Shokuki: Start with an izakaya and make everyone cry

Chapter 206 Raising tigers brings trouble

Addiction has always been difficult to clearly define and sometimes even leads to misunderstandings.

Addictions like drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol are relatively easy to understand.

But "food" must be eaten every day. If you don't eat it, you will definitely not be able to live. Is it possible that after suffering from "food addiction", you have to give up food?

Research has found that some foods can indeed induce the brain's reward circuit, leading to addiction.

With the booming development of the food industry and capital investment, scientists have created many "scientific foods" through various combinations and artificial flavors.

Many people are obsessed with the desire to eat, and even make their eating behavior out of control, further affecting normal life!

For Nakiri Shinagi who possesses the tongue of God.

Mere sweets, starchy foods, salty snacks, sugary drinks, fatty foods, etc. will certainly not make her addicted.

But ever since she was conquered by Zhang Fan's cuisine, she has been "induced".

Not hungry!

Want to eat too.

When the symptoms are severe, you will feel weak, have a fever, sweat, and have a flushed face all night long.

She wanted to try hard to restrain herself, but the effect was often not satisfactory, and the less she could eat the food Zhang Fan made, the more uncomfortable she would feel.

Once, she secretly bought a lot of professional books on dietary psychology and tried to think about:

Why did it become like this, and what else could I do?

But this knowledge did not help her. The only effective way to solve food addiction was to often go to the izakaya and let Zhang Fan cook, and rely on his strength to get back on the normal track of life.

In this way, within a certain period of time, you will not think about overeating!

After wiggling her fingers, Nagiri Managi finished a whole plate of Undragon Fried Shrimp, still feeling unsatisfied.

"You've eaten the snapper sashimi and fried shrimp, are you still hungry?" Zhang Fan immediately came to her and asked in a low voice after clearing away the plates on the table.


Touching his belly, Shinagi said without thinking.

"The appetite is quite good. At least the average woman doesn't eat as much as you do."

Recalling the portions of the meals she ordered every time she came to the izakaya, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sigh.

"I've been hungry for several days. How can I be worthy of my stomach if I don't eat enough?"

When Shinagi heard this, his face turned slightly red and he rolled his eyes angrily.

"Okay, now that you've eaten and drank enough, we'll stop here tonight. Annie, you'll pay the bill."

Immediately afterwards, Nakiri Managi, who was entangled in affairs, stood up, seemingly intending to leave quickly.


Annie nodded, smiled and paid the money.

Finally, when the two women disappeared from everyone's eyes, the entire izakaya returned to the noisy atmosphere.

Many diners are talking about the shocking "The Strongest Professor" scene just now, and the protagonist in it, Nakiri Shinagi!

And looking at the retreating figure, the sparkle in Zhang Fan's eyes gradually faded, becoming like a bottomless pool.

"It seems that she is more dependent on my cooking."

"No wonder she just faced the perfect version of Libing Fresh Sea Bream, which triggered a skill more powerful than the teaching pulse."


"It's really fun."

"The evolution speed of God's Tongue is truly terrifying!"

As the black car drove, the night gradually deepened.

The scenery on both sides of the road looks psychedelic and charming under the illumination of street lights.

Finally, the car drove into the city. The neon lights of the city were shining dazzlingly under the night. The traffic was flowing like a weaving, and people were passing by in a hurry, as if they were all running for life.

At this moment, Nagi Nakiri, who was sitting in the car, raised his head slightly and looked up at the starry sky outside the car window, his heart full of emotion and expectation.

She knew that she couldn't hold it anymore, and if she continued to stay in the izakaya, she would no longer be able to control her mouth.

Therefore, while she still had some sense left, she decisively asked Anne to pay the bill and "escaped" quickly.


"I still can't control myself!"

Why do I feel like I'm obsessed with his food now? "

"If you have to gobble it up, you have to want to devour all his food."

Shinagi had a lot of thoughts, but in the end he could only laugh deeply at himself.

From the first time she was successfully conquered by Zhang Fan's cooking, she knew that the wheel of fate had begun to turn.

And as the special executive officer of the WGO Food Organization, the ideals she wants to pursue in her life and the new era of cuisine she hopes for will be realized in Zhang Fan.

"Samagi-sama, are we going to spread our plans to the entire Neon Kingdom?"

On the side, seeing that Nakiri Managi seemed to be worried, Annie couldn't help but have a strange look in her eyes and asked softly.

