to update more)

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