"Wait a minute, I'm a little tired during this time."

After finishing speaking, Shinagi rubbed his forehead with both hands. He looked really tired: "Now, famous restaurants in Northern Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, and Western Europe and other countries, as well as the drafted list of Totsuki graduates, have been Have Caibo Chaoyang and others solved it?"

"Yes, there are now more than 50 percent two-star restaurants."

"Due to the late-night waiter incident, the restaurant was completely closed down."

"As for Totsuki graduates such as Kadozaki Taki, Shinomiya Kojiro, Saiba Joichiro, and others who were related to Totsuki, they were all eradicated one by one."

Annie nodded and said truthfully.

"How much did you just say?"

"50%? More than half of the two-star restaurants are gone."

His eyes flickered, and Shinagi immediately fell into deep thought.

“That’s what worries me the most.

"Samagi-sama, I don't want to ask about your purpose and intention when you go to support the late-night cook."

"But you should understand the truth of breeding tigers. If you indulge them now, I'm afraid the situation will not be under control in the future!" Anne secretly glanced at her with the corner of her eyes, and Anne couldn't help but worry.

"What are you afraid of? Can those little minions challenge the status of the WGO Food Organization?"

"What's more, the entire table food industry is currently in a state of decay, with no hope at all. I have long intended to break this status quo."

Shinagi's eyes became deep and his voice was filled with a hint of majesty.

"So, how long will it take?"

"The group of late-night cooks are already ready to move, waiting for your order to start marching into the Neon Country."

"Especially the gifted Saiba Asahi, he wants to bring Totsuki graduates such as Kikuchichiengo, Miki Hinata, Mizuhara Fuyumi, as well as a group of gourmet celebrities such as Curry Queen, Shingo Andou, etc. Defeat them all!”

Anne felt helpless and could only ask tentatively.

"There's no rush, let them wait."

"Half a year, I think it should be enough after half a year, because I see another possibility in Zhang Fan."

"At the same time, I also want to know what Nakamura Ji in North America is secretly recruiting a group of Wall Street financial giants to establish the Nakamura Chamber of Commerce."

Nakiri Shinagi thought for a while and said.


Annie, be silent!

Medicinal diet, in layman’s terms.

It is the combination of medicine and food according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and scientific cooking to make delicious dishes, namely:

Many foods are both food and medicine!


In short.

That is to say, medicine and food have the same origin, and medicine and food have the same root.

Therefore, compared to other cuisines, medicated cuisine should be regarded as the most difficult one to learn.

It must require the chef to be proficient in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, especially the functions of various medicinal materials, and to know how to use the combination of medicine and food.

In addition, medicated diet focuses on dialectical feeding, which should vary from person to person, and the medicated diet should be prepared according to the symptoms of the eater, such as:

The yin and yang theory of Chinese cuisine.

Under normal conditions in the human body, yin and yang are in a delicate balance.

When the human body declines and the body becomes imbalanced, different symptoms will appear.

This requires that during conditioning, the herbalist must choose symptomatic medicated meals according to the decline of yin and yang, so as to restore the balance of yin and yang in the body.

As early as ancient times.

From eating raw food to eating cooked food, it can be regarded as the development process of medicated diet.

According to the "Book of Rites of Zhou" records, there were food doctors in the Zhou Dynasty. They were mainly responsible for preparing the taste, temperature and weight of the "six foods, six drinks, six meals, one hundred delicacies and one hundred sauces" for the Emperor of Zhou.

Even at that time, in order to protect the health of the palace officials and prepare suitable diets, food officials were specially established.

As the most loyal henchman around Erina, Hisako actually has another identity that few people know about.

She comes from a family of medicinal cuisine, and what she is best at is:

Medicinal cuisine!

At this time, in a spacious and bright kitchen.

Xinhu Feisha, the four required Chinese medicinal materials of Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong rhizome, wine peony root and rehmannia glutinosa were mixed according to the weight of three qian mentioned in the ancient prescription, that is, 15 grams each.

Wash the four medicinal materials and soak them in a casserole for 15 minutes.

Then, the amount of water in the casserole exceeds the medicinal materials by 3 cm.

Boil the Chinese medicine over high heat and stir the medicine with chopsticks to make it evenly heated.

After the medicinal materials are boiled, turn to low heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

Take the medicine three times. Take the medicine for the first time and pour out the soup. Remember, the soup cannot be poured out completely. There is a little medicine left in the casserole.

After pouring out the medicine, add water and bring to a boil.

The method for taking the medicine for the second and third times is the same.

Finally, the mutton is blanched in boiling water to remove the blood foam and fishy smell.

Then put the blanched mutton into the pot together with the ginger, bring the soup to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam, then turn to low heat and simmer slowly.

The so-called four things soup.

It comes from "Bureau Prescription" and is an important prescription for treating schizophrenia. It consists of four traditional Chinese medicines:

Angelica sinensis.

Ligusticum chuanxiong.


Rehmannia glutinosa.

The original recipe is made into powder and then fried. The recipe uses nine-time steaming and nine-drying of Rehmannia glutinosa.

If it is used to enhance the blood-tonifying effect, then the amount of Angelica sinensis and Rehmannia glutinosa may be slightly more than 15 grams, followed by peony, and Chuanqiong the least.

Now, Feishao's medicinal diet is taken from the "Four Things Drink" in "Shengji Zonglu".

Then on this basis, more mutton and ginger are added. The characteristics of this medicinal diet are nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys, activating blood circulation and unblocking meridians, and moisturizing the skin.

Women often take this soup, which has a good health care effect on the skin and can also treat symptoms such as dark spots and freckles on the face.

over time.

The soup in the pot gradually becomes mellow and rich, and the mutton becomes softer and more flavorful.

At this time, Dan Jian Feisha used chopsticks to gently pierce the mutton to check its doneness.

And when the lamb can penetrate easily, it means the dish is nearing the end.

In the final stage, add an appropriate amount of salt for seasoning.

The addition of salt can not only improve the taste of the soup, but also further enhance its nutritional value.

Finally, after a little time passed, this Siwu Mutton Soup was completed.

Pour the mutton and soup in the pot into a large bowl, sprinkle with some chopped green onion as a garnish, and a Siwu mutton soup with good color, aroma and flavor will be fully presented in front of you.

"If Qi is deficient, make up for it with flavor."

"Angelica sinensis nourishes blood and relieves blood stagnation, ginger dispels cold and relieves qi stagnation, and mutton is mainly used to nourish qi and promote blood circulation, so as to warm qi."

"Theoretically, there should be no problem with this pot of Siwu Mutton Soup."

"Forget it, instead of analyzing, it would be more practical to taste it yourself."

Looking at the freshly baked Siwu Mutton Soup in front of him, Fei Shasha could not help but fall into deep thought.

Later, she tasted a little bit by herself, and felt that every mouthful of the soup contained the nourishment of medicinal herbs, and the aroma of the mutton was mellow and rich, as if it could penetrate the soul.

By itself, the mutton is soft and tasty, with a delicate texture.

After being blended with four kinds of medicinal materials, it brings a unique taste experience.

"It's pretty good!"

After swallowing, Fei Shasha's eyes showed excitement and he couldn't help but take another bite.

As the protagonist of Siwu mutton soup, mutton.

Its taste is naturally crucial. After careful stew, the mutton has become tender and delicious.

With just one bite, you can instantly feel the delicate meat texture and unique aroma.

At the same time, in this, the fresh aroma of the four medicinal materials is like a cool breeze, gently passing over the tip of the tongue.

Suddenly, it was as if an electric current entered her body, creating a warm and comfortable feeling, making her whole body feel numb. Even the muscles all over his body seemed to be injected with new vitality, and every nerve was beating with joy.

Fei Shasha couldn't believe it. She wanted to get rid of this wonderful feeling, but found that she couldn't move.

"No, I...I can't bear it anymore!"

Silver teeth clenched, Fei Shasha's bright eyes were covered with a layer of mist.

She underestimated the efficacy of this pot of Siwu mutton soup, except that it could refresh her mental outlook.

It actually made her body feel hot and her heart beat faster.

"Fei Sha, are you still up so late?"

Nakiri Erina's voice suddenly sounded behind her.

Feishao could only look back with difficulty. She wanted to explain, but found that she could not speak.

Seeing her motionless like this, Erina felt baffled, and then he noticed that her face was flushed, so he asked with concern: "Why is your face so red? Is it because you have a cold or a fever?"

After speaking, she stretched out her jade hand and placed it on her smooth forehead.

Fei Shao's heart skipped a beat, and she finally let out a loud moan and fell limply into Erina's arms, her delicate body trembling continuously.

"Whirring whirring."

"Miss, I can't do it anymore, I...I really can't do it anymore!"

Erina: (⊙o⊙)

ha? What exactly is going on?

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